Chapter 27: To Meet an End

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Lux Bonteri
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

"Lux Bonteri, we need to talk." Dr. Pestis strolled into Lux's hospital room, his arms crossed over his chest.

The doctor had certainly stepped up his game while Lux had been gone. Now, the general hospital rooms had chains attached to the walls to ensure prisoners didn't escape. The binders were tight against Lux's wrists, but he didn't care. At least he'd been cured of that terrible virus. He could only hope that Ahsoka was okay, too.

"What do you want, Dr. Pestis?"

"Oh, nothing from you. I came solely to deliver a message. You see, your son has been infected with the Blue Shadow Virus."

Lux shook his head. "That isn't possible. It's an airborne virus, and it's not in the air here."

"Experiment 2187 coughs a bit too much for my liking, and your son neglected to put on a mask. Not to worry, though. Experiment 2187 won't be coughing anymore."

"Because you cured her?" Lux asked hopefully. He had a bad feeling about where this was going.

"Unfortunately, we were not able to supply enough of the cure for you, your son, and Experiment 2187 to survive."

Lux stood up from the cot. "What are you saying?"

The doctor began pacing in front of him. "We administered a full dose of the Reeksa Root to you, and when Darth Fils arrives, he will take you to the Wobani Imperial Labor Camp on the other side of the planet for questioning. If you do not comply while being interrogated, Darth Fils will not hesitate to kill you. And what a waste of the antidote that would be!"

"What about Kal and Ahsoka? If I do this, will they be released from this horrid place?"

Dr. Pestis stopped and faced Lux. "There was only enough antidote to cure one person." His lips curved into a smile, revealing his rotten yellow teeth. "They're dead."

The color drained from Lux's face. It couldn't be true, not after everyone else he'd lost...

His knees buckled beneath him, and he fell to the ground. He buried his face in his hands, letting the tears fall freely. The love of his life and the light of his world were both gone. Everyone he cared about was dead now. How was it that he was always the one that survived? He would've given anything so that either Kal or Ahsoka could be alive in his place, but it was already done. They were gone forever.

It was all his fault. He could've saved them. Maybe if he'd been stronger, faster, smarter...

"You monster!" He lashed out, struggling against the chains. "You took everything from me! How can you live with yourself?"

The doctor laughed maniacally. "I'd hate for you to waste your precious life by forcing me to kill you. Give Darth Fils what he wants. Don't put the rest of your pitiful life to waste, especially since it could've easily been given to someone else."

"Kal is a child! He didn't deserve to die! Neither one of them deserved it!"

Dr. Pestis swished his cape as he turned around and made to leave. "I'll let you wallow in pits of despair, old man, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."


Lux Bonteri
18 BBY
Bonteri Estate

"What happened?" Lux asked as Ahsoka came running towards him.

"It's about the ball tomorrow night. Tessilya has been trying to teach me a simple combination, but I jut can't get it. You should take someone with you who wouldn't be a complete embarrassment." Lux could tell she was frustrated with herself.

"I'm sure you're better than you give yourself credit for." She shook her head. From what Lux could tell, she simply lacked enough confidence in herself and her abilities. Ever since Order 66, she'd been shy and withdrawn. It had taken Lux a long time to get her to carry on a conversation with him, and he wasn't about to go back to square one. To him, she was perfect. She just needed to believe in herself.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "If you don't feel comfortable with it, you don't have to dance with me. I'm not going to force you to do anything, but I'd love it if you came."

Lux had spent a lot of time thinking about Ahsoka lately. She was a good friend, that was for sure. Her words of reason had been one of the few things keeping him sane when his mother was killed by Dooku. Now that the tables had turned, he hoped to be the same for her.

Was she just a friend to him? Lux liked to think that their friendship could become something more. As much as he loved her, he didn't want to push too hard too fast. She was still recovering from Order 66, so he didn't want to force any unnecessary emotional stress on her. Dealing with loss was hard enough on its own.

Besides, she was a former Jedi. They had been conditioned that love and attachment was a bad thing, so Lux would understand if she didn't feel the same way about him.

"It's not that I don't want to come, I just... I don't know. Sorry, I'm not making much sense."

"You don't have to. Let me know what you decide. In the meantime, I'm going to send some hot cocoa up to your room. Take a break and get some rest. If anyone deserves it, it's you." He gave her a hug and let her relax in his arms. "If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask me, okay?"

"Thanks, Lux. I owe you one."


Kalex Bonteri
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

The doctor arrived shortly after dusk, Yersinia following closely behind. Ahsoka was secured by a group of stormtroopers to ensure that she didn't escape.

