39•Fufa Is Out And His Daughter?

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Its been 1 month to the Night insident with Fufa ji. After that everything was normal. The youngsters had already planned something big, to confront Ranjeet.

"Shivay, where are you all going?" Ranjeet asked as he saw the whole clan leaving the house along with Bhavya and Ranvi.

"Fufa ji, we have a party to attend. He is our family friend. Daadi had requested us to attend it, as they are abroad." Shivay said turning to him.

"And also fufa ji, our elders doesn't know about Khanna. And we don't want the news to spread to the world. So we have to agree. Well, we'll be back by midnight. You take care." Om said and Ranjeet nodded his head. They turned to go but again Ranjeet called them.

"Yes fufa ji..." Shivay asked waiting for his reply.

"Woh... My daughter is coming today. I have called her here. If you don't mind...." Ranjeet got cut inbetween by Shivay.

"Yes yes, ofcourse. Please tell her to stay here." Shivay said and OmRu looked at him with jerk. Shivay blinked his eyes in assurance. The clan left OM.


Its 10 in the night and Ranjeet's daughter had already came to OM. Both father-daughter duo are at his room having conversation on something. Suddenly they hear a scream. Ranjeet was afraid as he realised that its the same scream, when he saw Khanna after his death, while his daughter was confused.

"Dad, what's this scream? Did Shivay came back?" She didn't wait for his reply rather ran out of the room. Ranjeet got panicked and ran behind her to stop her. Suddenly the lights gone off. It panicked him more.

They both reached the hall and saw nothing. They searched everywhere almost for 20 minutes but in vain.

"Dad, i herad the voice from here. But there is nobody." His daughter said being a little scared. She remembered her father saying that he saw Khanna after his death. That time she laughed on him but now, it seems right. Both scooted into eachother and stood there.

"Fufa ji....." Both turned around with a jerk. They saw khanna there. There was a unusual light around him, which scared them nore and more.

"Kh...kh...Khan.. Khanna...." Ranjeet stammered.

"Khanna bhaiya...." His daughter was scared yet she tried to be strong.

"Oho my dear lovely sister. You came. Thats good. Now i can handle you both together. I don't have to struggle to find you now." Khanna said with an evilly sarcastic smirk.

"So will you answer my questions directly or should i make you spill it in my own way?" Khanna asked in a dangerous voice.

"Wh... What question?" His daughter asked whispering.

"Oho cat caught my sister's tongue." He said sweetly but at the next sentance, hia voice was dangerous.

"I want loud and clear voice." He yelled making Ranjeet nod his head.

"No dad.... Tell me what will you do if i don't tell you anything?" His daughter asked gathering all her courage. Khanna laughed loud scared the shit out of them both.

"Should i say or should i show? Come on, let me show you. After all you love shows no." He said smirking. The father-daughter duo looked at eachother in confusion.

Suddenly a hand came infront of them hanging which was dripping with blood. Both screamed their heart out making Shivay laugh but he controlled it. He was behind the pillar, handling the hand, which was hanging on a thin plastic wire, which was not easy to see. Anyone could think that its hanging in the air.

Ranjeet and his daughter turned and stared to run, but they didn't reach anywhere. Little did they know that they are standing on the moving sheet, which will move, when they move their legs. Anika was handling it from behind the pillar, beside Shivay.

Ranjeet and his daughter realised that they are running to get anywhere. Suddenly they could run away, as Anika stopped the movement.

Ranvi spread the goli on the floor and the father and daughter kissed the floor as their legs landed on it. They both cried in pain. Both stood up and saw Khanna having an evil smirk.

"Come back or else, you will have more punishments." Khanna said and both walked to him. They stood infront of him keeping a very safe distance.

"Will you answer me or not?" He asked again and they kept mum. Khanna glared them in anger.

Suddenly a big rock came flying and hit Ranjeet, making him fry and land on the sofa near by. Blood coming from his mouth. His daughter got afraid and bend on her knees joining her hands infront of Khanna.

"We will answer all of your questions, just leave my father please..." She said crying and Khanna smirked mumbling a good.

Shivay and Anika smirked at their first victory. They walked out of the mansion from the back door along with Ranvi and came to Rudy and Bhavya. Ranjeet sat on the sofa, and his daughter sat beside him.

"Why did you seperated my Shivay Bhaiya and Bhabhi 4 years ago?" Khanna asked glaring at the duo.

"Because.... I... I wanted hi...him." Ranjeet's daughter said and Anika's eyes widened in horror. She looked at Shivay and he nodded his head. Well, our family photographer, Rudy boy was shooting each and everything.

"Don't you feel ashamed?" Khanna asked feeling disgusted. But she had no expression other than fear.

