#106 Carlos - "Oh, here we go again...?!"

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CARLOS POV.: Today I have all day off. No work in the factory, or on the track, nor a race weekend, so I stayed at home with my family. Isabella would love to sleep all day because of the progressing twin-pregnancy, and Rafael plays with Pinon. Our buddy and Ozzy (Isabella's cat) are surprisingly friends, so our cat accompanies these games as well... It's very nice to see them having fun... -Hi ...- said a familiar, though still sleepy voice, and a moment later Asia appeared in my sight. My wife was still wearing signs of sleep, in her pajamas with a cardigan pulled on, and her hair was disheveled, tied at the top of her head.
-Ola Cariño...- I said, kissing her with a smile as she sat down next to me on the couch. Before that, she gave our son a kiss in the head and furred the animals behind their ears.
-Little ones let you sleep, I see?- I asked her when she snuggled up against me.
-Oh yes... This time yes! - she replied smiling, watching the play in front of us -A little more time and they will be with us, and Rafe will go to kindergarten...!? The time flies, no?!- she asked rhetorically, not looking away from our son.
-Too fast, definitely TOO fast...!- I answered her honestly, kissing her head.
-I think we're crazy..!- she laughed, wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging me tighter.
-Why do you think so?!- I inquired, interested.
-Let's think... We have a 2-year-old son, a cat and a dog, and we will have 2 daughters any day and you still drive in F1! How can we handle all of this?!- I easly heard the hesitation in her voice.
-It will be okay, mi Amor, don't worry too much! Besides, I told you that I planed with Mattia, that I'll have to spent very less time in the factory when you'll give birth..!- calmed down my slightly nervous wife. Normally Isa wouldn't think about panicking at all, but being pregnant has mood swings and her hormones are going crazy these days... Nevertheless, I love her the most in the world and without her I don't know what would happen to me...!?
-Te quiero...- she muttered, increasing her hug for a moment.
-Te quiero también Cariño- I replied, kissing her on the head again.
-And you too...- as soon as I said that, Rafe scrambled on the couch, as he wanted hugs. This didn't surprise us, because Rafael has a nap soon, because it is already after 10...
-Ay, mi niño!- Isa giggled and I laughed along, as she hugged him close.
-Mama!- he replied and hugged her back.
-It's time for a nap! Which means many hugs!- she said with a wide smile.
-But watch out for your hermanas in Mama's tummy, ok?!- I reminded him, as I brushed his hair a bit.
-Yhm- he agreed, not moving an inch. Then me and Isa locked gazes and smiled to one another. Gazes which said more than words ever could... I leaned in and kissed my wife sweetly, and then kissed Rafe on the top of his head and huged both of them close.
Seeing the change in the situation, Ozzy climbed onto the back of the couch and placed himself on it, in very short distance from us, and Pinon marched across the living room as if checking if it was safe, then came over to us and lay down beside our legs, taking one of his toys into his mouth. We sat there in complete silence for a long while, listening to the radio playing in the background and thinking about something and anything. I don't know about my wife, but I was wondering once again, what I had done in my life, that I have such miracles as Isabella, our son, or unborn twins by my side...?!
-He fell asleep...- Isa whispered at one point, breaking me out of my thoughts. However, she did it so quietly that Rafe didn't even flinch.
-Come on, I'll carry him...- I replied, releasing her and getting to my feet.
-Ok- she smiled at me and let me take our son, hugging him to me.
-Papa...- Rafael muttered, cuddling up to me, but not waking up, and I noticed the tender expression of my wife.
-I'll be back soon, mi Corazón- I whispered, then left the living room and headed upstairs with my son. Rafe didn't wake up for a moment when I was carrying him to his room, nor when I put him to bed -Buenas noches mi niño...- I mumbled, kissed his forehead and left the room the quietest, I was able. Then I got back to my wife, and once again, sat down beside her, on the couch.
-Remember that when he gets up, we go to dinner with our parents, and then we come home without him, because Rafe sleeps at his grandparents?! - she reminded me, hugging and stroking Osiris lying on her lap.
-I remember Honey, I remember- I calmed down my wife and then added -And how are my princesses feeling there?!- I asked curiously, placing my hand on her belly covered in a blanket and clothes.
-They are twirling ...- she replied, a then tensed, as I felt perfectly well the kick under my hand -They hear you, and they just answered for themselves!- she chuckled and added -I got a contraction...
-Breathe calmly, Honey ...- I said gently, all the time slowly rubbing her stomach. As expected, the contraction released after a while and it was ok.
-These cramps will end me someday!- my wife snapped as soon as she felt well.
-Don't worry baby, just a little more and you won't have these contractions!
-Yes, but sleepless nights will come back again, because one of the twins will either cry or want to eat! I just pray that when we deal with one, the other won't wake up, because I will probably die!- she looked at me with glass eyes.
-It'll be fine- I repeated with a smile -You're a wonderful mom. We can handle everything!- I assured her, then kissed her forehead.
-I'm glad that I have you ...- she commented, and then we kissed, not for a long time, but sweet and tender. "Mi Querida..." - I thought, seeing the smile on her face, but also tears in her eyes. We sat like that for a while, in complete silence, enjoying presence of one another.
-You know that I love to sit with you like that, but I think you should start getting ready for lunch with my parents, because another half an hour and Rafael will get up...- I broke the silence, looking at my watch and then at Izzy.
-You are right, I'm going to the bedroom- she replied, we kissed briefly and then she disappeared upstairs, and I stayed on the couch, thinking about how lucky I am to have her, my son and all of that in my life...?!

