Chapter 6: A 3-v-1 Command Battle IV

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Somewhere in the Alleyway close to the Warehouse,

Explosions can be heard from within and deep inside the Dark Alleyway where you all can be seen combatting against a small army of Jyamato in your specific forms you all acquired in your first half of the final Round as you all began pushing forward to get to the Back Alleyway Entrance to the warehouse where their nest is located.

While you and others were fighting against the Jyamato, Buck noticed many more pouring out from the back entrance door of the warehouse while delivering several Pawn Jyamatos several headshots by using his Magnum Shooter 40X in his Jyamashin Magnum Zombie Form.

Buck: Hey guys!!! More Jyamatos are pouring out from the warehouse just further up at my right!!!!

Buck called out from the right side of the alleyway.

Hearing this, you are in your Raising Form when you heard Buck call out, for Yonezawa and the Shane Hunter Incarnation Fusion to call out to you.

Yonezawa: Go on, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): looks at the fusion & Yonezawa

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): We'll take care of things out here! Save them and get out of here! We'll take care of those two when we see'em!!!

(Y/n): But!!

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): Don't worry about us! We'll be fine!! We all have been into situations like this. So go on ahead!

They said.

Leaving you no choice, you nod at your friends as you began fighting your way through the surviving horde of Pawn Jyamato pouring in while passing Buck. As you went to your right, you see Buck fighting for his life, for you to launch a Trillion Degree Fireball at the horde in front of him, destroying the Jyamato in front of him, to his shock as he looked back to see that you were the one who did that.

(Y/n): Thought you could use a hand before I go in.

You said.

Lowering your hand, you rush in to help Buck up.

Buck: Thanks for the assist.

(Y/n): No problem.

Just as you both had a brief moment, you then heard a commotion up head for you both to look at the dissipating smoke.

There, a handful of powerful Jyamato emerged from the aftermath that is clearing up as they are seen with Desire-Drivers on and a Buckle on their Drivers they stole, with some wielding a scythe-like weapon in hand, for you to question what they are.

(A/N: Jyamato Rider. Some will have a Scythe-like Weapon.)

(Y/n): What, the heck are those things?

You ask.

Buck: Haisha and I were once like them from different Worlds so, I can explain what they are in brief.

(Y/n): Well that's handy to have some experience.

Buck: Tell me about it. Anyway, they're Jyamato Riders. They are various Pawn Riders who have evolved to gain enough power and intellect to transform into what you're seeing before you right now, by the use of the Desire-Drivers, I.D. DisCores and those Buckles called the Jyamato Buckles. Furthermore, they can still utilize any Buckle they see fit to combat us, too including the Feverslot Buckle.

(Y/n): I see. Thanks for the heads up.

Buck nods.

Seeing the Jyamato Riders up ahead, they began to slowly advance towards you and Buck.

(Y/n): So, Buck. You strong enough to combat those things?

You ask with concern.

Buck looks at you for a few seconds to smile at him, then looks back at the Jyamato Riders, still smiling.

Buck: Oh please, these guys are nothing compared to numerous stronger Jyamatos and stronger Players I have fought before. Besides, these guys aren't tough when I have these.

Buck said, showing you his other Buckles.

You look carefully to see it is a Jyamato Buckle and another Feverslot Buckle.

(Y/n): Another Feverslot Buckle??? And also, a Jyamato Buckle? Neat~!

Buck: Yeup. Also, this Feverslot Buckle isn't just any ordinary Buckle as I got this from Haisha. He happened to have extras.

(Y/n): Oh?

Buck: Watch this.

Buck demonstrates as he removed his current Buckles as he slots the Feverslot and Jyamato Buckles onto his Driver.

Once they're on, he pushed the lever down for the slots to start turning.

-Set Fever!-

After awhile, the slot stopped to show '???' on screen as you watched Buck being equipped with a new form.

-Golden Fever! Jackpot! Hit! Golden Fever!-


Acquiring his new form, you see that head to toe, Buck is now in his Jyamashin Jyamato Fever Form.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Buffa Jyamashin - Jyamato Fever Form. Like Haisha's Jyamato and Jyamato Form, this form will also have two Engress Chesters at the form's legs with its thorny neckbrace to be around on each leg and will be facing upwards and not down, the Broy Arms will be the knee armour at each leg and it will have another vine-like armour on the form's right leg just like what is on the form's left leg to even the detail on the legs out. Ensure that the Gold Horns and Cape are implemented on this form to show Jyamashin stats, and make sure a Fever Cross Mutela is equipped onto the form to show it is a Fever Form. There will also be a crack shown on both eyes but it won't be visible as much because of the eyes' golden hue from within that gives the form its Fever Form.)

