#108 Max - Karate

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NARRATOR POV.: 7 years old girl fights bravely with a bigger and older boy with only an orange belt, while he has a green one. (The girl is on the lower level- aut. note) The little one, however, does not give up, and her minority and agility help her a lot. Her hair is tied in a tailored braid from the top of her head, and it's quite long, so it flies with a shuffle around her head with every twist, jump or dodge. Her parents, their friends and her friends are sitting in the audience cheering her on.
-Time!- referee shouts, informing everyone about 3 minutes long break. So far there is a tie, so the result will be decided by this round. The brunette calmly walks over to the edge of the mat and listens carefully to the coach's comments while drinking the water calmly. She doesn't get nervous at all. She is the best in her year, the only one with an orange belt, while the rest of the kids have yellow or even white.
After a while, the whistle sounds again and the players face each other again. The girl is calm. She knows how to win and what to do to achieve this goal.

RICHELLE'S POV.: I climbed onto the mat again. I watch Cole carefully. He is two years older than me and has a higher rank, so he is an interesting opponent, but to be beaten. I'm a bit beaten up, but I'm used to it. If I cried after every bruise, I would have given up karate a long time ago. While standing on the mat, I can hear my mother's composed, but proud voice in my head: "Kom op, mijn kleine draak! Niemand kan jouw vuur blussen! Hij brandt diep van binnen! Onthoud dat!" (Come on my little dragon! Nobody can put out your fire! It's burning deep inside you! Remember that!) I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, opened them, and prepared to fight. "The victory is mine!" I told myself. Moments later, the referee resumed the fight.
-Aaaaija!- I allowed myself to release some of my accumulated energy through screaming. My punches were accurate and sure, and my dodges were quick and agile, just like me. And my eyesight was focused on the opponent. I entered the Zen zone again. Nothing was reaching me, only the goal mattered...
We've been fighting for a while. The clash ended so that I knocked Cole to the ground and he did not get up anymore...
-The winner is.... Richelle!! -referee exclaimed with joy. Immediately after that, there was a decoration, as my fight was the last one. I got silver because one English girl was a bit better than me. I was calm until I got off the mat, then I ran straight to my parents.
-Mijn kleine draak! (My little dragon!)- I flew straight into the arms of my mother, who was crying with pride. I hung around her neck and she picked me up and hugged me close.
-I got silver!- I said, looking at both parents with glittering eyes.
-Bravo Elle!- dad was smiling from ear to ear. I hugged him too, still sitting on my mom's hip.
-It'll be gold next time!- I said confidently.
-We'll see Draak, now, we're going to change and then party!- my mum laughed, and then I went with her to changing room. There, all the boys and girls from my group congratulated me. That was very kind...
Then we actually went to celebrate with all my aunts and uncles and my friends. I did not fail to persuade my mother to inform my grandparents as well. They were very happy and so was I. We partied late, and when I went to sleep, my smile did not leave my face...

NARRATOR POV.: As always in Wednesday, Richelle is waiting for her dad, to pick her up from Karate practise. However, Uncle Daniel came to pick her up instead...
-Uncle Danny? Where's daddy?!- she asked in surprise, jumping into the backseat and fist-bumping Riccardo and putting the bag on the seat next to her.
-Your dad... He had to do a few things...- the elder replied hesistantly and start the engine. The rest of the ride was in a nicer conversation and Richelle didn't even suspect what had happened...
She waited for her dad to come back until the very night, and she stayed awake until he came home...
-Elle? You're not sleeping yet?- he asked her, surprised.
-Where is Mummy?- she asked back, looking at her father caucionsly, ignoring the question.
-Mummy.. She needed to fly abroad for a bit ok? She'll be back soon...- Max replied, huged her and kissed the top of his daughter's head -And now, go to the bathroom!- he added, and took care of his daughter. Even he didn't suspect that he won't be sleeping that long that night...

