#116 Charles - Tickle fight

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BRYNN POV: It's winter break after pretty succesful F1 season for Ferrari. I know that Charlie is not very content with it, as Carlos scored 5 podiums, and he only one, but it's still a succes, that they managed to win that fight with McLaren for 3rd in the constructors...

Now, we're in his apartment, in Monako, chilling and watching some Netflix. It's almost 7 PM, so we slowly started to feel hungry. If so, we decided to order some heathy food from out favourite take out place, as we feel a little TOO lazy to cook anything ourselves...
I'm happy to see him again, because he was constantly travelling the past year, and I couldn't see him that much, as I got stuck with my Uni work. It's last year, so soon, I'll be over with it, and free to do whatever I want, until I'll find a nice job, I'd feel succesfull in...
I really missed my best friend, and I thought at first, that my crush over middle Leclerc sublted a little, but I couldn't be more wrong... When I saw him again, as he opened the door, I felt like a whole huge truck hit me, and all the feelings came back.. But I smartly hid it, and gave him a hug, as usual, happy to have him close again. Then, he let me in, and I made myself comfortable on the couch in the living room. We managed to catch up, what happened in our lifes that time we couldn't see each other, and then decided to put on some movie. It's kind of a tradition of ours, that whenever we meet, we watch at least one movie.. It's really nice...

Until now, we watched 2 Christmas movies, one comedy, and are currently watching "Jumper", so it's forth movie we're watching tonight... Quite a lot, but it's far from our record, which is 11 movies. Whole "Harry Potter" series and 3 random ones, we watched long time ago, during one of the summer breaks between the season in F1. I think Charlie drove in Alfa Romeo back then...?! So quite some time ago, but it's nothing...
-I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, ok?- I looked at Leclerc with smile on my face.
-Yeah, go on. And I'll refil our glasses- he agreed and pointed at empty glass.
-Ok- I said and stood up, to go further into the apartment, to the bathroom. I locked myself there and did what I needed. Then I washed my hands with flowery soap and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw happy girl with big brown eyes and shiny brown hair. A girl with huge crush on her best friend...
-Don't let it show! He doeasn't love you that way!- I hissed to myself, pointing at my reflection. That kind of conversations became kind of routine for me, whenever I meet up with Charles, and it doeasn't even feel weird anymore... To talk to myself...
But I was pulled from my little "bubble" quite quickly, as I heard Charles shout to me:
-Brynn! Get your pretty ass over here!- he yelled, probably already sitting back on the couch, eager to finish the movie.
-'Did he just called me pretty?!'- I squealed inside, kind of disbelieving what I just heard. But Charles once again, reminded me of reality, by shouting again:
-Come on B! Or I'm gonna tickle you, if you won't come over here this second!- he treathened, which made me laugh out loud, as I emerged the bathroom.
-Don't laugh at me!- I heard him right beside me, what made me jump.
-Jesus Christ! Charlie! You'll be the death of me one day you know!?- I told him, acting annoyed.
-And I... am gonna tickle you!- he answered, and before I could muster the responce, his hands got attached to my stomach, and he started to tickle me, without mercy.
-Charlie, please! "si vou'plait!" Let me go!- I shouted, between fits of laugher, as I tried to wiggle out of his responce.
-No!- he answered and didn't stop.
-Si vou'plait! I can't... I can't breath...!- I giggled, and that made him stop for split second. I took my chance, and sprinted away from him, to the living room.
-I'll get you, you have nowhere to hide!- he laughed with me, as he chased after me all around his apartment. I'm not gonna lie, I started to like it...
But unfortunately for me, after 3 succesfull times to escape his "tickle grip", my luck got to end, and I fell straight onto the couch, we were lying comfortably on, before all of that. Charles got onto it right after me, and continued to tickle me, as he hovered over my body. I couldn't stop screaming and laughing, as he continued his fun, a little out of breath. But there was one thing none of us thought through before...
The fact how close it brough us together, when he finally gave in to my pleas and let me go... Our faces were only inches apart, and we could feel each other's breath fan over our faces, with gazes locked and unable to look away...
Seconds passed, but we felt like the time had stopped, being only us there, and that moment... I took in, one shaky breath, and subconciously let my eyes flick between his eyes and full lips, as my mind thought how it could feel, to kiss him right here and there...
And I was going to find out, as Charles thought the same, as he leaned down and closed those centimitres seperating us, placing sweet and soft kiss on my lips. Of course, I returned the kiss right away, allowing him to deepen it more, and keep me traped under him. It felt almost like a dream or other fairytale... My brain couldn't quite believe that it was ACTUALLY happening!!?
We kissed for some time, until we were totally out of breath and were forced to pull away.
-"I love you"..- slipped from our lips at the same time, leaving us in utter shock for few minutes, leaving us in complete silence.
-You do?- we again, said it together, making us chuckle in amazment.
-Yeah.. / Oui..- we agreed, and smiled sweetly.
-So... I can kiss you again?- Charles asked me sweetly, and I only nodded, pulling him closer by his hoodie. Leclerc smiled and did just that, kissing me even more deeply and passionate than before, as one of his arms gazed my side, under his hoodie lovingly.
-You have no idea, how long I waited to do that...- he whispered, when we pulled apart once again.
-I think I know...- I bit my bottom lip and added -Because I love you longer than you might think...
-Well, then... Be mine?- he asked next, as cheeky grin spread over his lips.
-I want nothing more than that...- I admitted, and this time was the one to pull him in, into sweet and more lazy kiss.

After that, rather long make-out seasion, we once again, lied down on the couch with healthy and some unhealthy snacks, cuddled closer together, and resumed out movie marathon, with smiles on our faces. Neither of us could restrain themselves from shooting loving gazes at the other, or stealing sweet kisses from time to time. And I think I found new the best thing that Charles could do to me, apart from sweet and loving kisses.... I hopelessly ADORE the way he pressed sweet kisses on top of my head from time to time, not able to help himself from doing so. It's SO CUTE..!!!
At the end, we finished that marathon after 2 more movies, and ate whole ordered take out food. Then we just cuddled, happy to be with each other.
-Come with me to first race weekend- Charles blured out, looking at me with plea.
-Why? I have Uni...
-I know. But when I finally have you to myself, I can't let you go, I don't want to...- he said sweetly, and kissed my forehead.
-Ok. I'll go with you- I agreed and kissed the tip of his nose playfully.
-I love you...
-I love you too Charlie...- I replied and cuddled to him even closer, basically lying on top of him, with my face nuzzled into the crock of his neck, into his fluffy hoodie, as he had his strong arms tightly around me. It felt like home...

Another sweet one...
Let me know what you think in the comments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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