6. Back To School

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"So your parents go to a Beach club? And a Country club?" Kai asked, shocked.

Sam nodded. "I've seen your parents there a couple times as well. The Country club is called Encino Oaks and the Beach club is called Oaks on the Beach."

"Fancy." Kai commented. "I don't have any swimming stuff though."

"I'm sure you could get something there," Sam told him, "your parents are pretty well-known so if you tell them your name, I'm sure you'll get some free swimming stuff."

Not questioning his parents' influence in this town, Kai nodded and focused forwards as they pulled into the parking lot for the Beach club.

Like Sam had predicted, once people found out about Kai's parentage, he was easily able to get some brand new swimming trunks from the shop located within the Beach club, the boy also managed to score himself a pair of sunglasses.

The two of them got changed and agreed to meet by the swimming pool. Once Kai was ready, he was in plain black swimming trunks and was also wearing his newly aquired sunglasses. He waiting for Sam to show up and when she did, his heart started to beat inredibly fast. She was wearing a bikini that looked extremely good on her and whilst he was too busy staring at her, he failed to notice that the girl was also staring at him.

By the time the two of them made their way to the edge of the pool, they were waiting to see if the other would get in first.

"You can go first." Sam said to Kai.

Kai shook his head. "I'd rather not."

And then with his hand, he pushed Sam into the pool, a great splash erupted from the swimming pool and an amused looking Sam emerged from the water.

"Wow, thanks Kai." Sam said, rolling her eyes.

Kai winked at her before jumping in right next to her. The boy emerged and his eyes met hers. They both shared a laugh before making challenging each other to who could swim the fastest.

Once they had finished swimming, the two of them dried themselves up before sitting in a sun lounger, drinking lemonade in whilst the hot sun looked down at them.

"Well that was fun," Kai commented, "we should do it again soon."

Sam blushed hearing his words. Kai was a bit clueless, it seemed like he was asking her on another date, even though today was another date.

"I've got school tomorrow," Sam sighed, "so I better be heading back soon."

Kai nodded in understanding and once they had finished their drinks, they got up to leave. As Sam was walking she almost slipped on some water by the poolside but Kai, with his excellent reaction speed, managed to catch her before anything happened. Crisis averted.

However, there was another crisis, their faces were incredibly close together and both Kai and Sam felt an urge to kiss the other.

"You can't fall in love," Kai told himself internally, "you're going to have to leave soon."

But his heart took control instead of his head and whilst staring into her blue, ocean eyes, he pressed his lips gently onto Sam's. Luckily for him, she didn't pull away and kissed back,, moving her hands to his cheeks. The two of them shared a short but sweet kiss by the side of the pool.

Once their lips had parted, Kai had a wonderstruck expression on his face and Sam looked incredibly flustered.

"Oh...uh..." Kai stuttered, "let's get you home shall we?"

Sam nodded but didn't say anything as the two of them drove in silence back to Kai's house first, Kai left the passanger seat and was extremely awkward. Did he bring up the kiss? Did he kiss her again? In the end, the boy decided that a quick 'Goodbye' would be sufficient.

As Sam drove home, a multitude of emotions were invading her mind. She enjoyed the kiss and she really enjoyed Kai's presence but she knew that his time here was temporary, and that he would be going back to Okinawa again where there was a possibility she would never see him again.

When Sam arrived home, she found her father and Robby Keene training together.

"What's this?" she asked.

Daniel smiled at her daughter. "Well, I thought I'd start a Dojo of my own, Miyagi-Do!"

Robby smiled at Sam.

"We don't strike first," Daniel told her, "unlike the Cobras. Miyagi-Do karate is a form of self-defence, you let your opponent come to you first, you never start a fight."

Sam smiled, she wanted to start doing karate again. She remember when she was younger she used to practice with her dad, and now she wanted to practice again.

As Sam nodded and told her dad that she wantde to train with them, Daniel LaRusso smiled with pride. Their first training session wasn't a very physical one, it was mainly Daniel telling them about all the various lessons that came with karate.

The next day, both Kai and Takeshi were getting ready for their first day at West Valley high school. Takeshi opted on wearing a plain black t-shirt with some jeans whilst Kai wore a white t-shirt with jeans, both boys wore their tiger jackets. It was a plain black jacket but there was a tiger at the back with their names in Japanese just above the tiger. Sensei Yazuko had brought it home for the boys after their first competition, to make them feel even more part of a team.

"Well, here we are." Kai told Takeshi as the two of them stood outside the entrance of the high school.

The two boys stood outside the entrance of the school and watched as the students walked in, all in their friendship groups, gossiping and talking about the events of the All Valley.