Seeing this form, you look at Buck with amazement.

(Y/n): Wow!!!

Buck: I know right? Now go on ahead, we'll talk later. I'll take them.

(Y/n): Okay, good luck.

You said as I leaped to jump above them and behind them.

Once I'm at the other side, I rushed in to proceed into the warehouse via the back Alleyway Entrance door, for the Jyamato Riders to notice this as they gave chase, only for their path to be blocked up by vines with longer and sharper spikes.

Buck: Your fight is not with him. It's with me.

Buck said.

The Jyamato Riders slowly turned around to face him as they began to advance swiftly towards him, for Buck to conjure up Scythe-like weapons from his vines and bare hands while donning his attack pose.

Buck: It's time to get.... "Buck Wild".

Buck said while smiling behind his mask for his fight against the Jyamato Riders to begin as he too, advanced head on at them.


Inside the warehouse,

You are now inside the warehouse as you began quietly looking around for Nejire and Ryukyu. As you quietly walked around, you see a lot of vines completely covering, intertwining and looping up all over the warehouse from within, making it difficult for you to try and find them. Worse of all, when you look up and at all sides, you can see tons and tons of  Baby Jyamatos hanging from the vines all over, stolen Desire-Drivers and I.D. Cores scattered all over the warehouse, for you to figure that they have finished building their nest and are now growing Jyamatos at this moment.

(A/N: Jyamato Baby.)

While you are trying to maneuver and walk your way through inside, you notice a small table with many bottles, papers, books and containers on it, for you to make their way there to have a look. 

Once you arrived, you began to snoop around as you look at the bottles, books and containers.

(Y/n): Hmmm... interesting. flips pages I see... Someone wants to rear the Jyamato here. Which explains these. puts book down and holds up a bottle, and container filled with soil and some seeds of the Jyamato but why....

You wondered.

As you were about to look at the container and bottle real carefully, you notice a paper that was sticking out, for you to place them down to have a closer look at it. Lifting the paper up to look at it, your eyes widened to see that these aren't just notes, these are also plans to make new Jyamato out of people with Quirks.

Looking at it, you also realized that these plans, were specifically for someone who took you up for your Internship, for you to begain to worry about Nejire and Ryukyu.

(Y/n): This is not good... I need to save Ms. Ryukyu and Nejire, NOW!!!

You exclaimed as you threw the notes aside and rushed off to find them.

After you disappeared into the vines, the paper is seen landed onto the ground, revealing its notes despite some changes, with the heading that says; 

'Jyama Garden Test Subject Assessment Form'


Subject Name: Ryuko Tatsuma

Subject Quirk: Dragon

Subject Status: Alive & Captured

Procter name: -

Subject Details: Ryuko Tatsuma can basically turn any part of her or herself into a Dragon. She has a claw attached on her head but when in Dragon Form, the claw will be on her Right Hand

Date of Test Trial: **/**/2*** (A/N: Date is scratched out.) NOW

Trial 1: Speed

Performance [1-5]: -TBA-

Test Results 1: -TBA-

Trial 2: Strength

Performance [1-5]: -TBA-

Test Results 2: -TBA-

Trial 3: Flight

Performance [1-5]: -TBA-

Test Results 3: -TBA-

Somewhere within the warehouse,

You were rushing through the vines inside the warehouse to search for Nejire and Ryukyu without breaking a sweat and without breaks, knowing that there really is no time and you need to save them now.

(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): If they land a single scratch on my friends and Teacher.... I'll make sure I'll murder them...

You said.

As you were making a sharp left turn, you notice some lights and hear some soft chatter on the right, for you to stop in your tracks after running a few steps after taking a sharp left turn. Stopping at the spot, you turn to your right as you began fitting through a narrow opening in the vines to see what's going on.

Once you got through, you took a peek to see Ryukyu and Nejire being caught and wrapped all over by Vines that infested the warehouse while they were talking amongst themselves, for you to now clearly listen in to what they say while you silently revert back to your Human Reionics self. Listening to them, you heard them talking about how they came to know each other, working together, fighting villains together and a lot more. They even started to talk about you on how you are fairing and hoping the best for you when you become a pro. Then, they began to go to the juicy parts, for you to blush madly hearing this, now knowing why the girls in school are blushing and why Midnight is being nice to you.