"Is it time already?" Kal asked, his eyes glued to the floor.

"Kalex Anakin Bonteri, I am here on behalf of the Galactic Empire to carry out your sentence," Dr. Pestis announced.

"It's not really a sentence if I didn't have a trial. It's more like a hasty and rash decision on behalf of the entire staff of this vile place."

Yersinia laughed as she unhooked him from the wall. "You do realize that you're about to die, right? And I can assure you that it won't be quick or painless."

"Is that so, eh? At least I'll go out with a bang."

Ahsoka struggled against the stormtroopers. "Dr. Pestis, let him go! Don't make him suffer because of who I used to be!"

"I'm sorry, former Padawan Tano, but it isn't your turn to meet your end just yet. Your time will come."

Kal sighed heavily. There was no way he was going to get out of this. "Where's my father? You said he'd be here so I could say goodbye."

The doctor shook his head. "I tried to convince him to come out and see you one last time, but he wanted nothing to do with you—his worthless, careless, ignorant son."

"Is that so..." Kal trailed off. As much as he hated to admit it, Lux was right; he had been a terrible son and a disgrace to the family name. It was probably better that he died anyway.

Ahsoka called out his name. "Kal, it isn't true! Lux would never say anything like that!"

Like you would know. He's changed more than you think, Kal thought to himself. "Whatever, let's just get this over with."

Yersinia loaded him into an empty bacta tank and sealed the lid. The cycle started, and a red gas similar filled the tank. Each breath become increasingly difficult, and he could feel his body weakening quickly. There was no going back now. He was ready to die.

The troopers let Ahsoka go. She came running towards him, screaming something he couldn't comprehend. Kal wished he would've had the chance to get to know her better. His father still loved her with all his heart, and she seemed like an honorable woman. There were so many questions he had for her about life before the Empire. Lux could only tell him so much, especially since he wasn't a force wielder. He had tried to explain the concept to Kal, but Kal was even more confused now than before. What were the Jedi? Why were they important? Where are they now? He'd never get an answer, but that was okay. Maybe it was better that he didn't know what became of them.

Kal stood before her, enclosed by a cylindrical glass chamber. Time was running out. His frail limbs snapped beneath him, and he collapsed to the ground, knowing what was coming. He knew that he couldn't put up a fight, that he couldn't prevent his own death. The doctor had made sure of that. The gas was already making it's way through his system; he could feel it sucking the life out of each cell in his deteriorating body.

He gasped for air, but there was nothing; every last breath had been wasted. He closed his eyes, trying to get the sight of his impending demise out of her mind. What would Ahsoka say when his body finally succumbed to the horrors of the laboratory? The only thought in his head was the cold hand of death reaching out to him, beckoning him to join it.

Kal had always been the joker growing up. He'd never taken anything really seriously. Maybe it was because he had the mind of a child or because he simply chose to see the galaxy in a different light. Now, minutes from death, he began to understand why his father had been so protective of his innocence. Kal was fearless, and Lux had done a great deal to protect him from harm. For the first time in his life, now that his death was inescapable, Kal was genuinely afraid.

His vision was beginning to fade. The ruby red gas swirled around him, making it near impossible to catch one last glimpse of Ahsoka. He placed his hand on the glass chamber dividing them in hopes that she would see and understand.

Their eyes met as she brought his hand to the glass opposite hers. "I love you, my son," she shouted to him, though it sounded like a muffled whisper. The words resonated through his head as he closed his eyes and surrendered.

I love you, my son...

I love you...

I love...

A/N: I'm so sorry guys, but I had to do it. I warned you it was coming soon. I've been planning this chapter since I started the book, so hopefully it turned out okay. At least the flashback was kind of cute, right?

I'm just going to run and hide now.

It's all downhill from here, though. The climax is coming up, and it's about to get even more messy. I shall not say anything more because I'll end up spilling the entire rest of the novel.

Dr. Pestis lied to Lux, who now believes his wife and child are dead. Ahsoka has her memories, but is she going to accept the same fate as her son? How long will she be able to remember? Darth Fils is on his way to collect the Emperor's prizes. Leia and Han are still MIA, so to speak. What is Lix going to do now that he's alone? You'll find out in the next equally feels-inducing chapter!

I must see myself out before I reveal too much *runs*

School starts this Friday (*cries*) so I'm going to have another update posted before then. I'd like to finish the book entirely, but that is not even realistic. All the summer homework I was supposed to do is going to get done this week, which is going to be an experience. We'll see how it turns out.

Until then, may the force be with you!

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