8/5/16 7:30 am

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8/5/16 7:30am

    This is it this is when we start school! Moon, Russet and I get dressed. Dr. Jamlond suggested we wear a hoodie or a hat to cover up our ears and put our tail in our pants since we were going to an actual school. The school’s staff knew our situation and will help us out if something is revealed like our ears or tail. I get out of the bathroom where I was changing. I had a beanie to cover my ears and I have long pants covering my tail. I wore a t-shirt and converse and walked to the entrance. I saw Moon and Russet and I ran over to them. Surprisingly I was very fast. I saw that they basically had the same outfit as I did but Russet had a hoodie on and Moon had a fedora. Soon a whole bunch of kids were in the front and they all had hoodies or other hats. Some even had braces or retainers to cover fangs or other sharp teeth. We walk out the door to a school bus and got on.

The driver was Dr. Jamlond of course and after everyone was in we drove off. “Is everyone excited to go to school.” says Dr. Jamlond. There were lots of “Yea” and a few groans. I was practically jumping in my seat. When we arrived at the school everyone either ran out or was pushed out by the people who were running. We all lined up and got our schedules. Then older hybrids went off to their classes while the young one’s like 5th graders and below where lead to their classroom.

I got to my first class, C-19, and all eyes were on me. I walked in slowly and the teacher grinned at me. “Class this is another new student Ash.” The teacher says “Hi Ash.” the class says lamely. I take an empty seat next to a girl wearing a fedora and she had long hair. She might be a hybrid like me with her ears in a fedora. She saw me looking and her and smiled. Her teeth were kinda flat and dull and she was wearing a retainer. “Hi.” she whispered. The teacher must have heard, she looked at us then turned back to the board. I tore a piece of paper from my binder and wrote to her ~What’s your name?~ I folded the paper and passed it to her ~White .P Bear~ she wrote back. I decided to find out if she was hybrid or not so I used the language that only hybrid know. ( Authors note: I am using Russian for the language and I will put the translation.)

~ Vy odin iz nas?~ (Are you one of us?)

~Da.~ (Yes.)

~ Kakoye zhivotnoye? ~ (Which animal?)

~ Panda.~ (Panda.)

~ Okh. ~ (Oh.)

    I glanced at the teacher. She was going on about the subject. I turn to White and smiled and continued looking at the lesson.

    After a couple periods it was lunch time. I looked around and spotted my friends easily. I smiled and walked towards them. “Hey guys.” I say “Hi.” they say in unison. I sit down and we start chatting. Then White came over. “Hey.”She says shyly. “um….I was wondering if I could um sit with you guys.” “Of course.” I exclaimed. White smiles brightly and sits down. We start chatting away about our life (As far as we remember it.).

    After school and we all sat in the back of the bus and continued chatting. When we got to the science building we were hustled into the building and back to your cell. We were dropped in the cell we noticed a few changes or actually a lot of changes. There were no lights on the ceiling and a light switch, there was a wardrobe filled with our clothes, and fold out cots with folded blankets and pillows next to it. Oh and there was also a bathroom. We found a note on the ground from Dr. J a.k.a Dr. Jamlond.

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