#117 Max - World Champion

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KENZIE POV.: It's begining of December in 2021... Today, is Sunday of last race weekend in this year's F1 calendar. If so, I couldn't miss this race on earth! I flew here in the evening of media day, to be along my boyfriend of 1 year, Max Verstappen. Him and his biggest rival, Lewis Hamilton, are even on points, so whoever wins today, will win whole Championship battle... And to say I'm not stressed about it, would be a lie... I'm really anxious, and I can say similar thing about Max... We both are stressed, but he's better in hiding it...
Me, his father Jos and some of our other friends are cheering Max on from the garage, monitoring his every step on the track. Every lap time, and messed up corner..

Right now, it's just few minutes before the race, so me and Max sat down for a minute, to talk for a bit. I needed to, at least try, and relax him as much as I can...
-I'm not going to ask you, if you're nervous, because I already know that you won't tell me the truth, and I know you better than that..- I looked at him with smirk on my face, and he chuckled -But I also know, that you won't back out off that title fight either...- I took a deep breath -I just want to say that... After all those crashes of yours I saw during this season, I just want you to come back to me, safetly... No matter the outcome... Either way, you're already my champ!- I told Max with small smile on my face, as I took his hand in mine and gave it a strong squezze.
-You know I'll Kenz. I love you way too much to risk that..- he replied and pulled me into a strong hug -I love you Schatje...
-I love you too Max...- I replied, and got a sweet kiss on my temple.
-Go out there, and kill it. I'm sure that this year is yours, for real... I believe in you...
-That's all I needed to hear. Thank you my love...- he said and kissed me softly on the lips.
-Max!? We need you in the car!- the moment got interrupted by nervous GP.
-I'm coming, don't worry!- we chuckled, and then Max placed loving kiss on my forehead.
-See you after the race...
-See you, Champ- I smiled at him, and we parted. Max dressed in his balaclava and helmet and got in the car, while I joined Jos in front of the screens.
-How is he?
-You know him, he's your son- I smiled at Jos softly. On the public eye, this man can seem to be harash and cold, but actually, for family and people he cares about, he's one huge marshmallow... I'm very much glad that we get along well...
-I know. But how you see it Kenz?
-Nervous, but focused on the win.. He won't back out from the fight, not now, when win is just out of reach, but won't risk his life either... He promised...- I said, and he gave me a hug.
-We'll see, then..- we shot each other assuring smiles, and soon after that, they were doing formation lap. Then our focus was fully on Max and the race. My hands ached me, that hard I held them together, out of emotions.. I just prayed that we'd win... I wanted him to win SO BAD....

Most of the race, it looked bad... VERY bad... Ever since Lewis gained advantage, Max seemed to struggle to catch up to him. But after that pit stop... Our chances shifted, because of Checo.. Mexican was ahead of Hamilton, and tried however he could, to slow him down... My god, that drive!
-We owe him huge drink of tequila after this!- I told Jos, when Sergio held Mercedes on dead tyres over 1.5 lap. It gave Max time to catch up to them, what was actually a miracle itself...
-We do, as hell we do!- he agreed with me, and then we heard Max:
-"Checo is a legend!"
-"Absolute animal!"- whole team thought the same. We owe Checo big drinks after this season, that's for sure....!
To summarise everything, whole race was nerve-wracking... Actually, all of his races are nerve wracking for me, but this one tops them all 2.5x more...
-Everything will be alright.... I'm sure of it...- Jos said and placed his hand comfortingly on top of mine, making me look at him.
-I really hope so..!- I mustered small smile -Even though, right now it looks like Hamilton will have his 8th one...- I mumbled, trying not to sound too rude.
-We'll see...- Verstappen Sr. sighed, but I could easly see, how tensed and nervous he really is. I was actually concerned a bit about him... Those glossy eyes and pale face...

But then... miracle happened! Latifi crashed 5 laps to go! So bad, that they had to pull in a safety car!! We couldn't believe it...!
-Don't get your hopes high..!- I mumbled to myself, as my heart raced rapidly in my chest. 
Those next 4 laps felt like eternity, but finally, with one lap remaining, FIA resummed racing, giving all of us next powerfull heart-attack...
-Come on Max! You can do it!- I yelled with whole team, watching how the scene unfolds in front of us... On last corner, and.... MAX VERSTAPPEN IS CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!
-He won!!- I looked at pale Jos with tears of happines in my eyes.
-He did it!- but nothing could be mistaken with that huge smile my father in law had on his face at that moment... We heard Christian, GP and Max yell, even cry in happiness.. Music to my ears..
We all rushed to parc-ferme, to greet our champion. I wasn't hiding my tears, didn't even try... And Jos... I genuinly thought, he'll faint any second, seriously! That pale he was..!!
-Checo! You did it for him!!- I laughed and hugged our friend. It's really a shame that he had to retire the car, from what looked like a marvellous 3rd place, but satisfaction was massive...
-He really deserved the chance, you know... I'm happy for him..- Perez replied and returned the hug.
-Gracias!! Muchas gracias!- I told him and then also hugged Christian.
-He's a fucking champion!- I squealed, and Horner laughed.
-We did it Kenzie! HE FUCKING DID IT!!- whole team was on cloud nine at that moment...
And then he pulled the car in front of number one... I was crying hard, when he jumped out of the car and his knees gave up, so he kneeled next to his left rear tyre.. 'My baby...'
After, what felt like eternity, when Jos hugged him, Christian, GP, and some drivers, like Daniel, Carlos and Lando, I FINALLY got my hands on him, as he hugged me close.
-My champion!! I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!!- I told him and hugged him as close as possible.
-I did it Kenz... I'm a world champion...- I easly heard that he's crying.
-I'm more than proud!- my voice almost gave up -I love you, and I'm so proud of you! You did it!
And then, there were interviews and podium ceremony... While both, I couldn't stop crying... Seeing him outthere, happy, holding Dutch flag with pride and joy all over his face... The best sight ever!!

After that, he needed to do loads of interviews, before he finally could join us, and party to celebrate the win. At first, he hugged and thanked Christian and Helmut, held his dad tightly, and then came to me, with huge smile on his face.
-My champion..!- I opened my arms for him and let him hold me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Max held me by my waist, lifted me up and twirled us around, laughing like crazy.
-My lucky charm..! I could never do it without you!- he said, looking at me with shiny eyes.
-You don't need to thank me Max! You did it all by yourself!- I smiled at him, and let him kiss my lips passionately. I returned the kiss instantly, and held him close.
Only thing we needed to do next, was having some fun, during that one night, what was deffinitely a night to rememeber forever... I love him SO much, and I'm immersly happy for him...
Me, Max and whole team partied until early morning hours, celebrating the win. Even despise slight headache next morning, it was more than worth it...! And the fact, that I could be with him, to experience all of that... I wouldn't change a single thing!! The future only could be better and better, for both of us... We just needed to be together...

And he did it! 
Max is World Champion of Formula One!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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