#1 Lewis - Imola

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This one shot is taking place during 2 race of this season, Imola. 

ANGELINA POV: Everything seamed pretty fine on this particular Sunday in Imola. I flew here with Lew on Wednesday, for race weekend. Thursday went smoothly, just like free practises on friday. But little problems strated already in saturday... Red Bulls where fast as hell, which made more difficult for Lewis and Valtteri to focus on their results. All qualifications where hetic, and pressure was high. I did all I could to make Lewis more at ease, but I didn't succed much...

-You did awsome baby!- I told him, when he came back to the garage. Without a single word, he wrapped me in tight hug, which I returned.
-What's wrong?- I asked softly, and stroke his stiff back gently.
-I don't know...- he whispered back. Something wasn't right, I could feel it...
-You should be happy... You got pole..?- I suggested calmly, but not sure.
-Yeah, I did...- he sighed deeply. It was really hard for me to pull back a little, to look him in the eye.
-What's wrong Lew..?- I asked again, totally ignoring the team around us -It's about those Bulls?- I tried to find the cause of his state. He didn't answer, just hunged down his head. It told me enough... -Don't think about them now, ok? Enjoy your pole, talk with the guys about the car and check how Val is doing. That 8th position doesn't feel good... We'll talk about this later...- I sugested, and lifted his chin a little, to look him in the eye -I'll be here all the time. When you'll be done, we can get back to this conversation, ok?- I tried to sort out his priorities for him, to at least try focus him on something else.
-I already did...- we smiled lightly, he leaned in to kiss me softly, but swettly on the lips, and then I let him go.
And that's how next 3 hours went. First he talked with Toto, Bono and the guys about the car, as rear wasn't behaving to their favor and then had long talk with Angela. I'm really happy he has her here. Their friendship is special... Then, of course, he had to do all those interviews and answer all the questions. I felt so proud of him, he played it so well even though I could see all those little gestures which told me that not everything is right...
After that we talked to Valtteri. Finn was really disappointed with his result and we understood that. Especially because both of them already got used to settle on the front row of the grid and now this 8th place... We tried to cheer him up a little, while heading back to the hotel. Without thinking, I held Lews' hand and drew small, but asuring circles on his palm. It was clear that both Mercedes guys weren't at ease today... 
Finally, we managed to reach our hotel room, wishing Valtteri a goodnight beforehand. Fin did the same and even flashed us weak smile. But just seconds after Lewis locked the door behind us, his cheered up and happy smile fell, changing places with look of anxiety. I walked to him immidately with opened arms.
-Come here...- It was all it took for him to wrap me again in tight embrance. I exhaled deeply and returned the hug -Tell me what's wrong... please...- I whispered to his ear and placed soft kiss on his temple -I might not help, but we can talk about it...
-You're already helping..- he blurred into my shoulder, not moving at all.
-Just being you... Your presence is calming... Thanks to you I feel at home...- he replied softly and then was his turn to kiss my head.
-I'll always be here, ok? Just believe in yourself and me...- I asured him and added -99th time pole sitter...! Well done Hamilton!- I said and pulled back a little, to look him in the eye -I'm so damn proud of you...
-Thanks baby..- he managed to smile. Little and weak, but still a smile.
-What's going on in there, hm?- I asked softly, touching one side of his head, just above his left ear.
-I don't know really...- he exchaled again and looked away.
-Ok. Let's do it that way. Go, take warm shower and let me change really quick, and then we can talk, hm?
-Ok- he agreed and kissed my forehead.
That's what we did, and after an hour or so, we found ourselves in our shared, kings' sized bed. I popped myself up on 2 large pillows and talked Lew to lay his head on my lap. I was playing with his braids and he was talking. Our little way to calm eachother down...
-I love adrenaline which comes with this sport, I love when I have to fight for victory, just like I did since my karting days, because it makes the win even more special, but...
-You got used to easy wins last year, and now, when Bulls are real challenge, you feel unease...- I ended his thought.
-Something like that..- he agreed and chuckled, looking at me -How come you know what I think?
-I know you, and I love you. That's why- I replied and he smiled. For real this time. Wide and true smile.
-Yeah, can be that...- he agreed and we laughed. Then, when we calmed down a bit, Lew lifted his right hand and cupped my cheek -I love you, you know that, right?
-I know. I know and I love you too..- I replied and leaned down to kiss him. Kiss after kiss, and our little "therapy-talking seasion" turned into something else, making Lewis totally forget about todays events. Even I, myself, forgot about them. Only this mattered... That we're together and we love eachother uncondicionaly...

