#107 Charles - Race Weekend

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BRYNN POV.: This morning, we woke up around 5 AM, because the twins were crying. Both me and Charles took care of them, fed them, dressed them up for the day and then left them on their play-mat with their toys, to get ready ourselves. Quick shower, dress up and breakfast ordered to the room. 
-Ready to go?- Charles asked me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.
-Yes. We just need to get twins bag and stroller...
-But stroller is in the car?
-Yeah, I know. Let's just take the bag and go, we don't have time for doubts right now, or you want to be late to the paddock...?!
-Ok- he agreed and kissed my lips. Then we parted and I took Jackie in my arms, while Charles took the bag, with Jules on his hip, and we left the hotel room for good. We took a short walk to the elevator and went to the car for the stroller. Jackie was eager to sit in it, but Jules clung to Charles for dear life, so he still carried her, while I pushed the stroller in front of me, with bags underneath it, as it was very close to the track anyway.
In the parking lot, we were quite a catch, so many photographers wanted our attention. We had a few more minutes, so we happily complied, but still hid the girls faces.
-We didn't even entered the paddock, and they already have full attention!- Charles joked, which made me and the girls laugh.
-Let's go inside. Mattia and Carlos are probably already waiting for you in the garage..- I told him, and he nodded. We swiped our passes through the gates. and stepped inside the busy paddock. Then we made our way to Ferrari area, with smiles on our faces, behind masks. It felt like home, away from home....
On the way there, we met Carlos and Lando.
-Hi there!
-Hey! Well, Hello!- Carlos got all sweet, looking at Jules and made her giggle and hide her face in Charles's chest.
-How are you?- Lando asked me.
-We're good. You?
-I'm fine, thanks- he replied with a smile on his own and added -And here is...- he crouched down and looked at me for help. We rearly take twins to the races, and they're constantly changing, so I can imagine his struggle to tell them apart.
-Jackie- I answered him -Jacqueline Charlotte Pasquale Elaina Leclerc- I added proundly. 
-Hi cutie- he said, and tickled her, making her squeal in delight. Then I glanced at my fiancée. Charles was casually talking with Carlos, who was now holding Julie.
-She looks SO much like you two!
-I know. Everyone is arguing who she takes from, more..- this made us all laugh.
We talked a lot, laughing, and the twins were also happy. Suddenly however, we heard very familiar voice...
-Mon Bonbon!- he said, and Jules forcefully wiggled her way out of Carlos's hold, and then sprinted in his direction. We turned around just in time, to see how Pierre catches her mid jump, and throws her in the air couple of times, making her laugh -My favourite Goddaughter!
-Your only one!- Charles corrected him, which made us all laugh.
-What's her full name?- Lando asked me curiously, pointing at Julie.
-Julianne Rosalie Diana Nicole Leclerc- Pierre said proundly, beating me and Charles to it.
-You remember her full name?!
-What can I say?! She's my Goddaughter!- he came to us, and shrugged his shoulders.
-He has a point- Carlos nodded in agreament.
We talked some more minutes, and then we all needed to go to our respective garages. Pierre kissed Julie's head and handed her to me and then we parted. I was first to enter the garage, with empty stroller in front of me, and Jules on my hip.
-Brynn, Hi!- Silvia greeted me -Hi Jackie..!- she looked fondly at the little girl in my arms.
-That's Jules- I corrected her with small smile -Jackie is with Charles and Carlos...
-Really? I'm so sorry..!
-It's fine- I assured her quickly.
-Ciao tutti!- at that exact moment Charles and Carlos entered the garage, greeting everyone.
-There you are! You need to start streaching now. before the session! We're running out of time!- Silvia turned to them, with nervous expression.
-Of course! Calm down, we'll be ready on time!- Charles assured her with cheeky grin.
-What I should do with you two?!- she sighed and placed her hands on her hips.They just laughed at that and Carlos placed Jackie on the stroller, just like I did with Jules. We talked a little, and then the boys focused on their work and I stayed at the back of the garage with the girls. As Charles said, both of them were ready on time, in their suits and well streached.
-My girls...- Charlie came to us with wide smile on his face -Wish me luck...- he added, and wrapped his arms around my waist.
-Good luck, and drive safe...- I mumbled against his lips, as I kissed him.
-I will- he replied, kissed me once more, and then we pulled away. Then Charlie kneeled down to girls eye-level. He gave each of them a strong hug and kissed their foreheads lovingly. It's always cute to see, how he interacts with them... He's not at all afraid to show his sweet and loving side, mostly me and girls experience with him at home...
After that, it was time for him and Carlos to get into their cars for FP1, so he left us with a smile on his face. Charles drank some water and exchanged a few words with his engeneer, and then put on both balaclava and helmet, and finally got into the car. Not long after that, both him and Carlos were ready, to leave the garage and do some laps on the track. I love to see him in his element... How he's focused and happy while doing what he loves the most... Family, friends and our little family is the most important for him, but racing is his biggest love and passion apart from that... And I love to see him like this...

No sumary this time...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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