8/20/16 8:00 am

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8/20/16 8:00am

    According to my private record this is my birthday so I basically get to wake up every single person in this house and be goofy for the day plus I get a day off for being beta. So when I wake up I smell pancakes being made down stairs. I jump out of bed and slid down the railing to the kitchen. “Good morning’ people.” I say “Hi Beta.” they say at the same time “Nope not today I’m not Beta today.” I say They look at me with question but Jay wasn’t so stupid “That’s right so Happy Birthday Ash.” Everyone gave me ohhh looks and I smiled. “Well since today is my birthday I am in charge and today is super duper fun day.” I say. Since Luna was cooking she passed me a big plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes and I chow down. Later I organised a game of tag where we all transform into our animal forms and who ever gets tackled down or touched be the person who is it they become it. After explaining we started playing. I also choose this since this will help us with our shifting process. I changed into my cat and no joke my fur was the color of ashes. I started the game with me being it.  Easily I tagged someone and they ran after me. I didn’t realise that I tagged Moon. And that was a very bad mistake. I was tackled down by her wolf form and she rolled on top of me and pawed me in the head and took off. I saw the whole field in a chaos of fun and laughter.

    After the game was done we went inside I smelled cake. I ran into the main room where all the people who didn’t play tag all gathered around a giant 5 layer cake decorated to perfection with rainbows and cats. My jaw dropped and I noticed that all around the table was presents.”Do you like it.” White asked. She was one of the people who stayed in and she also has artistic nature so she must have designed the cake. “I-I-don’t even have the words.” I stutter. Then I noticed at the top of the cake was a big 17.  I went over and hugged every single one of them. Then they started singing happy birthday. I quickly climbed on the table and hovered over the candles “Happy Birthday to youuuu” They sing and I blow out the candles. then I take the top portion of the cake and put it on my plate. Someone tried to touch my cake so I growled at them and kept eating. then after was presents. I decided to start with the small and get bigger and bigger. Soon I was at the last present but then was when we heard a knock on the door.

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