Chapter 1 ezra's sacrifice

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This takes place at the end of rebels but in my pov
Ezra's pov
I was on a stardester with tharwn as I shot four stormtroopers killing them as I didn't see it coming tharwn shot me from behind my back as I screamed out of pain I turned around using my right arm and hand to use the force to push away tharwn away from me as I push him out of the ship I know it killed him I saw him coming back I looked at the pegaers eyes as I nodded as I used the force to tell them to send us to hyperspace as first as they can go too and far away from lothal my home planet and for my people and my friends and family too. I know Sabine was watching with Hera and kanan and zeb as Hera said too me on the com saying EZRA GET OUT OF THERE NOW! THATS A ODER! Said Hera, Hera I have too see this too the end said Ezra as Sabine got on the com and said too him EZRA! Please get out of there! For me! Said Sabine. Ezra known he had a couple of seconds before the ship and him will go into hyperspace with tharwn too, Ezra then said too Sabine, Sabine...I've always loved you and always will said Ezra.

Sabine's pov
I told Ezra and begged him too get out of the ship but I heard him say something I didn't know he was going to say too me. "Sabine I've always loved you and always will" he said too me on the com. I started to cry as I was going to tell Ezra I've always loved him too, Ezra I've always...but it was to late the stardester was gone. NOO! Yelled out Sabine as she fell down onto the ground crying as Hera helped her daughter back up. Sabine cried into her mothers arms as Hera said it's okay Sabine. No it's not said Sabine, what do you mean? said Hera, Ezra told me he loves me said Sabine, oh said Hera, I tried telling him that too but it's to late said Sabine as kanan said to Sabine, Sabine he's still alive I can feel him still said kanan. So you can find him? Said Sabine, I don't know said kanan, we will find him Sabine said zeb.

Five years later on lathal ezras home planet...

Sabine was thinking about what Ezra said too her as she walked into her home on lothal as she had a feeling that's the day is the day she sees a old friend of hers and the ghost crew too. Sabine turned around too see it was Asoka tano at her front door as Sabine said it took you long enough said Sabine. It's been awhile Sabine said askoka, yeah it has been said Sabine, so are you ready to find him? Said Asoka. Yes I've been waiting for years now and I'm ready said Sabine as she grabbed her things and Ezra lightsaber and put it into a bag and walked too Asoka tano. Let's begin our journey too find Ezra bridger said Asoka.

A couple of months later looking for Ezra...

Sabine and Asoka then saw a old world where the clones where made in the clone wars as Sabine said the stardester crashed landed into the planet said Sabine, hmm said Asoka, what's wrong? Said Sabine, this this where the clones where made at, I have a feeling that something is down there said Asoka. Okay then let's go too the clones home world said Sabine as she landed the ship on the clone base (The clone base aka their home isn't destroyed)

Sabine's pov
I put my helmet on myself as I walked out of my ship with Asoka with me as the clone home world had no one on it but Asoka said too me I have a cold feeling about this place said Asoka. Okay let's continue said sabine as she walked into the clone base where the clones where born in and made at, all a sudden the power on the clone base turned on as we saw body's in tanks as Asoka looked at one of them and said it's a clone said Asoka. Yeah and someone is making a army of them said sabine, as Asoka saw more of them. We have to go now she said too Sabine, but Ezra's got too be here though said Sabine, I know but we have to leave or some of these clones well awake up and kill us said Asoka. I don't care I'm looking for Ezra said sabine as she continued to walk into the clone home base where the clones where made as sabine saw someone in a tank with water in it as she known who it is...EZRA! Said Sabine as she ran up too the tank and grab Ezra's lightsaber and turn it on as she cut the glass of the tank as the water came out of the tank as did Ezra, sabine took off her helmet too see with her own eyes too see if it was Ezra bridger and it was he hand long hair and a braid on his face too as sabine noticed he was hurt still. Oh ezzy said Sabine as she saw Asoka say you found him? Said Asoka, yeah I did but he's in bad shape, we have too get him back home and fast said Sabine. Okay said Asoka as she helped Sabine with Ezra. They finally just found Ezra as a couple of clones where waiting for them, sabine and Asoka both saw clone troopers waiting for them. As a other clone walked to the other clones as it took off its hood as it was a clone of Ezra himself, Sabine gasped as the clone of Ezra turned on his red lightsaber as Asoka turned on her lightsabers and said too Sabine go I got this, you sure? Said Sabine, yes get out of here and get Ezra back home safely from this place said Asoka. Okay will you be behind me? Said Sabine. Yes now go! Said Asoka, as the clone of Ezra tried too Attack Sabine but Asoka used her whilt lightsabers to have a saber lock. GO! Said Asoka. Sabine ran with the real Ezra as he was heavy for her but Sabine didn't care about it she wanted Ezra back home safely. The rest of the clones opened fired at Sabine but she grabbed her blaster and shot back at the new clones as she killed a couple of them, she finally got too the ship as she got Ezra into it, Sabine took off her helmet and ran too the driver sit as she saw Asoka get into the ship as she told Sabine to punch it, GO! Said Asoka as Sabine fly off of the clone base home planet.

