#118 Lewis - Sleepless night

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ANGELINA POV.: It's been pretty tough.. This winter break... After Lewis lost his 8th Championship to Max because of the safety car 5 laps to go, he wasn't himself.. He even thought about quitting racing! Luckly, Angela, Toto and I talked him out of that nonsense, and made him prepare for 2022 as he should.
Even though "the storm" is long over, he still seems a little off...?! And when I ask him about it, he just dodge's the question, or says that it's nothing... It hurts, but I push through it. We both needed to focus about next season, and maybe possible wins on our own first. Besides, Lew is Lew, he'll talk to me eventually... 

This night however, it's different... I woke up around 3 AM, when it's still pretty dark outside, and subconciously felt around the bed, to find my boyfriend. But I was met with cold and crumbled sheets at his side of our king's sized bed, what made me almost shot bolt upright and look around. Luckly, I didn't need to search for long, as I saw opened door to our balcony, and flowy curtain, moving because of the breeze of the ocean. I already knew that Lewis is there...
I stood up from the bed, put on his, pretty large on me, hoodie, and creeped my way onto the balcony. As I thought, he stood there, by the railing, looking in the distance, deep in thoughts... I came closer to him, and stood next to him, in his peryperal vision, not to startle him. Even if he actually saw me, he didn't acknowledge it, which made me sigh.
-Penny for your thoughts' my Love?- I whispered, letting the wind play with my pink hair, as I placed my hand on one of his, gripping the railing -And don't tell me it's nothing, because we both know that if it really would be nothing, you'd be sound asleep beside me in the bed now...- I hate to push him like that, but I also know that until he'll talk about what is bothering him, he would be overthink it over and over, making himself restless, just like right now...!
Lewis shifted his gaze from the ocean and harbour in front of us, to me, and then hung his head a bit.
-It's just...- he sighed deeply, before continuing -It's a lot going on in my head right now... After seasson ended like it ended, I...
-You started to doubt everything, I know...- I mustered weak smile and took his hand in mine -Tell me about it...
-I don't want to bother you... You have a lot of your problems right now, I don't want to burden you with mine..
-Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton, you're definitely NOT a burden to me! To none of us!- I exclaimed loudly, and then sharply calmed down, cuz' I remembered where we are right now -We all love you, me I think the most, and we're worried about you! Tell me, what's going on in that head of yours, please...- I locked our gazes and placed my free hand on his cheek gently -Tell me... Please...
-It's just a lot... Anexiety came back with full force, I feel like I'm not worth anything, you included, I...- he ranted, without breathing, but didn't step away from me. Good...
-You're more than worth everything you have and what you've accomplished!- I retorted and added -You're the most kind, sweet and happy person I ever knew! And marvellous driver on track! I'm more than sure, that you'll get that 8th sooner or later! You just need to believe in yourself more, ok?! And worring leave with me, ok? I'll worry enough for both of us!- my words made him smile. Small, but geniuine smile, the one I adore the most, even more than that sweet but cheeky grin of his I experience when he's overjoyed, or with me...
-Ok..- he agreed and leaned in, to press loving kiss to my forehead -You know what?
-What?- I repeted his question, deeply lost in his perfect and shiny eyes. 'Gosh, I love this man way too much...!'- I thought to myself with a smile.
-I think, I finally know what is the best thing that ever happened to me..- he said, reffering to our conversation before Abu Dhabi GP last season. Back then, he couldn't stratight away name single one thing, so his words kind off surprised me, to be honest...
-What is it?- I asked him, curious, what his answer would be.
-It's you...- he replied and lifted our joined hands, to place loving kiss on top of mine -Not any of wins, not single one of championships I've won.. You, my love...- his words made me almost cry.
-Lew...- I sighed, as my voice almost gave up -You're the best thing in my life too..- I said, and Lewis, instead of replying, pulled me in, to kiss me sweetly. It was kiss slow and full of love, but also deep and passionate... Almost reflecting our souls...
We kissed for a while, and then pulled away, when we needed to come up for air.
-It's still very early... We should get back to bed...- I said breathlessly, not moving my gaze.
-Yeah, we should... You need to have at least 7 hours of your beauty sleep Princess...- he agreed, and for first time in long weeks, that cheeky grin came back.
-Says you!- I chuckled, making him giggle. 
Then we actually shut the door and came back to bed, hugging one another close. It was emocional night, but I'm glad we talked it throught... And not long after that, we both were soundly asleep, re-charging our batteries for upcoming day, happy to have one another so close. By now I know, that we more than certainly would be damned without each other...

One about something and nothing...
In my opinion, it's still sweet..
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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