Chapter 9: Continued From Chapter 3

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You decide against it. What good would it do to get lost in the woods you don't even know? You continue on the path deeper into the trees.

Wild dogs approach you warily. They seem to be scared, and that's when you realize that you still have the sleeping gas gun out. You deactivate it quickly so that you don't gas up anyone else!

"What are you?" you wonder out loud, going to one of the dogs. You reach out a hand. Surprisingly, it doesn't shy away or bite.

You pet its head affectionately; its eyes squeeze shut. The pack soon follows, figuring that you're not that dangerous. You smile.

"Are you some breed of dogs?" You move on with the pack following you. "I remember seeing a picture of you before, but I can't remember what you're called."

The sounds of the forest become more prominent as you walk on with the pack. The little ones scurry all around you, playing and biting your legs and feet in an attempt to get you to play. Chirping sounds register, making you wonder what could make that sound. Things flittering about the trees and bushes answer that question.

Something snaps you out of your thoughts. Something like a machine starting up; a sound he knew all too well. He went in the direction of the sound while the canines stayed behind. They seemed wary of whatever was making the sound, but he had to know.

"I'll see you later!" you promise. They watch you as you leave.

When you arrive at the place of the noise, you see a family of three humans: a mother, a father, and a teenaged boy. The boy sees you and calls to his parents.

"Hey, Mom, Dad, look!" He points to you. "Looks like the crazy doctor let one of his experiments roam free!" The boy has black hair with brown eyes. He has a hoodie with a gaming logo on it, and to seal the "gamer boy" look, he has a Nintendo DS with headphones plugged into it in his hands. The headphones themselves hook around his neck. You can hear a small beat of the game music emit from the ear pieces.

"Well, it was bound to happen," the father says. He's a tall, sturdy man with the same black hair. Unlike his son, his hair is rather curly. His eyes are a deep, deep brown, almost to the point of being black. He wears a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and jeans with work boots.

The mother is smaller with light brown hair and light brown eyes. She has on a white dress that reaches up to her thighs, but they don't show too much. On her feet are boots. "The poor dear must be lost."

The boy beckons you over. "Hey, experiment dude, why don't you live with us?"

You hesitate. Why is he talking to me? Is he that charismatic? Rather shyly, you respond, "I-is that okay...?"

The father walks over to you and puts one of his big, meaty hands on your head. "You ran away, right?"

You nod.

"Well, you should stay with us."

You nod again, this time with a smile.


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