An hour and a half later, we were at my parents' house, leaving Piñon and Ozzy alone at home. We weren't afraid they'd break something, because Piñon had never done it, and Ozzy hadn't done it yet, so we hoped it won't happen. Rafe was chilling on the carpet and playing with Lego cubes with my sister, Bianca, while the rest of the adults, with coffiee, tea or something other to drink, sat down near them and ocupied ourselves in nice conversation, postponing diner a bit.
-Izzy, when is your due date, because I always forget to ask?!- my mum asked her.
-In 2 weeks... At the last visit, the doctor said that the little ones have developed so much that they are ready to be born at any moment, but my due date is in 2 weeks- she replied, gently stroking her stomach, with a small smile.
-That's great! - they rejoiced and dad added:
-And have you already chosen the names?!- he asked curiously.
-Yes, both first and second and the godparents as well- I replied, pleased. A few days ago we made our final decisions about it and now all you need to do is ask the right people when the time is right...
-That's wonderfull Cariño!- mum commented, and dad added:
-I can't wait to meet these two princesses!- he laughed.
-Soon Papa, very soon...- Isa smiled at him, and I kissed her temple.
Shortly after that, we sat down to a delicious meal prepared by my mother, continuing our conversation about everything and nothing, mainly about our unborned daughters. Mostly it wasn't anything too spicy, because of Isabella's condition, but everything was delicous nevertheless. After lunch, we talked briefly with family, and then got ready to leave, after we said goodbye to everyone, kissed our son and finally returned home. It was going to be a quiet evening....
The day was really nice and quiet for us. After we left Rafe with our parents, we went for a medium-long walk where we talked honestly and relaxed at the same time. We went to the forest near our house, so we took Piñon with us so he had his mid-day walk. Then we came home and had the rest of the day very nice, chatting over hot tea with honey and ginger by the fireplace, or reading books. I also trained a little, but not too much...
Time was passing VERY fast, we didn't even notice when it was quite late in the evening!
We were already going to sleep when the idyllic atmosphere of the evening was disturbed...
-Carlos!!?- Isa shouted to me from the bathroom. Something in her voice told me that something is wrong...?!
-Si, mi Amor?!- I looked into the bathroom worried. Izzy was standing by the sink, bent in half, holding her stomach.
-It hurts...- she said, and then hung her head down, focused on even breathing. I was by her side in seconds.
-You have constractions?- I asked her, just to be sure, knowing it perfectly well myself. My wife only nodded, unable to say anything, because of the pain.
-Come on, let's leave the bathroom..- I gently but firmly propped her up and tried to lead her out of the bathroom. Such episodes have happened in recent days as the contractions have increased, but nothing more happened, until now... However, Isabella froze after 3 steps.
-What's going on baby?! Another contraction?- I asked her, pausing as well, but not letting go of her.
-No..- her breathing was shallow and she looked at me with glossen eyes -I think my water just broke...- she hesistantly said, clearly scared.
-Are you serious?!- I made sure, also terrified, but excited at the same time. After all, it meant that the twins wanted to appear in the world already...
-Yhm..- she nodded again, and I saw that she's right. In fact, her stomach had "dropped" a bit, and her pijama bottoms had a dark stain on them.
-Ok... Stay here, don't move and just breathe, I'll be right back- I told her, looking her in the eye. I could see in her irises what pain and fear she was going through right now, so I had to be the one calm between the two of us for everything to go well. I kissed my wife on the forehead, then burst out of the bathroom as if I got burned. In the rush I got dressed in a jacket and etc. "Thank goodness Isa went to bathe first!" - I thought as I ran. I packed the previously prepared hospital bag into the car, locked everything that was needed, then took Isa's comfortable tracksuits from the bedroom and returned to the bathroom. My beloved was standing exactly as I had left her a moment ago, pale on the face, holding her belly.
-I'm here, Cariño- I assured her, and took care of my wife's convenience and comfort directly. Only that little I was able to do for her, while she was in such a pain...
Maybe 10 minutes later we were ready to leave. We left Ozzy and Piñon alone, closed the door, and got in the car. Isabella was in a lot of pain and even though she tried to hide it, I could see it. Our priority at that moment was the hospital, then everything will be under control...