When I woke up the next day, first thing that came to my sleepy mind was warm feeling of Lewis' body so close to mine, as he's hugging me tightly, still asleep. I got my moment to admire him like that, so calm and carefree, but then, we needed to get up, so I had to wake him.
-Lew... It's time to get up baby...- I whispered softly and caresed his cheek. Then I placed soft kiss on his lips. That worked, and his sleepy gaze met my eyes.
-Morning- I replied and kissed him once more. This horase and thick from sleep voice of his always makes my legs feel weak.
-Ready for today?
-You'll do awsome, I'm sure of it!- I asured him and smiled.
-What I would do without you?
-You would manage, somehow..- I replied and we laughed.
-As much as I enjoy being with you, we need to get up...
-Yeah, you're right- I agreed and we got up. When Lew was locked in the bathroom I got dressed into black, highwaisted jeans, white sneekers and one of Lews' team shirts, which I combined with black leather coat, because it's little chilly today. Then we swapped and I went to the bathroom while Lewis was getting dressed. I put a light make up on, with little darker eyeshadow. Then I brushed my hair and lifted half of them up in two little buns. As I was ready to go, I got back to our room.
-I like your buns- Lew comented and huged me from behind.
-Thanks- I smiled and added -I can do for you similar ones, If you want?- I suggested and turned around to face him. As I thought, his braids were loosely hunged down.
-Ok. I'll do it and you'll leave them if the outcome looks nice, alright? And if not, u gonna settle for usual ponytail..
-Ok- he agreed and sat down on the bed. I got on it behind him on my knees and quickly got to my "work". With blink of the eye, this hairstyle was done.

-And... what you think?- I asked him, curiositly, and he looked at himself in the mirror, which was hanging on the wall near us.
-I love it!
-Yeah. I do- he asured me and added -I think that's nice change...
-I totally agree- I said and we kissed.
After that we left our room, hand in hand, deeply in conversation. We ate breakfast with Angela and Toto at the hotels restaurant and then went to the track, all together. It was still pretty early, but Lewis had some pre-race interviews to do. 
-You'll do awsome out there! Just drive like you love to do, and everything will be alright!- I asurred my a little stressed boyfriend and gave him a tight hug -I know that those conditions aren't the best, but you're king in wetts, so don't worry about it too much!
-What I would do without you Angel?- he asked me and smiled, looking straight into my eyes.
-I don't know. I don't know also what I WOULD do without YOU in my life...- I told him in loving tone -I love you Lew. No matter what...
-I love you too Angie- he replied and gave me that loving smile, which always makes my knees go weak. Then I kissed him deeply, wanting nothing more than him to be happy. Just seconds after, he returned the kiss and held me close by placing his hands on my hips. 
I could stay with him like that forever, but he still has a race to win...
-We need to go...
-I know- he agreed, placed sweet kiss on my forehead and then we left his room, to go to the garage, hand in hand. There I sat in the back, with Angela while Lewis prepered for the race.
-Is he alright?- Angela asked me -He seems a little distracted...?- she added, still eye'ing Lewis.
-Yeah. A little stressed because of the Bulls on his tail, but he'll be fine...- I flashed her warm smile, which she returned.
-I know he will. He's 7 times WDC after all!?- she joked and we laughed warmly.
A little after we calmed down, Lewis came to us, almost ready for the race. His still had to put balaclava and helmet on, but apart from that, he was ready.
-Will I get a good luck kiss?- he asked rethorycaly, which made me giggle.
-My idiot..!- I commented and then stood up, to kiss him. Second later our lips touched, he pulled me closer by wrapping his arms around my waist. The kiss was sweet and loving but also full of passion. We broke apart only because we needed air. 
-Good luck...- I told him, a little out of breath. 
-Thanks baby- he smiled again, and then let me go, to hug Angela. After that they left garage, for the race to start...

