Chapter 17: Courtyard Confessions

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Ahsoka Tano
19 BBY
Bonteri Estate

Lux's mansion on Raxus was tiny compared to his private estate on Onderon. She felt her jaw drop as it came into view. Lux had offered to drive them so they didn't have to deal with any Imperial officers, which, in hindsight, was a good idea. Clones from the 212th had been sent to Onderon to facilitate the transition, and most of them would've recognized Ahsoka. Plus, there was the added bonus of hugging his waist...

She wasn't sure what she thought of Lux yet. Sure, she liked him, but was he was just a friend. Anakin had always teased her about the little crush Ahsoka used to have on him before she left the Order, but everything had changed since then. Even just thinking about Anakin again after what had happened... She couldn't think about that now.

"This is it?" Ahsoka whispered in his ear as the speeder came to a halt.

"Yeah. You like it?"

"Are you kidding? I could get lost inside of that!"

"In that case—" He got off the speeder and extended a hand. "Would you like to start exploring?"

She took it without hesitation. "Of course. Beat you inside, Bonteri!"


Ahsoka tossed and turned in her bed. It was taking her forever to fall asleep. Normally, one her head hit the pillow, she was out. Not tonight. Tonight, she couldn't get an image of an infant wrapped in a white blanket out of her head. The child looked human, but she couldn't be certain. Most babies looked the same, to a certain degree. The feature that stood out most was the child's sparkling purple irises. There was something special about the child that Ahsoka couldn't yet see.

Giving up, Ahsoka crawled out from under the sheets of her bed. She grabbed her lightsabers and a cloak before stepping into the hall. With no destination in particular in mind, she wandered around for a while before finally finding a courtyard. She opened the glass doors and slipped outside, letting the warm, night air surround her.

It had been called Order 66. The Chancellor activated a chip inside each clone's mind that controlled their actions. He made them betray the Jedi. Why hadn't she seen it before? Why hadn't any of the Jedi seen it before?

Anakin was dead. There was no other fathomable explanation for why his bright light had been so suddenly extinguished. If he was killed, why was she allowed to survive? She wasn't even a real Jedi. If anyone deserved to survive, it was Anakin, not her.

Ahsoka called her lightsabers to her hands and began moving through her old exercises. Ever since she left the Order, it had become a habit of hers. She wanted to stay in shape and keep her abilities up to par, and without battles every day to test her strength, she would have to do it herself.


Lux Bonteri
19 BBY
Bonteri Estate

Lux leaned on the balcony railing, watching Ahsoka practice. It was the middle of the night, and he had just finished his work for the day. He wanted to go to bed, but her movements were just so... mesmerizing. He had always been amazed by the way a Jedi could take down an entire army of droids and make it look easy.

There was something about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Maybe it was the fluidity from one motion to the next, or the way she smiled after completing a sequence correctly.

Lux really liked her. At first, she was just another person who happened to cross paths with him. Over time, they had become good friends. Now, was she still just a friend to him?

He kicked the railing in front of him and turned away from her. No, she wasn't. Every time he thought about her, Lux felt his mouth curve into a giddy smile. Normally, since public speaking was his job, he never had a problem with carrying on a normal conversation with someone. Every time he tried to talk to Ahsoka, however, his mind went blank, and he couldn't figure out what to say.

It was more frustrating than anything else. Of all the people in the galaxy, why did he have to fall for Ahsoka? He was sure she thought he was a pathetic moron, especially after the battle on Onderon. There was no way his feelings for her would ever be reciprocated. She was a Jedi, after all. The Jedi weren't allowed to have attachments or romantic relationships of any sort. Even though she was no longer a Jedi, Lux knew that she was still holding on to some of the rules. She had been conditioned to think a certain way for as long as she could remember, so it wasn't her fault. Maybe, in the future, a day would come when she wasn't subconsciously bound by the Jedi rules.

His father had always told him not to give up on something you love. He had been the reason Lux started following a political career path in the first place. His interest in the subject came from Mina, but Lux never would've actively pursued his dream of becoming a Senator without his father's words of encouragement. Perhaps the same principle applied to Ahsoka.


Lux emerged again in the garden, not far from where Ahsoka was practicing. He walked through the botanical statues and flower bushes, trying to get to the courtyard. Something fiery orange caught his eye as he passed a cluster of bushes. He turned around, his eyes drawn to the single Rominaria flower. It was hidden beneath the green leaves of the plants around it.

It had been years since Lux had seen a Rominaria flower in the gardens. Senator Amidala had planted some here when she was one of his mother's pupils, long before he was born. A few had grown back over time, but they always died out.

Lux pulled it from the ground and tucked it behind his belt. Ahsoka had been to hell and back over the past few days; the least he could do was give her a flower.

After taking a deep breath, he slowly walked towards her. As he got closer, he tried to make some noise so he wouldn't startle her. Once he was within earshot, he cleared his throat, announcing his presence.

Ahsoka whipped around. She placed a hand over her heart and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's you."

"Yeah, sorry about that." They stared at each other for a moment, neither one saying a word. She sniffled, and Lux's gaze drifted to her eyes. She was crying again. "Hey, are you okay?"

Her lightsabers deactivated, and she hooked them back on her belt, nodding feebly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ahsoka had been having emotional breakdowns since he told her about the events that had transpired. He couldn't blame her; it was a lot to process.

She shook her head. "No, I'm fine."

"You don't have to be alone, Ahsoka." He took a step closer to her and handed her the Rominaria flower. "Look, I mean, you've been through a lot, and I..."

He stopped short as Ahsoka wrapped her arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder. "Thanks, Lux," she whispered. "Thanks for being here when I need you."

"Anything for you, Ahsoka."

A/N: Hey guys! How are you all on this fine Wednesday night?

You're welcome for the fluff. I was in a fluffy mood today, but I didn't want to overdo it. That's the next chapter ;) Our luxsoka family will be traveling to the Lake Country of Naboo, which just so happened to be where this scene took place.

Expect lots of references because there will be a heck of a lot. I have a plan for how it's going to go, and I'm super excited because it's going to be fun to write. You might be a little frustrated with a certain character while reading it, but hey, that's what makes it good ;)

I wanted that part from Lux on the balcony to be one of those times where the guy is looking at the girl, completely starry-eyed, while she does/talks about one of her passions. Much like this scene from Tangled.

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