"And you fufa ji, you did a lot of sins. Lets count from the last to the first. Now will you spill the beans by yourself or should i make you?" Khanna said as his eyes got red by anger.

"Okay, I'll ask you and you will answer. Maybe you'll get confused that where to start. So first of all, tell me why did you wanted to destroy Shivay bhaiya? And why did you wanted to kill Ranvi?" He asked with cold voice.

"I.... Tried to se...seperate Shi... Shivay and A.. Anika so that my...my daughter could....could get him. But...that time she throned my daughter from office and Oberoi Guest house. And when i got to know that she is back into his life, that too with their daughter, i wanted to seperate him. She can't get what my daughter wanted." Ranjeet said as his scary expression changed into fury one.

"When Anika had gone to meet the boy, i don't who was he but i portrayed him as her ashiq and tried to convince Shivay. But he had so much faith in her. So i blackmailed him, pointing a lazer gun on her head. He had to send her away from him. I was at London at that time but my daughter was all enough for these. And when Anika thrown her away from the office, Shivay didn't stopped her. He forgot his promise. That made us more angry. Finally she left Shivay but when my daughter tried to come back into his life, he send her to America. She was anable to come back. He had trapped her. But finally she could make it and came today. I don't know how. But she came back." Ranjeet said it all being in anger without knowing that he was confessing his crimes and its being recorded. Khanna was burning in anger.

"Where is my Rishi bhaiya? What did you do with him?" Khanna asked anger filled in his voice. Ranjeet laughed like a psychopath. He stopped his laugher suddenly and glared Khanna with evil smirk.

"Rishi , he is alright. Infact, he is living like a Prince in London. Handling my businesses. Making me more and more richer. Poor boy, he thinks that he is my sister's son and his Mamu is dead. He thinks that i looked after him, like his father. He doesn't know that its me who seperated him from his family, his mom-dad, his brothers his whole family. He thinks that he is an orphan. You know he got into an accident when i was taking him away from here. He lost his memory. So he believed whatever i told him. He believes that he is a Singhaniya. He doesn't know that he is an Oberoi. Hahaha....." He laughed evilly, confessing his evil deeds.

"Your poor Bua. Anjali Singh Oberoi, oh... Sorry sorry.... Anjali Singhaniya. My dear wife. What did your family thought? That i married her because i loved her? Tch tch tch..... No.... No i don't love her. I never loved her. She was just a mere bridge towards the Oberoi wealth. I just wanted the cash and properties of the Oberois. But your Dada ji, Mr.Prithviraj Singh Oberoi... That bloody old man made a will that his daughter can never transform or sell the shares of the Oberoi empire till her last breath. After her death, her husband will get the right to hold the shares. So i simply tried to kill her portraying it as an accident. She had taken into the hospital. But your dada ji got to know that its me who tried to kill her. He tried to send me jail. So i had to kill him. To escape from there, i had to take Rishi with me. So that no one could catch me. And i got succeeded as well. You know how fool your Bua and Shivay? He was always protective towards his family. He was just 6 but he acted matured. Your Bua, took a promise from him that he will take care of my daughter. So he had to keep her here, as a family. But when he got to know about her passion towards him, he send her to the guest house. We were always in contact. She had always acted according to my plan. She is my daughter. Mine, not your Bua's. Yes she had gave birth to her but, she have my blood in her vain." He said laughing more.

Suddenly he saw Shivay Rudra Anika Bhavya and Ranvi on the entrance. He got panicked. They walked ahead towards the hall. Ranjeet and his daughter's breath got stuck into their throat when they saw Anika walking through Khanna. She passed through him easily. Now they surely got belief that Khanna is ghost.

All came to Ranjeet and his daughter and stood infront of them. Lights got on and Khanna got disappeared. Anika slowly came and stood infront of Ranjeet's daughter. She got shocked as Anika slapped her resulting her to kiss the floor.

"Don't you have shame miss. Ragini Malhotra. Oh am sorry. Mrs. Ragini Malhotra or Ragini Singhaniya. You tried to have an affair with your cousin brother that too after already being married?" Ragini tried to speak.

"Don't utter a single word." Anika said dangerously and turned to the entrance.

"Siddhanth..." Anika called aloud and a man in his late, 20s came to them. She turned to Ragini.

"Siddhant Malhotra. Your husband. Poor him didn't knew any of your intentions and got trapped into your plan. But you can't keep anyone for long. Now he had seen with his own eyes and heard everything from your own mouth." Anika said and Siddhant came to Ragini. He slapped her hard on her face resulting her to kiss the floor again.

"Bloody witch." And he threw a paper into her face. She opened it and her eyes got widened.