Later on as the clone of Ezra said yes run mando and Jedi to ale him back home said the clone.

Sabine's pov
I finally got us back too lothal as I landed the ship down as medics ran up too us too help Ezra as kanan and Hera walked up too me. You finally found him? Said kanan, yes and we found something or someone and a new clone army said Sabine. Wait what said a voice as it was captain Rex as he said that's impossible my home planet was closed down and all of my clone brothers where KIA said Rex. Well they're not said Asoka, we saw a other clone but it's not a clone trooper said Sabine, what is it Sabine? Said Hera. It's a clone of Ezra said Sabine, how is that possible? They can't clone jedis said kanan, well we ran into one said Sabine. Then a medical doctor walked up too them as he said captain wren and general Hera and kanan commander bridger is awake now said the doctor, really? Said Sabine. Yes you can see him now if you want too said the doctor, Sabine smiled as she ran too the med bay, she saw him again the one she fell in love with as he was laying down on a bed as Sabine said too him, Ezra? Said Sabine, Ezra look up too Sabine as he started to remember what happened to him. Agh! What happened Sabine where am I? Said Ezra as he looked right at her but Sabine just hugged Ezra as she started to cry into his chest as Ezra didn't know she would hug him but he smiled happily as he hugged her back. Sabine stopped crying as she looked into Ezra's blue eyes that she loved very much as she said too ezra, do you remember what you said too me? Said Sabine, yes why? Said Ezra, Sabine just pulled Ezra into a kiss as she kissed him on his lips as Ezra's eyes want big but he closed them and kissed Sabine back as they both stopped kissing each other as they both put their foreheads together, I missed you so much Ezra Bridger said Sabine, I've too missed you but it seems like I've just been a day ago said Ezra. Ezra it's been five years since you made your sacrifice for us and for me too said Sabine. Oh said Ezra, but it's okay you're safe now and your home again on your home planet said Sabine as she hugs him as Ezra smiled happily and hugged Sabine back as Ezra saw kanan and Hera his father and mother, it's good too see you again Ezra said kanan, it's truly is said Hera, Hera kanan I've missed to much said Ezra, we know but your home again and that means the best for it said Hera as she hugged her son as kanan hugged his son too. They both stopped hugging their son as Ezra said I need to get up on my feet said Ezra as he got off of the bed as he walked too a wall to see himself as he saw he had long blue hair and a braid like his father has too, agh I hate this look said Ezra, I'll cut your hair and braid off for you if you want me too do it? Said Sabine, okay that would be great but I need my clothes said Ezra as he just had medical clothes on himself.

Later on...

Ezra's pov

I looked at myself as I had a clean haircut and shaved braid off of my face as I smiled. Then I heard a voice it was Sabine she said it's good to see you again ezzy said Sabine. Yeah it is...wait did you just call me "Ezzy"? Said Ezra. Huh I think so said Sabine. Okay Bine said Ezra, wait you just called me bine did you? Said Sabine, yeah I did said Ezra. Hmm said Sabine as she jumped onto Ezra as he fell down onto the ground but he felt lips teaching his lips as he closed his eyes as he kissed Sabine back, Ezra got up as he picked up Sabine and walked themselves too the bedroom as they made love for the first time.

I hope you guys like this newest book of mine tell me your thoughts about it.

And remember the force will always be with you all...


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