Chapter 24: Discovering the Truth

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Dr. Onsourl Pestis
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

The time to act had come. Dr. Pestis had been watchin Ahsoka's tracker the entire time they'd been in the facility, and he'd monitored General Leia Organa's progress throughout her trip to acquire the Reeksa Root. She'd tried several doors and failed miserably, but at least she'd found it. Now that she was on her way back to deliver the medication, the doctor had to intervene.

He pulled a cloak over his head and called the Emperor. "My lord, your specimens are ready for the next phase of the operation. Should I transport them to Kamino myself, or would you prefer that I send them with your apprentice?"

"Darth Fils will be there in one rotation to collect them. You have done well, Onsourl. You deserve your reward."

"Thank you, my lord." He bowed slightly out of respect for the man. "I look forward to Darth Fils' arrival." He cut the transmission and signaled for a group of stormtroopers to come with him. He would box them in with force, and there would be nowhere for them to run.


The doctor stood outside the door to the pitiful Resistance's hideout. With troopers armed and ready behind him, the doctor punched in the system override password, and the door slid open.

"Good evening, my guests. I must apologize for being a terrible host. May I show you to your rooms for the rest of your miserable lives?"

The Princess stood up from Ahsoka's bed. "Not on your life, you pest!"

"Now, now, Princess, let's not be too hasty. I think you might like to hear what I have to offer. I'll let your pretty boy Solo and his wookie leave this place without laying a finger on either of them, that is, if you stay."

Han's hand immediately reached for his blaster. "This Princess ain't stayin' here, pal. You can count on that."

Dr. Pestis chuckled to himself. "That is... most unfortunate. I'm afraid if she doesn't stay, I'll have to terminate both Lux Bonteri and Ahsoka Tano in your place."

Lux grabbed Leia's arm and squeezed it gently. "Get them out of here, Princess. We'll be okay."

"You're not dying on my watch, old man," she replied jokingly. Obviously, she did not comprehend the weight of her actions. The doctor intended it kill Ahsoka Tano regardless. It was only a matter of whether he wanted Lux Bonteri dead, too.

"No, Leia. Go. I mean it. Read a book on the Battle of Naboo on your way home and see if you find it stimulating. It's nice to imagine what it would've been like, with that massive army ready to mobilize at any moment... Maybe I'm just getting old. Take care, Princess."

The Princess hesitated a moment, contemplating her choices. "I understand completely, Senator. I wish you the best of luck until we see each other again."

With one final wave, the Princess, Han, and the wookie were gone. Their decision had surprised the doctor, but the tracking beacon aboard their ship would allow him to track them down once he'd dealt with the Bonteri-Tanos.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to separate you two now," he said. Yersinia forcefully tore the baby from its father's arms and handed it to Dr. Pestis. "Yersinia, may I have the information you downloaded from the medical records on Naboo?" She reached in her pocket and revealed a small disk.

Lux threw the blanket off his shoulders. "You foul, loathsome, evil little—"

"Lux!" Ahsoka hissed, holding him back. "He's not worth it."

He nodded and turned around. Without warning, he whipped his fist around, making contact with the doctor's nose. "Get away from me, get away from my family, and get the kriff out of my life!" Lux spat back.

Dr. Pestis clutched his nose. There were definitely a few broken bones, but there was nothing he couldn't fix. It hurt. Blood was gushing out, and it was all over his hands. Bonteri certainly knew how to throw a punch.

"You'll pay for this, old man. Guards, deal with them."


Kalex Bonteri
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

When Kal got back to the room, it was empty. The only thing hinting that there could've been people there was the blanket abandoned on the cot. The doctor had found them. Kal knew it. There was no other explanation for why they had left. Neither one was strong enough to walk by themselves. Leia, Han, and Chewie must've left, though he had a funny feeling that he'd see them again real soon.

Kal dropped out of the vents and flung the blanket over his shoulder. Where could Dr. Pestis have taken them? Lux was probably on his way back to prison by now, but where was Ahsoka? Where was Raiya?

He closed his eyes and focused on the building. After his father had told him about the force, he seemed more aware of when he used it. Kal quieted his mind and searched the building, searching for the familiar presence of anyone in his family. His inner eye was drawn to his mother's chamber, where he saw Yersinia load her into a bacta tank with that foul green liquid.

His eyes snapped open. That's where he had to go. If he could get to Ahsoka and giver her back her memories, she would be able to help him find the others and get out of this horrid place.

Kal jumped back up into the vents and started crawling in that general direction. He had to get to Ahsoka. Without her, he wasn't sure he was going to make it out alive.


I was originally planning to have a triple update up and ready for you all by now, but I decided against it. Why, you ask? I have a 4 hour car ride tomorrow to finish these up and crank out a few more. I've prewritten some things further on that are very heart-wrenching, so I want to put in some flahbacks with fluff to cushion the feels. You'll thank me later.

If all goes well, I'll have three (or more) chapters up tomorrow. Until then, may the force be with you!

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