Chapter 12: The Heart of the Matter

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Dr. Onsourl Pestis
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

Dr. Pestis hadn't been to the research library in years. Every time he as forced to look something up, he was reminded of how much he'd actually discovered over the course of his career. Here in the library, he had access to all of his unpublished research along with every single medical record across the galaxy. The Emperor had given it to him when he first started working on Experiment 2187.

He sat down at a table in front of a tower housing information about memory. Based on Yersinia's report on Ahsoka's unexplained knowledge of Lux, there had to be something he was overlooking. He had checked everything for any sign of malfunction: her chip, his storage cloud, the machines—but nothing was wrong. Everything was functioning normally.

Maybe it had something to do with her species. He was used to performing this sort of operation on humans. When he had researched Togruta biology and brain structure, he only found minor differences that couldn't affect memory. No, that couldn't be it.

There was something he still hadn't considered at great length that could be the cause. As a little boy, he remembered the doctors explaining to him a concept called cellular memory shortly before he received his new heart. It was supposedly some theory that individual cells have the capability of storing emotional memory apart from the brain. Because it was a very emotional time for him, he had paid it little attention. Now, that information could prove to be useful. He searched it though his databases and pulled together some sources to sift through.

One of them in particular stood out to him: an article written about a particular case study before the Clone War. A woman had received an organ from a man killed in a brawl on the lower levels. Doctors determined that his cause of death was a blaster shot to his face. The woman who had undergone a heart transplant reported having visions of a flash of light near her own face, even though she was not able to tap into the force.

There was a reason the heart was associated with love. It had the ability to store emotional memories and feelings. This could be the key factor Dr. Pestis missed. Was there a way to correct his mistake?

Ahsoka's interaction with Lux Bonteri triggered her memory; the doctor was sure of it. He could simply get rid of her heart and implant an artificial one, but that was much more work for him. It would take years of study to come up with something that adjusted to the age and maturity of the individual since he had a tendency to change them from time to time.

There was only one option left: Lux Bonteri had to go. If Ahsoka saw him again, Dr. Pestis feared that the little spark of recall could fuel a much bigger fire that even he wouldn't be able to control.

The Emperor was waiting for his army, and the doctor did not wish to keep him waiting for much longer.


Kalex Bonteri
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

Kal really hated this place. The nurse felt the need to give him doses of this green stuff every hour on the hour, and it made him feel terrible. She said it was preparation for some process the doctor wanted done on him for his research. Yersinia said anything Dr. Pestis found out would be applied to his mother and his sister's well-being, so he supposed it was not the end of the world for the time being.

As Yersinia left the room, Kal reached in his pocket and pulled out a small datapad. He was thoroughly surprised that none of the medical personnel had noticed it, but he had tried to hide it. Apparently he had done a good job.

"Ahsoka Tano," Kal muttered, typing the name into the search bar. There had to be a way to access her memories before Yersinia came back. He had one hour.

A list of diagnostics came up. He clicked on the tab labeled "Memory Information" and started skimming through the data listed.

His eyes widened. Dr. Pestis had placed an inhibitor chip at the base of her spine that connected to her brain. This chip collected information about any experiences and memories before she was revived. At the end of each day, everything collected was sent to another secure database.

This explained everything. His mother didn't remember him because she no longer possessed any knowledge of his existence. It was all in a computer somewhere. If Kal could get to that computer, he could make her remember everything. There was so much he wanted to know about the war and the Jedi that only she had known. Their entire lives would be changed forever if he could do it. There had to be a way.


Lux Bonteri
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

In the middle of the night, or at least in the middle of his nap, Lux heard a loud bang in his room. He rubbed his eyes and flipped the light switch. Much to his surprise, Kal was laying on the floor in front of him, rubbing his head. Lux looked up and noticed that the hatch to the ventilation duct was missing. To Kal's credit, he was sometimes very clever.

"Kal? Are you okay? What did they do to you?" He threw the blankets off of himself and sat down beside Kal, helping him up. The green chemical that had been given to both Kal and Ahsoka was still clearly visible in his veins.

"Relax, Dad, I'm fine. You worry too much."

"No, I worry exactly the right amount!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kal dropped a small datapad in his hands before standing up and brushing the dust off of his shirt. "You were wrong, Dad. That is the real Ahsoka Tano, and she does remember us. The doctor is controlling what she does remember with a chip and storing the rest someplace else! All the information you need to know is in there."

Lux turned it on and glanced at everything Kal had left open. "Are you serious? Where did you get this?"

He shrugged. "I found it. Oh, and there's one more thing. There was a report in there somewhere that Mom recognized you, but couldn't put her finger on who you were. It's apparently some huge setback for them if she starts recovering her memory from the chip, so they've decided to take action. They're..." he shook his head, as if he didn't believe what he was saying. "They're planning to kill you."

Lux knew it was coming. After he was brought to the lab, there was only so much that could be taken from him. He wasn't force-sensitive, and he was getting old. They were after his kids because they were like Ahsoka, not him.


"Tomorrow. They're going to take your memories and some other things that were listed as classified before killing you and removing your organs."

"Well, that sounds lovely. As much as I'd like to stick around for them to dissect me, I have other plans. Thanks for the datapad; I'll be sure to read it."

Kal shook his head. "We can't leave yet! We have to get Mom's memories back to her first!"

"Do you know where they are?"

"Well, not exactly, but I can figure it out."

Lux needed to leave. Now that his death was scheduled, his time was limited. He had to get a transmission out to an old friend before it was too late. "Kal, just trust me on this one, okay? I know someone who can help us out."


"Princess Leia Organa."

A/N: Sooooo Lux is gonna die. Things are about to get real here. Kal is starting to find things out for himself now, too. Ahsoka's having a baby soon *winks*, and Dr. Pestis has encountered a problem. PRINCESS LEIA IS COMING SOON YAY AT LEAST THAT'S GOOD RIGHT?

That bit about cellular memory is legit, by the way. I tried to explain it as best I could, but in case anything was unclear, here's one of my sources: (The story I included of the woman who had the transplant came from here)

I'll try to get some more up soon. I had a thought earlier that makes this novel 1000 times better, so I really want to get to that part ASAP. Until next time, may the force be with you!

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