15. Recovery And Reconciliation

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Kai's eyes met hers, her beautiful but pained blue eyes. There was silence as the two stared at each other, the memories flooding back. Sam had seemed to of recovered but Kai still had multiple plasters and bandages. He had heard from the doctors that they were thinking of discharging him soon and Kai was extremely thankful.

"Hey..." Sam said timidly.

"Hi." Kai replied, unsure of what else to say.

Sam fiddled with her fingers awkwardly. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, the doctors just patched me up. Just a lot of bruises," Kai said with a weak chuckle, "how are you doing?"

Sam took off the cardigan that she was wearing and showed the plaster over the wound Tory had given her.

"I've been better," she replied, "thanks for helping me out..."

Kai smiled. "Did a pretty bad job of it didn't I? If I was actually helping, you wouldn't of been hurt."

"Don't say that Kai!" Sam exclaimed. "You did so much for me, it would've been so much worse if you didn't help."

"How's Miguel?" Kai asked, a lump forming in his throat. The fact that they had kissed was making Kai uncomfortable, was she going to go back to him? Was his trip to America a failure?

Sam looked down at her feet. "He's...fine. I haven't seen him."

There was a pause and a silence filling the room.

"I'm sorry for kissing him." Sam blurted.

"It's fine," Kai told her, "we weren't together so you're at perfect liberty to kiss whoever you want."

"I'm sorry for what I said before you left," Sam told him, "I felt like crap after."

Kai shrugged. "It's fine. I deserved it."

There was so much left unspoken between the two of them but neither of them were brave enough to say it. The two teenagers looked at each other but nothing came out of their mouths, it was awkward to say the least. Kai knew the feelings he had towards the LaRusso girl but he didn't have the courage to tell her, and Sam knew that she wanted Kai and not Miguel but she didn't know how to tell him.

"Mr Hilton," a doctor said, appearing in the doorway, "you're free to go."

The doctor ignored Sam who merely went to the corner of the room as the doctor did some final checks on Kai and made sure he was ok before letting him get out of the bed. He was in a hospital gown but there was a bag in the corner with some of Kai's clothes. Once the doctor had told him everything such as how his parents were busy so they had already signed the discharge form and how he was going to have to fill a few things out before he was dismissed, the doctor left.

Kai groaned and winced slightly as he got out of the bed.

"Sam," he asked her, "can you pass me that bag in the corner?"

Sam obliged and went over and got the bag for him. He looked around in the bag and looked for his spare set of clothes and found it. His parents had left for him some plain blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt and his signature tiger jacket.

Ignoring that Sam was there, Kai stripped from his hospital gown, leaving him only in his boxers. Sam went wide-eyed and tried to look away but her eyes were drawn to the multiple bruises on Kai's body. Kai first put his jeans on and zipped them up before he finally realised that Sam was still in the room.

"Oh," he said, extremely flustered, "sorry Sam. I forgot you were here."

Sam smiled sheepishly. "It's fine, you might want to put a shirt on though."

Kai looked down at his bare torso before blushing slightly and putting his white shirt over his head and onto his body. He then grabbed the socks in his bag and put them on before putting his trainers on.

"Here you go." Sam said, offering Kai his jacket.

"Thanks." Kai mumbled, putting it on. The two of them made their way to the reception of the hospital and as Kai walked past, he caught a glimpse of Johnny Lawrence standing outside what Kai assumed to be Miguel Diaz's room.

Once he was fully discharged from the hospital, he greeted the outdoors like an old friend and sighed contently as he breathed in the refreshing air.

"What do you want to do?" Kai asked Sam, catching her off guard.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "I was just going to head to school..."

Kai laughed. "That's boring, c'mon Sam, I'm free from the hospital. Let's do something!"

The bandage across the slash on Kai's face was starting to annoy him, so he gently removed it from his face. The wound had stopped bleeding and it was now three lines and it was in the form of a scar.

Once Kai threw the bandage in the nearest bin, he turned to Sam who audibly gasped at his face.

"I'm going to kill Tory for ruining my perfectly handsome face." Kai grinned, this caused both of them to laugh.

"My dad's going to kill me becaues I bunked off school." Sam told him. Truthfully, Sam didn't feel ready to go back there yet, the memories of the whole incident was still fresh in her mind and she couldn't bear to go back to the place where both Miguel and Kai got hurt.

"We can go to school if you want." Kai told her, not wanting Sam to get in trouble.