It was 3 AM, Richelle long asleep, Max too, when phone rang... He woke up, reached his bedside table and answered the call, not looking at the screen.
-Verstappen...? .... What?!- when he heard that, tears welled in his blue eyes -Ok... I'll come... Thank you for informing me...- he said, hung up and immidetely stood up from the bed and started to get ready to leave. It took him less than 5 minutes. He left the bedroom and went to his daughter's room. When he poked in, Richelle was, like before, sleeping on her back, fully uncovered, with her duvet on the floor like always. With deep sigh, Max came closer, lifted the duvet and tucked Elle in. Then he kissed her forehead and left, and on the corridor, he took his phone out and called his sister. Fortunately, Vicky and her husband bought an apartment in Monaco few years back, and are living there since then.
(M- Max, V- Victoria)
V: What is it Max??- she picked up after 6 rings, her voice horase -Do you know what time is it?!- she groaned, unhappy that he woke her up.
M: Vicky, listen!- he interrupted her with shaky voice. He had no humor or strength for verbal scuffles with his sister.
V: Wait, are you crying?- she was fully awake in second, concerned -What's up?- she asked more calmly.
M: Just wake Tom up and tell him, that you need to crash by mine and come here, take care of Richelle...- he said and added, a lot quieter -Please...
V: Ok, but you're scarying me, tell me, what is it?!- she said and Max heard the suffle of the duvet on the other side of the call, indicating that Victoria is standing up, from the bed.
M: I haven't told you ealier, but...
V: But?- she pushed him, as usuall..
M: Kenzie had a car accident... Doctors called that it's worse...- he explained, crying.
V: O God...- she was stunned for a moment -Give me 15 minutes...- she said and hung up. Max squezzed phone in hand, looked back at his daughter's bedroom door and went to the living room, to wait for his little sister.
How Victoria said, she was at his in 15 minutes. First thing she did, after he let her in, she huged him as tightly, as she was able.
-She's strong, you hear me!? She'll make it!- she whispered in his ear with tears in her eyes and added -Go, go to her, to the hospital. I'll take care of Richelle...- Victoria said, pulled back at arms lenght and added -Tom has boys under control...- she flashed him tiny smile.
-I don't know, what I would do without you...- Max said, hugged her again, placed his on her temple and then let go of her, to grab his coat and leave the apartment, while Victoria took off her outter clothes and with deep sight layed down on the couch. Minutes later, she was asleep, with her head on comfy pillow and covered in blanket.
She was woken up later, by the alarm on 7 AM. She rubbed her eyes, sat up, and for real, understood that events of the night were very much real, and not a dream...
-What a night...- she muttered, got up and went to make her niece breakfast. Around the same time, Richelle entered the kitchen.
-Auntie?! Where's daddy ?! she asked, shocked.
-Your dad.. He needed to go to the factory, uncle Christian called..- she explained, with that little lie and added -Breakfast...- she placed the plate in front of her niece -Eat and get ready, I'll drive you to school today...
-Ok- the younger one agreed, not asking questions and quickly ate her breakfast. Then, with Victoria's little help, got ready to school.
At 7.50 sharp, she was in front of the building.
-Bye auntie!
-Bye ninja!- Verstappen laughed in responce and watched little girl run to school. Then, Victoria went to work, thinking only about her brother and sister in law...

Victoria and Tom were back at home, but Vicky is there only with her body, mind drifting everywhere and nowhere. Her thoughts right with her brother and his wife. Out of that daydream, she was pulled not by her husband, but ring of the phone.
-Pick up.. See who is it...- Tom advised, worriedly. 
-Yeah...- she "woke up" and pulled her phone out of the pocket. Her heart-rate speed up in her chest, when she saw her brother's number.
(M-Max, V- Victoria)
V: Max, and?! Has she got better?!- she asked with her heart pounding.
M: Pick Richelle up from school today, ok? I won't be able...
V: Ok, but what is happening?!- she sensed it right away, that something is wrong...
M: Kenzie, she... They're operating her again, doctors says that she won't make it...
V: O God...- Victoria got tears in her eyes -Maybe we'll come there with Tom, huh ?! You will not be alone...
M: No, thanks... I have Daniel and Lando with me...
V: Ok, keep me updated, and don't worry about Elle! We'll take care of her...- she assured her brother. That was the only way she could help at that moment...
M: Thank you very much Vicky...
V: You're welcome...- she assured him, then they talked a bit more, and then Max got back to waiting room, for any news about his wife's condition, while Vicky told her husband everything. Nobody was in the mood for laughing, but they angaded themselfs in conversation, to kill the time. Everything was filled with saddness, worry and nostalgia...