Everything was going almost well. I said almost, because Lew lost his position to Max after turn one and struggled to get it back. Both sides of the garage were silent and stressed, as Valtteri wasn't doing any better... He even had a problem to still be in first ten, constantly swapping positions with other drivers and desperately trying to move forward.
-That's not good...- I told Angela with worry in my eyes.
-I know...- She nodded -But Lewis is still second...
-Yeah, that's the only good thing today for now...- I said and she hummed in response, gaze fixed on the screens. I had really bad feeling today...
And my "dead wishes" came true, when Lewis got stuck in the gravel on turn 9. 
-Oh no!- Me and Angela said in unision.
-Come on baby! Keep engine going and find reverse, find reverse!- I mumbled under breath, looking only on the screen. Minutes were passing and he still was stuck...
-Come on Lew! You can do it baby!- I was almost sure that I broke my thumb from how hard I was fisting my hands...! And then, out of sudden, I started to shiver. I tried to cover it, but Angela saw it anyway...
-Here. Take it- she handed me Lews' coat. I smiled to her and put it on, just when my boy finally found the reverse tryb and pulled the car out of the trap.
-Yes!- everyone in the garage cheered, because no big damage on the car was done and he still could race. The bad thing was, he fell from second to 9th...
But before we could calm down, bad luck striked again. Valtteri and George had huge colision, tumbling cars from one side of the track to another. It looked very scary...
-Is he alright?- I asked one of the mechanics. He just shruged his shoulders. For long minutes Valtteri was sitting still. Even without the flames, I got flashback of last year and Romains' crash... It was horrible!
Luckly, after some minutes, when Russell came to him, they talked a little, and then George walked away, pretty pissed, and Val jumped out of the car. He could walk and all, but something was wrong, we could see that...
-That's red flag...- Angela sighed.
-Poor Val.. He struggled so much this weekend and now this..!- I felt really sad for Finn. He's good friend and awsome person. He shouldn't have so much bad luck...
-Yeah.. Not ideal weekend for him..- Angela agreed with me.
After maybe 5 minutes, it was said that the cars have to return to pits, for restart, after Marshals will clean the track. 
-Lewis will be here in 3 minutes. You should talk to him...- Angela looked at me.
-Yeah I will- I agreed and zipped his coat up, to leave the warmth of garage. The other teams went out also, cars pulling in, to stop in front of respective garages and that gave me the chaos to be invisible for the camaras. Especially with my pink flash gone, as I gave my hair a little break from the dye. I pulled black cap on my head more and hid myself behind one of the corners. The plan was to wait when Lew will be passing me, without camera following him and pull him here. I don't know why, but my heart rate increased. 
Before I knew it, perfect oportunity happened. I quickly grabed his elbow and taking him by suprise, pulled him to the shadows.
-What the heck!?- he cursed, but when his eyes met mine, he immediately relaxed -Angel!- that was all he said, before hugging me tightly. I returned the hug and rubbed his back gently.
-It's fine! Everything is fine!- I tried to comfort him.
-No. Nothing is fine! I crashed and fell to 9th, and Val also crashed... How could I do such a child a like mistake!?
-Lew, look at me baby!- I ordered him, pulling away slightly -You just drove. Mistakes happens! It's not your fault! Don't beat yourself up for it! You're just a human! My human, may I add!- I retorted, and cupped his cheeks in my hands, locking my gaze with his.
-I knew it'll be tough! I just knew!
-I know. I knew that too since yesterday. But you're a fighter and you'll change this situation for better!
-What if I don't?
-Don't doubt yourself now, Hamilton! I know you! And you just don't give up, not in times like that! Not after what you texted Lando yesterday! I believe in you!
-I love you Princess...
-I love you too- I replied and kissed him softly -Go out there and fight for what's yours! And talk to Angela, she's worried about you...
-Thanks Ange, I'll- he promised, kissed me again and let go -Besides...
-Besides what?
-You look beautifull in my jacket!- he grinned widely.
-Oh, shut it Hamilton!- I chucked and he giggled, just like I love. After that, he went to see Angela and I came back to the garage. From the screens I could see that he is still nervous and tries to ease his mind and find solution to this situation. My heart was breaking at that sight, when he crouched down and put his head in a little shaky hands, but I couldn't do anything more. Now it was his turn to calm himself...