We have been in the hospital for over 2 hours. Isa was taken to the ward and the doctors are "monitoring the situation". I not really like it, especially since I can see how much pain my wife is in at the moment, but unfortunately I don't have much to say here...! Instead, I sit beside her, hold her hand, and support her as much as I can.
-Carlito...- she looked at me with tears in her eyes -A little longer and they will be with us...- she smiled through the pain and tears.
-Si, un pocito...- I repiled, kissed her forehead and added -Although, to be honest, I would prefer it to cost you a lot less pain ...?!
-Mi Querido...- she shighed, and then we kissed tenderly. However, the kiss did not last long as another violent contraction passed through my wife's body, so she pulled away from me and hissed in pain.
-Are you sure you don't want some painkillers?- I asked her to be sure. A while ago, Maria asked her, if she wants some, but Izzy declined.
-No.. I got this...- she declined again, breathing a little uneven, but deeply. But not even 5 minutes passed, when another constraction went through her body. Both of us knew, what that means, and we were happy about it...
-Count how many...- Isa snorted breathlessly, and I did not release her hand, but kissed her forehead once more. Then with my free hand I took the phone out from my pants pocket and turned it on. A few days ago, we agreed that when she starts to have frequent contractions, we will check it and write it down to more or less know the situation...

A few more minutes later, we were forced to call Maria. Isa had contractions every 2 minutes, so we need a profesional check up... Diaz came very quickly and took care of her. I was pushed away from my wife, but kept eye contact with her all the time.
-And Maria?! How...?!- this question stuck in my throat.
-I will tell you that... In less than an hour you will be the parents of twins!- she said with a smile, then added -I mean it, it's time...- she smiled and I walked over to Isabella and kissed my wife tenderly.
-Te quiero...- we smiled to one another and then everything went very fast and rapidly, like on the rollercoaster. Before we knew it, they took her into operation room and I, not really having other choice, sat down on the chair in front of the door, waiting for information... I was happy like a madman and I didn't feel like sleeping at all, despite the late hour...! I couldn't believe that today Isabelle and I are going to be parents of twins...! It sounded like a beautiful dream...!

After starting it, I thought about cutting it into two parts..
I hope you'll like it nevertheless...?!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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