When it was time, Victoria and Tom picked up all the kids from school and they drove the whole giggling crew home. The kids did all their homework at school so they just checked it and then they had dinner. Then the kids went to play, and Verstappens' waited for any news from the blonde's brother. Finally he called. It was well past 11 and the children fell asleep in the room. Neither of them had hearts to wake them up...
Vic was the one who received the devastating news... Less than 15 minutes earlier her sister-in-law passed away due to post-accident complications... She and Max chatted for only a moment, then they both burst into tears and hung up. Tom hugged his wife without a word, also crying.
-She... She didn't make it, do you understand?- Victoria cried, cuddling up to him. Tom didn't say anything to that. They cried a little, then calmed down and prepared for sleep themselves. It was LONG day...

The next day, Max stopped by, to pick up Richelle and then, they told whole three about the death of Mackenzie Verstappen. All three of them cried, and Ray-Ray fell into such a sob that they could not calm her down for an hour. Everyone had a day off today. After all, they must have had time to deal with this tragedy... They spent the whole day together. Richelle had a total of 3 fits of sobbing, each longer and more pitiful than the previous one...
Neither she nor her father were able to eat, they only drank... The whole family did not leave 4 walls of the house for a whole day... They were neither able nor in the mood...

Funerial was three days later. Whole family and friends showed up, even whole Verstappen clan flew from the Netherlands, everyone devastated by the loss... At one particular moment, Richelle looked sternly at her father:
-Dad... I won't take on karate anymore...- she looked him in the eye, and Max kneeled in front of her.
-What are you talking about, Schatje?- he was shocked.
-I won't practise Karate anymore..- she said sternly -Mum loved it too much, for me to be able to carry on...
-Schatje, don't say that..! Don't give up on something you love so much!- he didn't want to agree.
-I made my mind dad. No more Karate!- she replied sharply and had her word. Nobody could even make her go to the dojo... She didn't set a foot there...

RICHELLE'S POV: It's the first time since 10 years, thar I'm participating in karate. IN NATIONAL karate competitions! However, I'm panicking because I'm so scared! I'm scared that I no longer can fight.. That I can't fight like I used to...
-No, I can't!- I cried onto Lily's shoulder. Sainz was holding me tightly.
-You got this Ray! You were a champion as a child! That's not something you can forget!- she tried to calm me down -Besides, there is no turning back now! That's nationals!- she reminded me.
-You think I don't know that!?
-Ray! That wasn't part of the pact!- she looked at me sternly.
-I know! It's just...- I wanted to get myself out of there. I just panicked! I participated in last nationals before mum's accident...!
-What!? What "I just"..?- she snorted, irritated by my childish behavior.
-I feel like.. Like I do something against my mum...- I hung mu head.
-Ray! Your mother loved karate! She loved it as much as you do!- my best friend made me look at her again.
-Don't you understand that I had the last competition before her accident!! I feel like I'm doing it behind her back!!- I shouted, gesticulating -As if I forgot that she's dead!!
-Rafael!!- Lilianna yelled over her shoulder, ignoring my words. That made my boyfriend to entered the room.
-What's up?- he asked his sister and then looked at me. She didn't answer, just pointed at me with defeated sigh and then crossed her arms over her chest. They both faced a weeping, mentally disturbed bundle of nerves.
-Ray-Ray, what is it?- he asked me softly but sad and added -Come here!- he said, opening arms for me. I gladly came to him, and hugged him tight.
-I don't want to! I just don't!- I cried into his chest, helpless.
-Ray-Ray...- he sighed and kissed the top of my head -Are you scared?- he whispered next, rocking me gently.
-I'm scared that...- my voice was cracking -That when Dad sees me out there.. He misses mum SO much...- I cried -SO fucking Much...!
-I'm sure he'll be proud of you! And he'll be just as happy, as you!- Rafe assured me quietly -Come on ninja! Dress up and show them what you've got!
-I'm not ninja for long ago!- I mumbled sternly -I was ninja when my mum was alive!- I shouted and tried to wiggle out of his grip, but Rafael held me tightly.
-Richelle... It's been 10 years! You can't stay in one place as if frozen and give up something you love!- Lily said with care but firmness, reminding us of her existence.
-I don't believe that I say it, but Lily is right- said very familiar voice. I broke free from Rafe's grip and turned 180*. She was standing there as if nothing had happened!
-Gio!- I threw myself at my other best friend. She squezzed me tightly in return.
-Lily broght me here. She said you might need help...- she explained, when we pulled back at arms lenght -Oj Ray-Ray...!- she sighed and dryed my cheeks from tears -Turns out, my sister was comepleatly right...
-I'm just scared!
-You've got this! Wake up that dragon of yours, whom your mum loved so much! Come on! It's still inside you, have always been!- Giovanna said, stroking my arms gently and looked me deeply in the eye -I know you got this! I believe in you!
-You know what?!...- I started, but my voice gave up, because of new sobbs. Gio hugged me tight with a deep sigh and rubbed my back. I sobbed for like 3-5 minutes and then I started to calm down. And that's when my cousins got into the changing room.
-Ray! What's happening here!?- Luka, older of the two, scowled, and I wiggled myself from Giovanna*s grip and shrugged my shoulders. Luka sighed and also hugged me, but shortly.
-They're waiting for you out there!- he said, and turned me around, so I faced Lio.
-Turn around- he said and winked. I bit my lip and did as he said. Then I felt light "kick" in the butt from him.
-For good luck..- he explained, and I let out a giggle.
-Thank god, I have all of you!- I said and hugged tightly every and each one of them one by one, and then I looked at Rafe with pleading gaze.
-Good luck kiss- he said, as if reading my mind, and kissed me shortly but sweet and tender.
-I'm ready...
-Then go!- Lio and Luka said at the same time, and pushed me out of the changing room. There's no turning back now... Short walk, and I'm there... So many people...