"Sign on it. I don't want any further drama. I want devorce now, here. Sign it." He roared into her face forwarding the pen. She took the pen from his hand signed the papers with trembling hands. He snatched the paper and pen when she signed. He stood beside Rudy to see her being punished. Shivay came to Ragini and Ranjeet.

"It was only because of my bua, that i kept you in the office even after your behaviour towards me. I had promised her that i will give you a job in Oberoi Industries when you will become eligible and i won't take your job away. But i didn't gave her the promise that I'll stop anyone from doing that, especially when its my Anika. And what did you called her that day? Low class girl, right?" Shivay asked with a sarcastic tone.

"She is not any low class girl. She is equally rich and powerful to Oberois. Its just she lived here like a middle class girl, for her and her siblings safety. Her grandpa had requested me to help her to keep it as a secret. None knew about it, even OmRu. It's just me and Anika. Now the enemies are out of her life. Her grandpa died 5 years ago, and she had to handle the business. Till now, she handled her family business keeping her identity in secret. She was my PA, as she wanted to practice everything before handling the business. SHE IS EQUAL TO ME. DID YOU GET THAT MISS. RAGINI MALHOTRA." Shivay roared the last words dangerously. Then he averted his gaze to Ranjeet and came to him.

"And you Mr. Ranjeet Singhaniya, oh sorry my dear sweet Fufa ji.... You tried your best to seperate me and Anika apart. But you got proved unsuccessful. We were never got apart. Yes we had lost our contact for 4 years, but our love and trust were there always." Shivay said in anger filled voice. Rudy and Gauri were surprised with it. Om and Khanna, who were watching it through the camera was also surprised. Shivay continued..

"That day, Anika had gone to meet her brother. She had messaged me that and i was surprised to see them at the same place as mine. So i was going to them, and your daughter messaged me that my Anika is having affair with that boy which made me mad at her, not my Anika. Then when i said that i know my Anika, then your so called daughter blackmailed me pointing the lazer gun on her. So i had to pretend as if i am mad at her. Then i left from there. I was angry on Your daughter and i threw all the things in my room. I was feeling helpless that i couldn't just tell the fact aloud. But while returning to OM,i messaged Anika the plan. That me and her gonna pretend as if i had misunderstood her having affair with that boy, and i threw her away from my life. But we were never apart. I had full faith on her and i still have. I loved her then and i love her now. I will always love my Anika in tomorrow as well, till my last breath. Till i am alive, my heart will beat only for my Anika." Shivay shouted taking out all his frustration. Anika came and hugged him calming him down. Shivay wrapped her hands around her glaring Ranjeet and Ragini.

Om and Khanna entered in, with the police. Ranjeet and Rangini's eyes widened in horror, watching Khanna. They took some steps back. Two constables came and catch them. Khanna came infront of them with angry face.

"You... You were dead, how can you be here? I have seen you being burned in the wood, then how?" Ranjeet said with scary face. Khanna laughed aloud and suddenly stopped it glaring Ranjeet.

"What did you thought Fufa ji? Its only you who could make master plans? No, a big No. We can also make such plans. It all was our plan. Kidnapping Ranvi, killing myself, pretending to fight with Shivay bhaiya and...." Khanna came more towards Ranjeet "my Bhoot." He whispered dangerously. Then Khanna explained their plan and execution. Ranjeet and Ragini were shocked.

"But how did Anika came passing through you?" Ragini asked still afraid.

"Oh my dear sister...." Khanna came close to her.

"It was just my reflection. You know, technology had progressed a lot. I was at the basement with Om bhai. I was speaking from there, while watching your full actions through the CCTV. There was a projector, which was visualising me, just like as if its me myself. And you fools really thought that it's me. Hahaha..." Khanna said and laughed along with the youngsters.

"Now all your doubts would be cleared. Inspector, take them away and, charge as much as cases you can on them." Rudy said and the inspector nodded his head.

"Take them." Inspector said and the officers took them out of the mansion.

"Uff... Finally...." Rudy said throwing himself on the couch lazily.

"Thank you so much guys." Siddhant said turning to all. Shivay came and hugged him followed by the others.

"Its okay Siddhant. And take care of yourself. I am sorry, you had to go through all these because of my family. " Shivay said breaking the hug.

"No no Shivay. Its only her and her father. Don't blame yourself or your family." Siddhant said as Shivay nodded his head. Siddhant left OM bidding bye to everyone.Om turned to Shivay.

"But Shivay and Anika Bhabhi, tell me one thing, if all these were your plan, then why did you lost your contact?" He asked and others nodded their head. Anika and Shivay looked at eachother.


Heya guys.....

Hope you all liked the chappy.....

Fufa and Ragini is out.

I hope that you guys are clear on Ragini.

Now there are some more revelations left.

Its gonna hit in the next chapter.

Till then bubbye....


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