Sam shook her head. "It's fine, I don't want to go back there yet anyways. Let's get some food."

The two of them made their way in Sam's car to the nearest In-n-Out and the two of them got some food from the drive through.

"We can eat it back at my house," Sam suggested, "both my parents aren't home."

The two of them proceeded to drive back to the LaRusso home and made their way to the back garden before starting to eat their burgers and fries.

The LaRusso garden was extremely peaceful with the Bonsai trees, the pond and everything else. Kai felt extremely calmed and felt like all his problems had been alliviated from him.

"I missed you y'know." Kai told Sam honestly, not looking at Sam.

The girl turned to looked at Kai only to see that he was looking at the nature in the LaRusso garden. "I'm sorry for freaking out...otherwise we could've worked it out."

Kai shrugged. "Wrong place, wrong time."

The two sighed. They were a prime example of 'right person but wrong time' and although neither knew, they were meant for each other and they would just have to wait until time was right for them to truly be together.

Sam nodded sadly. "How long are you staying for this time?"

"I was meant to be leaving soon," Kai told her, "but because of the whole incident at the school, I'll have to stay a bit longer."

Sam's face lit up at the prospect of being able to spend a little bit more time with Kai. Maybe with time they would be able to fix their problems and maybe even go back to what they used to be.

"Sam? Kai?" a voice said. "What are you doing here? Is Robby with you?"

Both of them turned and saw Daniel LaRusso. After the fight, Robby had ran away and no one had heard or seen from him.

"No," Sam told him, "have you heard from him?"

"I was just out looking for him," Daniel told them, "wait why aren't you both in school?"

Kai replied. "I just got let out from the hospital."

"I went to visit him," Sam told her father, "and I was going to go, I thought I was ready but then the thought of going back there scared me. So me and Kai came here...well In-n-Out and then here."

Daniel looked at his daughter with a worried and caring expression. He made his way over and sat down next to Sam.

"I get it," he sighed, "I've been in enough fights to know."

"It's different when you're a girl," Sam said sadly to her dad, "I mean, even if you win you're not cool or tough, they think you're crazy."

Kai looked at the girl, he felt extremely sad for her and the situation he was in. He understood where she was coming from, he had seen everyone posting on social media what Kai had done and posted clips of Kai from the fight and all the comments from students were positive ones, they thought he was cool. Obviously it was different for Sam, they thought she was crazy.

"Then I think about everything that happened there," Sam continued, "with Robby, with Miguel and even with Kai-"

Kai blushed slightly at the mention of his name but hid it well.

Sam's eyes filled up with tears. "-and I just...I feel so guilty."

"But it wasn't your fault." Kai reassured her, taking her hand and intertwining it with his, rubbing it soothingly to try and comfort her.

Daniel tried to comfort his daughter. "It's not your fault, all of this started before you were even born. If not for me and Johnny, there wouldn't have been a fight at all. This is my fault."

Kai felt extremely bad for both members of the LaRusso family and thought it was best to give them some privacy. He got up and told them that he was going to use the bathroom before walking away.

"I thought we were the good guys." Sam told Daniel once Kai had disappeared.

Daniel nodded. "We are. At least we try to be. That's what's most important."

Sam sniffled slightly.

"But there's one thing I know for sure," Daniel continued, "and that is that you can't run away from your problems. And I can't run away from mine..."

Daniel pulled Sam in for a hug before speaking again to her. "Just take it one step at a time, don't run away from your problems. You can fix things at school and you can fix things with Kai."

"Kai?" Sam asked, shocked.

The older LaRusso smiled. "I know there's history there, and I know you didn't leave on good terms. You should fix that too, otherwise you'll just feel regretful."

Sam smiled at her dad. "Thanks dad."

"Anytime honey." Mr LaRusso said to Sam.

Once they had finished their conversation, they returned into the house to see Kai sitting in the middle of the indoor Dojo Daniel had built, he was sitting down cross-legged and with his eyes closed.

The boy was breathing in and out steadily and deeply. He was focussing his mind on other things to clear his head, the guilt he had felt from the fight slowly faded away from him and when he finally reopened his eyes, he felt rejuvinated and refreshed. He got back up and turned, only to be met by Sam and Daniel LaRusso.

"Oh hey guys," Kai said with a weak chuckle, "how's everything?"

Sam looked at her father and he shot her an encouraging not.

"It's good," Sam told Kai, "now let's go do something fun."

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