Before I knew it, it was my turn. I stood in front of my opponent, traditional bow, and... Just like all those years ago... I got into very familiar and so much missed, Zen zone.
The fight was hard since the very begining. I fought with some Chech boy... Too easy for me... After that, I fought with girls from Ukraine and Serbia, whom I defeated at the end, slowly and metodically going up the ladder, to win. And then I got to finals...
Then... Then it hit me... That was it... I looked to the side, and found familiar faces. They were there... All of them, cheering me on... I missed only one... The one with shiny blue eyes, who won't look at me ever again... 
I involuntarily pressed my fist against my heart and lowered my head, breathing deeply. I heard her again:
-"Kom op, mijn kleine draak! Niemand kan jouw vuur blussen! Hij brandt diep van binnen! Onthoud dat!" (Come on, my little dragon! Nobody can put out your fire! He's burning deep inside you! Remember that!)
-This one is for you mum...!- I whispered to myself, and then started the main fight. Fight with gold medal at the end...
Commentators went wild, couldn't keep up with their comments, and the crowd was boiling with delight. But I felt nothing... Nothing at all... As if they locked me in a bubble... In a very familiar bubble... I left it only when the referee announced the end of the fight. And after a while I knew... I have gold...
I was on autopilot again. I was doing something, but I didn't seem to have any control over it... I was given the medal, then we listened to an anthem and then a quick photo, and the end. Then, I went down the stairs, from the podium. I was practically immediately surrounded by friends and family. I did a short "fight" with Luka and Lio, and the twins couldn't let go of me, when they pulled me into tight hug. After that, when they finally let me go, I got "caught" in Rafe's strong arms. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, and he twirled us around, holding me close. Then he placed me back on the floor and put his hands on my hips, to kiss me pasionately.
-My ninja...- he whispered into my lips -Te quiero...
-Te quiero también- I told him in Spanish, with a smile on my face.
Then, not so happy about it, Rafe let go of me and I slowly walked to my dad. The fear I felt ealier came back to me like a boomerang, that he might be angry at me...
-Dad...- I looked him in the eye.
-Show me that...- he took a closer look at my medal and turned it in his hand -Come here...- he added and hugged me close with wide smile on his face. Pretty smiliar to the one I saw on pictures from his 1st Championship all those years ago... I returned the hug with relief.
-I'm so damn proud of you!- he whispered and kissed my head -Mum surely is too...
I couldn't be happier...
-This one is for you Mum...- I whispered to myself, when he let go of me, and gave back my medal.That's when all the congratulations from aunt's and uncles washed over me. Very familiar feeling...
And then we partied....
That day, like no other, I felt mum's presence close to me... As if she was saying, "you did it mijn kleine draak"...
-Thank you...- I whispered, drifting off to sleep, after long and hard, but good day... -Thank you Mum...

At first, I didn't want to kill Kenzie off, but I think I needed to make kind of statement here...
About what battles people are facing every day, and we even don't know about them... Never judge people after first encounter, because you never know, what he / she's been through...!!
By the way, I would like to point out that I have never trained karate, so I have no idea if this is what competitions in this sport look like. I supported myself a bit with scenes from "Karate Kid" movie, so don't beat me, when something is wrong...
I hope you liked it nevertheless...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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