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Real Name: Unknown

Adopted Name: Y/n

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 180 lbs


Personality: Quick, dry wit, unyieldingly calm, friendly, professional, charismatic, analytical, strategic, serious, confident, ruthless (normally), deeply caring, fiercely protective (towards those he's very close to)   

Likes: His ghost, his fireteam, Cayde-6, Zavala, Ikora Rey, Lord Shaxx, the Crucible, his weapons, his ship, his sparrow, Amanda Holliday, Banshee-44, a good fight, spicy ramen, being out in the wilderness, spending time with his friends (particularly with his fireteam, Cayde-6, and Lord Shaxx), the finer things in life, the Speaker, Mara Sov, Eris Morn, protecting humanity

Dislikes: The Cabal, the Fallen, the Taken, the Hive, the Vex, seeing his friends hurt or killed (even though he knows they'll come back if they still have their ghost), Cayde-6 eating all the ramen without him, staying in the tower for very extended periods without reason, not working with his fireteam and/or Cayde-6, Uldren Sov, being killed

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Condition: Y/n is a man who remains in strict level of training regimen and healthy dieting. His physical conditioning has proven to be extremely great and at levels where is not only superior to most hunters and could easily dispatch multiple enemies, but he has even matched the likes of titans in battle.

Superhuman Strength: While somewhat comparable to the likes of Saint-14 in strength, Y/n is still remarkably strong for a hunter. He's strong enough to casually wear some titan armor components that he has on his gear, which hunters frequently do, with said armor pieces being heavy enough to break skulls and rocks through sheer mass and titan helmets being heavy enough to snap a human neck. Y/n is also still strong enough to be able to knock around the likes of Lord Shaxx and his two fireteam members, who also just so happen to be titans, with his blows whenever they spar, and could easily overpower lesser enemies to launch them off the air or nonchalantly restrain them with one hand and send them flying with his kicks.

Superhuman Durability: Y/n's great endurance allows him to fight on par with many titans and various other strong opponents, withstanding strikes with only minor injuries and recover from quickly before getting back into the fight without issue. He's even comparable to titans, who can tank a Centurion's weapon shots with decent armor, with their shots being able to disintegrate small vehicles like sparrows.

Superhuman Speed: Y/n's speed is such that it makes it very hard for his enemies to keep up with him. His speed allows him to compete against titans and other strong opponents in battle, with his fireteam members being unable to truly defeat him since they'd just be sparring. When dealing with multiple opponents, he can block strikes and counter them faster than they could react. He's even fast enough to casually blitz humans, along with being able to outrun and react to lightning.

Superhuman Stamina: Y/n can push himself for very long periods of time without any sight slowing down or fatigue for at least a day. Even during his long and exhausting fights with his friends or multiple opponents at once, Y/n has never shown the slightest sign of being exhausted.

Superhuman Reflexes: Y/n possesses tremendous reflexes. He is even able to react to multiple gunshots casually. His reflexes made him a match for titans' strength, with him being able to block the majority of their blows and strike them multiple times. His great reflexes allow him to fight with multiple enemies, whether they're very skilled or not, at once.

Master Martial Artist: Y/n is an extremely skilled fighter and martial artist, being able to contend with much stronger opponents and groups of multiple enemies and his fighting style appears to consist of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Karate and kickboxing. Y/n's weapons training is a natural part of him ever since he was resurrected, seeing how it was muscle memory for him. Same thing can be said with his skill with melee weapons. He can effortlessly take on multiple opponents, armed or otherwise, and often come out of the fight as the victor. Y/n's skills in battle even allowed him to compete against the likes of his fireteam, Lord Shaxx, and Cayde, with him having been able to fight them all usually to a standstill. Aside from combat weapons, Y/n can use anything in his surroundings as a weapon to fight.

Explosives Mastery: Y/n is also adept with explosives. Like all guardians, they use various explosives, like grenades, or explosive weaponry, such as grenade launchers and rocket launchers, with Y/n being very proficient with all of them. And when it comes to hunters, Y/n has also mastered the use of explosive knives.