(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): So that's why the girls in U.A. including Ms. Midnight were blushing and nice to me?!?!?! Huh... never knew I looked differently in front of them... no wonder Mineta was so jealous, heheh.

You said to yourself in thought.

While listening out on what they said, you hear footsteps for you to watch real and listen closely on what's going on. Watching on, you seea Dunkleosteus Jyamato, Carrella Jyamato and three Jyamato Riders walking in as they were discussing about something.

After awhile, you see that the Dunkleosteus Jyamato has called forth a small handful of Pawn Jyamato, commanding them to start the test on them, for them to walk closer as you witness this happening. While witnessing this, you notice Ryukyu and Nejire looking at them with worry as the Test is about to begin.

Thinking fast on how to combat them, you strategized that you should take down the Pawns first, followed by the Jyamato Riders, then the two strong ones for last. So, to kick start the fight, your arms turned into EX-Gomora Arms for you to claw your way to them, for the Jyamatos to swiftly turn and notice this, and for the hostages to notice this, as well. Seeing an opening, you emerge from where you hidden as you revealed yourself to Ryukyu and Nejire.

Ryukyu: (Y/n)???

(Y/n): You know, Jyamato... if you like to make new species and new kinds of Jyamato so much, I promise you all that I'll bring every single one of you to meet your maker.

You said, taunting the Jyamato.

Nejire: (Y/n), what are you doing here?! Get out of here! You're outnumbered!

(Y/n): I'm here because I'm on a job. And don't worry about me. I got this.

Ryukyu: Job?

(Y/n): henshin!

You said, pushing and pulling back the lever of the Buckle you just inserted onto the Driver, transforming you back into your Raising Form, to the ladies' shock.

Ryukyu: That form...

(Y/n): Talk later. I'll have him explain things to you once this is over.

You said as you began to fight.

The Pawn Jyamatos saw this as they charged, as well, only for them to be slain by you wielding the Raising Sword in hand. Just as you were about to take up your defensive stance, Nejire called out.

Nejire: Be careful!!

(Y/n): turns to look at Ryukyu and Nejire

Nejire: They have powerful forms that took us all out!

Ryukyu: The forms they took can withstand everything we threw at them!

(Y/n): look back at the Jyamato Riders

Hearing this, you look back at the three Jyamato Riders as you see them equipping themselves with the same Command Twin Buckles, for them to acquire their Raising Forms which are merely their usual Jyamato Rider Forms with them wielding their Raising Swords, to your shock while you to have a "seriously" look on your face.



-R-R-Ready! F-F-FIGHT!-

(Y/n): .... of course they'll have Raising Forms before going to Command Forms...

Ryukyu: You know those forms that took us out?

(Y/n): Yes, ma'am! Strong stuff. It has Cannon and Jet Modes. Don't worry, I have'em. Just hang tight.

Nejire: We are, tightly.

(Y/n): Good, then I'll be right there with you.

Ryukyu: Okay. Just hurry!

You nod, hearing this.

Waiting for one of them to strike, you and one of the three Jyamato Riders swiftly dahsed forwards as you both began to clash swords with each other while the two strong Jyamatos can be seen taking their leave towards the back alley entrance which is now their exit.

Pre-occupied, you broke the clash and slashed the Jyamato away, for another to follow suit as he slashed you, but to no avail as you used Zetton's ability to teleport behind him as you slashed its back, making it stagger forward, giving the opportunity for the third one to roughly shove you from behind, making you fall onto the ground as you tried picking yourself up, but to no avail as all the Jyamato Riders are now trying to slash you at one go, for you to block it by using your sword.

Seeing that there's a lot of space behind the Jyamato Riders, you began to charge up your quirk as you created a strong discharge thanks to Eleking's power, creating a strong pulse that repelled them away, causing them to hit the ceiling and land down on their faces onto the ground, giving you the opportunity to get back up.

After getting back on your feet, you don your defense pose as you watched the Jyamato Riders get up slowly.

(Y/n): Is that the best you could do??? I thought Buck, Nejire and Ms. Ryukyu said you guys were supposed to be tougher than this!

You exclaimed.