Before we knew it, the race started again. It was tough at first, as Lew got stuck behind Aston Martin of Lance Stroll, but then everything started to get better lap by lap. Stroll, Riccardo, then Sainz, Leclerc and then he got stuck again, behind the McLaren of basicly flying Lando Norris. It was very visible that young brit wanted to prove, to himself, to the FIA, and to his fans that he really can drive. And as hell he can! He held Lewis behind him for freakin' ten laps! 10! On softs! 
-Lando is a beast!- I told Angela.
-Yeah, he's good..- she agreed. Just 3 laps to go Lew managed to overtake Lando, as young Brits' tires were dead. I knew he wasn't fully happy, as he didn't catch Max, but P2 is deffinitely better than P9!
-He got second! He did it!- all the boys, and me and Angela, jumped in the air in happines. 
-What a turn around!- Angela chuckled, smiling widely.
-Only he can pull of such a thing!- I giggled and she nodded. 
-Come on! Let's go to parc feme...- she looked at me.
-I'll pass..- I said and added -Nobody knows we're together. I don't want to break it to the world like that... See you guys on the podium...
-You sure?
-Yeah, go and give him massive hug from me- I replied confidently. 
It was really nice to see Lewis this happy. I could see that he tried to find me, but Angela whispered him something, when they huged. Probably that I'll join them at the podium, where he went shortly after.
As I said, I joined them there, perfectly blending in because of the cap and Lews' jacket. 
-You're impossible!- said someone next to me. I looked at this person and smiled at Toto.
-You set his mind on right direction. He told that to Angela right before the restart... You're his lucky charm Angelina!
-Maybe...- I agreed and giggled a little -I'm SO proud of him!
-We all are!- he nodded and we looked at the podium with smiles in our faces. It was nice to see Lew so happy up there, spraing chamapane with Max and Lando...

After the podium ceremony Lewis went to press conference and all the interviews he had to do, before the end of the weekend. I stayed in the garage to wait for him. All my waiting lasted around 2h, before he came back, with smile on his face.
-Well done baby! I'm SO damn proud!- I told him, when he came closer.
-Thanks Princess! I wouldn't do it without you!- he replied and pulled me close for a hug -I love you!
-I love you too Champ!- I replied and we kissed softly for a few seconds -How you want to celebrate? Hit the club, or...?
-Or go to our room and cuddle?- he interupted me.
-As you wish Honey- I agreed and smiled. Then Lew and the rest of the team wrapped everything up on the track, to go back to the hotel. It was very eventfull day and there were many things to do afterwards. But I didn't complain, as my boy was happy. Finally relaxed and happy... Maybe not as much as he would be after win, but still happy. And when he's happy, I'm also happy!

When we got back to the hotel, Lewis had "business" chat with Toto and Valtteri, and then we went to eat. It was our little celebration with the team, because nobody was really in the mood to party. Valtteri clearly being the last to do so.
After diner we bid our farawells and got back to our room. There we took showers and got dressed for the night. Then we made ourselves comfortable on the bed, to talk. Lew was lying on his back and pulled me on top of him, so I rested my chin on my hands, lying them flat on his chest, above his heart.
-You happy?
-Yeah... I'm happy- his response relaxed me.
-You did awsome after restart. Haunted each of them like predator and overtook with ease...- my coment made him smile.
-I love you Ange. I would crumble down out there, without you...- he said affectionately, playing with my hair.
-I love you too Champ. You and only you- we smiled and gave each other little peck on the lips. Then I rested my head on his chest and he pulled me closer.
We talked some more, stiking to warm cuddles. This day was really tough, but we managed to live through it and came out of it with victory on our own. I was glad that Lewis is happy and everything turned out good at the end. I can sence more days like these like that in the future...

My first OS...
I hope you like it!
And sorry for eventual mistakes!
English is not my first language, so I apologise for that beforehand...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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