Expert Marksman: Y/n is highly skilled in the use of firearms, including pistols, sub-machine guns, hand cannons, shotguns, auto rifles, pulse rifles, scout rifles, trace rifles, sniper rifles, throwing knives, and virtually anything he can get his hands on to be used as a ranged weapon, never missing his mark.

Expert Driver: Y/n is a highly skilled driver and extremely proficient at driving a variety of vehicles, such as jumpships and sparrows. His skills are on par even with the most proficient pilots within the vast amount of guardians.

Immortality: Like all other Guardians, Y/n would be immortal in not only the sense of no longer aging, being immune to any sort of sickness, but also being able to regenerate virtually any wound that he suffers, whether it be a minor or major one, or even a fatal one. Even if he does die, his ghost can also still resurrect him almost immediately in prime condition. He also can't really die since he's technically already dead as he was brought back to life in some way. The only way he can permanently die for good is if his ghost is destroyed, meaning his next death will be final.

Gifted Intellect: Ever since being brought back to life, Y/n has also shown to have a keen mind. Not only is he quick on his feet and adapts to situations quickly, he'd also be the best scout, survivalist, and overall hunter that Cayde has ever trained, something that the Hunter Vanguard has said with pride on more than one occasion. Even going off of Zavala's statements, he has described Y/n was like a man that appears to be an extremely experienced combatant with years of military service.

Expert Tracker: Y/n is a natural tracker, being able to hunt virtually anything he sets his sights on, with him only getting even better under Cayde's tutelage, especially since members of his fireteam always say that he's the best tracker.


Unique Hunter Armor

When Y/n came back to life and had arrived at the Last City, along with being able to meet the various people he'd come to work with, Cayde had taken Y/n to get his newest protege something that would fit with a hunter.


Better Devils Hand Cannon:

Since Y/n was told by Cayde that virtually every hunter has a hand cannon, he went to the resident gunsmith Banshee-44 to get equipped with one. After going through some, Y/n had finally settled on the Better Devils hand cannon, something he felt good about using. Only to immediately get into a Mexican stand-off with Cayde at his request, with it ultimately ending in a draw, which not only surprised and impressed Cayde even more, it just further proved that Y/n had a lot of potential to be just as good as a hunter as him.

Strayer Voigt Infinity:

A highly customized sidearm that Y/n uses, with a butler cut and 23-round magazines, originally chambered in 9x19mm, apparently reinforced for using hot-loaded competition "Major" rounds. Once he got it, Y/n customized the rounds to be much more powerful than they originally were to further suit his needs. Y/n was also given it by Cayde as not only a welcoming gift to being a hunter, but also as a thank you for the fun game of their Mexican stand-off.

Shadow Price Auto Rifle:

One of two auto rifles that Y/n uses with deadly proficiency whenever he's not using his hand cannon or sidearm. Not only was it one of the auto rifles he found in the Vanguard armory, he felt that it was one of the rifles he felt accustomed to when he was using them to see which he'd like the most, before he took one for himself that he'd modify to his own specifications.

Dead Man's Tale:

Y/n would eventually get this scout rifle as not only does it look incredibly stylish, it'd also be very useful for more long-ranged situations, even though he's just as deadly with it from all ranges with this or any other weapon.


While having a few normal knives on his person, Y/n also has a multitude of throwing knives with him as well, especially since he's the best hunter in the entire Vanguard, even said by Cayde himself, to be the greatest with throwing knives, always hitting his mark. The same can be said with his normal hunter knives as well.


Arcadia-Class Jumpship

The first ship Y/n has ever had when he was first revived by his ghost. After touching it up to be the best in his eyes, it'd be one of the best ships he's ever had. But he'd eventually put this ship as his secondary one once he gained a new ship yet still keeps this one due to sentimental value as well.

The Platinum Starling

Y/n's new ship he'd gain at some point during his travels as not only would it be overall better than his first ship, but he just outright prefers it more as it fits more to his own style.


Always on Time

The sparrow that Y/n usually rides whenever he needs to while also being the same color scheme as his second ship. Amanda Holliday has even said that Y/n's sparrow is the fastest she's ever seen.


Y/n's own ghost that he had named Richtofen. Not only is he one of his closest friends, but also his partner ever since he was revived. What's also unique is that this ghost also has a German accent which also fits the name. 

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