"Why did you even agree to this Kai?" Takeshi asked him. There was no need for the boys to go to school, they could've just hung out all day but instead, they were here.

"Don't you want to see how American schools work?" Kai asked Takeshi who merely shrugged.

"I doubt that's why we're here anyways," Takeshi said, "you just want another excuse to see Sam."

With Kai speechless, Takeshi smirked as he knew his theory was correct.

"C'mon," he told Kai, "let's go find your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend!" Kai said quickly as the two walked into the school.

As the two boys walked in, all eyes were on them. There were murmurs and whisperings of their triumph over the weekend and Kai tried to smile or wave at everyone who greeted him.

"We're popular already." Takeshi snickered, looking at Kai as he felt awkward due to all the girls smiling flirtatiously at him.

Kai grimaced, this attention was new to him and frankly it made him feel quite uncomfortable. He looked down at his feet as he and Takeshi continued walking towards the Principal's office. Once they arrived, they were given their timetables and were encouraged to make the most of their 'experience at West Valley high'.

Once they had gotten the basic information, Kai and Takeshi made their way to their first class, Homeroom. When they walked in, Kai immediately noticed Sam, but the girl didn't seem to want to make eye contact with the Hilton boy.

"Ah, here are our new temporary students at West Valley," the teacher beamed, "make sure to make them feel at home! They're here to experience what life is like here. They'll be here until we all break off for summer. Come here boys, tell the class a bit about yourself."

Kai and Takeshi walked towards the front of the class and faced everyone. There were a few familiar faces that they recognised from the All Valley Championships, specifically a few of the Cobra Kai students. Hawk made eye contact with both boys and hissed at them, like a snake.

"We have Malachai and Takeshi." the teacher told the class. "Go on, tell us a bit more about you two."

"I'm uh...Kai," Kai said, trying to be as confident as he could, "I grew up in Japan but I was actually born here. You might uh, know my parents-"

"-tell your mom I said hi!" a boy from the back of the class yelled. He had spiky black hair and had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"What did you say?" Kai asked, his eyes wide from the blatant disrespect towards his mother.

The boy merely just smirked at Kai.

"Kyler! That's a warning." the teacher said angrily.

Kai scoffed before looking at Takeshi, indicating tha tit was his turn to speak.

"My name is Takeshi Yazuko," Takeshi said politely, "my father is a Sensei and you may of recognised us from when Kai, my father and myself won the All Valley Championships."

There was an angry shout from Hawk. "You didn't deserve to win!"

Takeshi smiled. "And you did? With the way to fought? The way you cheated? Even your Sensei was disappointed."

Hawk glared at the two boys once they made their way to their seats. Takeshi made eye contact with Hawk once he sat down but looked away, trying his best to avoid confrontation with the temperamental boy.

"Hey Sam," Kai said to the girl who was sitting in front of him, "do you want to show me and Takeshi around the school later?"

Sam didn't even look back. "I'm busy, ask someone else sorry. Maybe Moon?"

Kai sighed. Why was Sam suddenly acting like she didn't know him? Especially after their kiss yesterday, he thought she would be warm to the idea of showing Kai around. He thought she geniuenly liked him...guess he was wrong.

But it was all for the greater good, if Sam didn't like him back then no feelings would be caught and Kai would just be able to return to Okinawa like normal, and forget all about her.

Once Homeroom had finished, Kai and Takeshi made their way to their next class. Two random girls offered to show them around and since Sam declined his offer, Kai accepted the random girls' offer to show them around the school.

The four of them were laughing when they got to their next class and Kai failed to notice the jealous looks that Sam was giving them.

"That should've been me." she thought to herself.

She sighed and focused on the English work that she had been set. She told herself she wasn't going to let herself get attached to Kai and to do so she was going to ignore him, because the more she saw him the more she wanted to kiss him.

"Miss LaRusso, you can be our Juliet." their English teacher told Sam, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Sam looked down and the play in front of her and read out the line. "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. And I'll no longer be a Capulet. 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot. Nor arm nor face nor any other part belonging to a man. O be some other name."

"Thank you Miss LaRusso," the teacher smiled, "does anyone know what Shakespeare means with that?"

Kai raised his hand.

"Yes Mr Hilton?" the teacher said, pointing at Kai.

Kai spoke confidentally. "Well, Juliet is asking why Romeo must be himself and why he must be from the enemy family because she loves him but it will never work because he's a Montague and she is a Capulet. However, her love for him triumphs over her family's hatred for Romeo's family."

The teacher nodded, looking extremely impressed. "Exactly Mr Hilton, love conquers all."

The teacher smiled and looked around the class, Kai had gone back to reading the play whilst Sam was in deep thought to herself.

Love conquers all...

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