Hearing this, The three Jyamato Riders removed their Command Cannon Buckles from their Raising Swords as they inserted them onto their individual Drivers. After inserting the second Buckle onto the Driver, they pushed and pulled the levers with one pressing a button on the Desire-Driver and doing the same thing as what the other two did, acquiring their forms.

-Tw-Tw-Twin Set!-

-Revolve On!-

-T-T-Take Off! Complete! Jet and Cannon!-

-R-R-Ready! F-F-FIGHT!-

Acquiring their forms, you, Nejire and Ryukyu observed that the Jyamato Riders are now donning their Command Forms, with two of them to aquire their Jet Modes and one to acquire Cannon Mode.

Nejire: Those are the Armours they used to take us down and brought us here!

(Y/n): So I noticed! Don't worry. I'll finish this off quick.

You said as you removed the Command Cannon Buckle as you inserted it onto your Driver, pushing and pulling the lever again to acquire a different mode from your Cannon Mode.

-Take Off! Complete! Jet and Cannon!-

-Ready! FIGHT!-

(A/N: Command Jet Mode.)

After utilizing Command Jet Mode, the four of you began to exchange dagger-like stares in your eyes as you and the three Jyamatos prepared yourselves for a fight.

(Y/n): It's gotta be like the time I fought an army of King Joe Blacks and a King Joe Scarlet, but Commando Style.

You said.

After a few seconds, a Jyamato Rider in Command Cannon Mode began launching beams from its shoulder Cannons while the two others in their Command Jet Forms began to activate the forms' thrusters as they began flying towards you.

Seeing them advancing first, you too activate your thrusters on your Command Form as you began to advance towards them in an all-out Command Twin Fight. Once you four are in close proximity while you are seen dodging all projectiles launched by a particular Jyamato Rider in its Command Cannon Mode, the two Jyamato Riders in their Jet Modes swung their swords at you, for you to do the same as the three of you began clashing swords with each other in mid-air. Clashing weapons, the three of you began to clash and slash each other's Raising Swords repeatedly without rest while the Jyamato Rider on the ground tried to make an attempt to shoot you down while you are fighting by shooting at you, only for it to miss.

While you were engaging with the Jyamato Riders in the air, Nejire noticed that the Jyamato Rider on the ground has got a lock on you, for her to worry.

Nejire: oh no...

Ryukyu: What is it???

Nejire: That thing in front of us has a lock on (Y/n), Ms. Ryukyu!! And he seems pretty busy up there at the moment!

Ryukyu: Well, that's too bad as these vines are tight... even if I turn, I'll tighten myself up even more a-

Nejire: huh?

Ryukyu: ??? Nejire, what is it?

Feeling something, Nejire felt that her left arm that is binded by vines are slightly loose, for her to slowly free her arm from the vines.

Nejire: I... I somehow freed my left arm. It must have not gotten a tight grip on me there.

Ryukyu: Okay, that's good. Try using your quirk against that thing and fast.

Nejire: Got it.

Nejire said, holding out her free left arm as she aimed at the Cannon Mode Jyamato Rider which is about to fire.

Nejire: Full Charge! Output Level 30!

Nejire called out.

Using her quirk, a yellow spiral beam fired from her left hand as it blasted at the Jyamato Rider, striking it after it fired its Cannons on its shoulders, nearly missing you by half an inch while striking down the Jet Mode Jyamatos down while you three were still in combat against each other, causing the two of them to crashland down to the ground, for you to notice this while in mid-air.

You then looked back at Nejire and Ryukyu, for Nejire to give you a thumbs up by using her freed arm and hand, for you to give her your own thumbs up for the assist. After seeing them on the ground, you gracefully land before them and raised your Raising Sword at them.

(Y/n): You're real smart plants for Jyamato Riders. But unfortunately for you.... you all got careless as you didn't even check if your hostages were tightly locked in their binds of your spikey vine plantations around us. And now, it is time to finish you off, and clean house!

You said, calling up specific kaijus which are well suited for your Command Twin form.

(Y/n): Iron Rocks, gun! Barrack Ship, gun! For this version,.... smirks Yamato-class Battleship Armour set. Armour Set initialize and inherit all schematics, combat data and functionality to Command Cannon Mode. Quirk and Raise Buckle powers form 'Lock', and SORTIE!!!!!!!

You yelled.

Then, the two Command Cannons behind and below you pixelated away for a set of armour with guns on it based on Iron Rocks and Barrack Ship's guns can be seen appearing, replacing the Cannons as each turret grew bigger for something else special. After the armour has been set and fixed onto your Command Jet form, the Ships you called upon began to experience numerous changes as they changed based on Command Cannon Mode with all their three-gun turrets to now become three-gun Command Cannon turrets with the body of the armour to be based on Command Cannon Mode to blend in with the Mode's leggings.

After the transformation is done, you donned your attack stance as you began to fight.

(A/N: The Armour you used is based on Barrack Ship. Iron Rocks and the Yamato from Kantai Collection. Heard of the anime before so that kinda hit me that we can use this. Description on how it all combines and connects onto your Command Jet Form has been stated above.)

(Y/n): Now, let's end this.

You said as you ran towards the Jyamato Riders.

The Jyamato Riders saw this as they charged in, as well. Seeing one of them getting close, you used the top Gun on the left as you blasted three shots at it, repelling it far away from out fight while the other landed a powerful slash at you, only for you to block it by using your own Raising Sword. While trying to overpower the Jyamato Rider, you noticed one in Command Cannon Mode about to fire at you, for you to have the middle Guns to aim directly at it as they fired, only for it to dodge, but it wasn't good enough as while dodging your attacks, it ended up getting one of its Cannons destroyed, to Nejire's surprise.

Nejire: He managed to destroy one of their cannons?!

Ryukyu: Well that's good. But the real issue is still those guys who can fly...

Nejire: Yeah... Come on! I'll try to help us out of here.

Nejire said.

While Nejire tried to pry the vines off her and Ryukyu, you are seen still engaging in a battle against the Jyamato Riders as you took off in mid-air and launched a barrage of beams art the Jyamato Riders, overpowering them with my Command Jet form combined with your Quirk and the said attachments. After barraging them, you land back onto the ground behind them as you dashed in, slashing them from behind.

The Jyamato Riders began to feel weakened, but they didn't show any signs of defeat as the two Jet Command Jyamato Riders are seen rushing in to deliver a double slash, but to no avail as you blocked and deflected their slashes to slash back at them, forcing them to stagger backwards. While they were seen staggering backwards, you noticed one of the Jet Command Jyamato Riders dropped something, for you to catch it by your feet and kick it upwards and in front of you so you can catch it.

Catching it, you see it's another Buckle.

(A/N: This Buckle.)

(Y/n): Huh? Wonder what this does?

You said.

Then, you heard a phone ring, for you to feel that it's coming from you, for you to fish out a phone with your I.D. Core symbol on it as you picked up the call.

(A/N: Spider Phone. Replace the I.D. Emblem with your Emblem which is Reimon's Head for an Emblem.)

(Y/n): Yeah? Kinda in a middle of something, wrapping things up soon.

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): I noticed. And plus to make this quick, is called a Boost Buckle. There are a few variants of them. What you're holding now, is its Mark I variant. You can use it. However.... you can only use this Buckle once on your Driver.

(Y/n): Once, huh? Well... I hope I get my Points' and Money's Worth.

You said as you hang up while inserting the Boost Buckle onto the Desire-Driver.


After inserting the Buckle onto the Driver, you twist the handle on the Buckle to activate the Buckle and Sword's finisher.

-Full Charge!-

-Tactical Raising!-

(Y/n): Get ready for a world of hurt!!!

You exclaimed.

Once you activated your finisher on your Sword, you activated a finisher on your Desire-Driver-

-Lock On! Command Twin Victory!-

- for you to take off mid-air while the guns began aiming at the three Jyamato Riders. Locked on Targets, you commanded the guns to fire at the Jyamato Riders, critically damaging them. Seeing this as an opprotunity, you swooped down towards them as you flew pass them many times, delivering them countless of slashes empowered with the Boost Buckles. After awhile, you zoomed past them for the final time, stopping in front Nejire and Ryukyu who're still trying to free themselves while delivering a most powerful slash you can muster, defeating the Jyamato Riders for good while leaving a slash mark on the vines, for the three behind you to blow to bits as the Buckles and Drivers scattered around the warehouse.

After the fight is done, you rush up to Nejire and Ryukyu to see that they are halfway out of their binds created by the vines as you used your sword to free them.

(Y/n): Stand clear, Nejire. Ms. Ryukyu. I'll have you out of there in no time.

You said.

Then, as what you said, it only takes one slash for you to free them out of their vine-like prisons, for them to regain their full and complete mobility as Nejire and Ryukyu began to walk towards you.

Nejire: Man... I thought I was done for....

Ryukyu: (Y/n). What did you learn from this so far and.... what are you doing here?

(Y/n): Oh... that's a.... long story but to keep it short, I heard a commotion outside the Agency and started to assist them.... from those guys.

Ryukyu: I see...

Nejire: Then that means you know what's going on.

(Y/n): Heh... do I? More like... I just discovered what they want and what they are doing here.

Ryukyu & Nejire: Oh?

And so, you began to explain what happened in full detail and informed them on what they needed the two for in this place, for Ryukyu and Nejire to look terrified upon hearing what they were close to becoming, but was prevented.

Nejire: They were....

Ryukyu: Making their own kind... out of...

(Y/n): Yeah... out of people, with and without quirks... They were using you both as Prototypes before they can expand to other people, heroes and pros.

Nejire: Then we have to stop them here a- (Y/n), LOOKOUT!!!!!

Nejire yelled.

You swiftly look back for you to see one remaining Jyamato that was badly damaged and burnt all over, blasting many beam projectiles from one damaged Cannon at you three, only for you to block it by using your new armour, causing one of the guns to be damaged. After blocking that shot, the Jyamato Rider jumped on you to thrust its sword into you, only for you to use your hand to grab it, break its sword and thrust yours into it, impaling through its Command Cannon armour and into its Jyamato Rider shell while using the blade of the Jyamato Rider's broken Raising Sword to impale it at its neck, killing it instantly as it crumbled into nothing but dust.

After the last Jyamato Rider has been taken cared of, you lowered your sword while you revert back into your human reionics self by removing your Driver from your waistline. Seeing that the coast is clear, you turned back around to face the two to continue their discussion.

(Y/n): Okay... you were saying?

You said, only for you to see that Nejire and Ryukyu were blushing from what you did.

Seeing this, you sighed as you snapped your fingers in front of them to knock them back to their senses.

(Y/n): Hey!!! You were say?!?!

You asked again.

Knocking back to their senses by snaps of your finger, they began to speak again.

Nejire: S-Sorry! Anyway...!!!! Then, we have to stop them here and now!

Ryukyu: Nejire's right. We can't allow them to spread throughout the city, or worse... the Earth.

(Y/n): I know. That's why I didn't come alone as what I said in my story when you ask, Mr. Ryukyu.

You said while fishing out a Spider Phone to call Shadow.

Once, you got Shadow on the line, you began to speak.

(Y/n): Producer.

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): Yes, here.

(Y/n): I got the hostages freed, Ryukyu and Nejire are fine and unharmed. The Pawn Jyamatos and Jyamato Riders have been taken cared of in the warehouse. Furthermore, I found the stolen goods. What should I do?

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): Good job. Once the mission is done, await for my arrival. I may need to bring the DGP Staff to decontaminate the warehouse you are in.

(Y/n): Noted.

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): Second, I require to speak with your coordinater who took you in for your Internship. Safety reasons.

(Y/n): Okay, we'll talk at the Agency.

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): I'll see you then. Oh! Another thing.

(Y/n): Yeah?

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): Your allies need your assistance. They're now currently engaging the Dunkleosteus and Carrella Jyamatos outside.

(Y/n): On it! And Shadow, permission to allow Ryukyu and Nejire to lend us the assist? Since they are still alright for combat, why don't we give them a fiar share on what we do here?

You ask.

Then, there was a long pause before Shadow replied.

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): I... don't mind them helping you guys out. So that means, they'll be like NPCs of this Final Round. If they are down, you four are what's left. Understood.

(Y/n): Understood.

Shadow (By via Spider Phone): Good. THen I'll see you then.

Shadow said, hanging up.

You placed your Spider Phone back in your pocket as you turned to Ryukyu and Nejire.

(Y/n): Okay, Ms. Ryukyu. Nejire. Ready for some payback?

You ask.

Nejire and Ryukyu nod at you for you to get your answer.

(Y/n): Then let's take'em down.

You said.

And with that, you, Nejire and Ryukyu began to rush out from the warehouse to exit it as you three began to make your way to the fight that is now outside to land your assistance to your friends to fight against the Dunkleosteus and Carrella Jyamatos.

To be Continued....

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