#119 Checo - Night in a club

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MARISOL POV.: After long day at the factory, I think I need to go somewhere and relax.. Only break we had, was to eat and drink coffee... And it isn't even race weekend!! I think I need to go to the club and drink A LOT....

Both me and Checo were leaving the factory, when I remembered my plan..
-Ej, Checo?
-Are you doing something specific right now?- I asked him with hope, that he's not.
-I don't have plans I think, why do you ask?
-So... While both of us don't have any plans..
-Then?- I could hear that he's intrested.
-We could, for example, go to a club and go for some drinks... To relax, what do you think?- I suggested with innocent expression.
-It's fine with me!- he agreed and we smiled to one another.
-Yours or mine?- he asked next.
-Taxi. We both deserve to have a drink- I decided and pulled out my phone, to call a taxi for us.
-That's what I'm talking about!- he agreed and laughed. I couldn't keep streight face and joined him. We were in very good moods...

We got ourselves comfy by the bar and ordered drinks, talking about everything and nothing. Music was loud, so we needed to talk a bit louder than usual, but we didn't mind... From the beginning, I felt that such an evening would be useful to us ... Recently we only work and see each other only at work... And where is the fun of life?! Well, Jason and I don't really have it, but when I'm with Checo, it's completely different story... With him I feel free... Free and accepted in every way, even the worst flaw...
-This is what I needed after such a difficult day!- Sergio commented.
-And you know that dancing is the best for stress ?!- I stated more than asked, smiling.
-Si? I thought that racing?- he answered the question by another question, with genuine smile.
-Ey, Checo!- I whined, laughing -Ok- I got an idea -Drink it all and come on! Don't tease me, let's go dancing! - I said, jumping off the stool on which I was sitting and walking slowly to the dance floor.
-You say dancing..?- he said, quickly finished his drink, left empyt glass on the bar and followed me, onto mid-crowded dance floor. We were dancing like nothing happened, and suddenly, Checo grabed my wrist and began to twirl me around, making me laugh. And we weren't even THAT drunk?!

We danced like that for a few minutes, laughing our asses off, and then, without second thought, I took my hand out of his and with a few movments, I made us dance VERY close to one another... I didn't doubt it, to place my arms around his neck, bringing us even closer... And Checo on the other hand, without a trace of doubt, was looking me deeply in the eye, and as if nothing, wrapped one of his arms around my waist, and the other one placed on my hip. Our foreheads touched, and gazes were locked... In sinc, we swayed side to side slowly. I felt how my heart was pouding in my chest, but it wasn't from fear... That was something else, something I couldn't describe... Something more... Intense... I felt like my insideas were pulling me to him... I didn't knew myself, what was happening between us, and if it was only consummed alcohol... There was never any tension or insecurity between us, we always got along and worked well with each other, ever since I joined Sahara-Force India F1 Team... And that's how it was this time...
Suddenly, I don't even know myself, what gotten into me, but... I kissed him. Sweet and short, but I did it, moving away right after that, when it got to me, what I actually did.... But luck was with me today, because this something which happened to me, also got into Sergio, who pulled me into another kiss right afterwards, way more passionate. Then I wasn't holding myself back...We kissed more and more passionate and heated, and felt like time around us had stopped... Slowly, we're loosing the air, but it didn't stopped us either... Only when we REALLY needed to come up for air, we pulled back only for few milimiters. Neither of us could switch their gaze, breathing quick and uneven. We didn't say anything, and we didn't need to... That's how it just is between us... Gazes were enough...
-Let's get out of here!- Checo shouted, to out-shout the music.
-Que!!?- I didn't listen, so Sergio held my wrist again, and pulled me to our places next to the bar. The noise was less, but not so much...
-I said, let's get out of here..- he repeted, and I felt how rapidly my heart is pouding in my chest, I even don't know why...
-Ok!- without thinking, I agreed, we paid what we needed, took what is ours and left the club. We weren't THAT drunk to don't understand what we're actually doing, but tipsy enough to feel care-free... I, myself did, I don't know about Checo... He and his Tequila...?!
Taxi pulled up shortly and we quickly got inside. Checo told the driver the address and we drive away. I didn't try to change it, because at mine is my sister, and I don't know where "this" is going... And what's weird. it doesn't concern me that much..?!

We went up the stairs in complete silence, looking at each other from time to time. After less than 5 minutes, since leaving the taxi, we were in front of his door.
-Checo..- I wanted to say something, but Sergio interupted me, and kissed my lips passionately, "trapping" me between himself and a wall in the process. My heart invollountarly jumped. Of course, I returned the kiss with a smile on my lips. That was when I was sure... I fell for him, HARD... We kissed passionately without stopping for a moment. Sergio opened the door to his apartment, and I dragged him there. Already in the corridor we got rid of each other's jackets, not parting even on second, continuing the kiss. I didn't feel at all that it was wrong.... Checo pinned me to the wall again, and his hands were traveling all over my body, rolling up my T-shirt. I, on the other hand, was messing up his hairstyle and had my arms around is neck. It only took a blink of an eye for me to be lifted by the hips into the air, so I involuntarily embraced his waist, crossing my legs at the ankles.
Shortly after, we were no longer wearing T-shirts, and then a few moments later my back met the comfy mattress of the bed. It was only when Sergio leaned on his forearm, hovering over me, that we allowed ourselves to catch even a shaky breath.
-Checo... What are we doing...?!- I gasped looking deeply into his eyes and never moving my hands from his shoulders.
-No lo se, Sol..- he gasped in responce, but didn't move away.
-You want to check?!
-Qué?!- he didn't understand, while my heart was pouding even faster than before.
-Where this will lead us...- I explained, not thinking straight.
-I'm in- he agreed and again kissed my lips.
We no longer hesitated then, our clothes slowly disappearing from us and instead littering the floor around the bed. Neither of us was going to back out of it... Drunk or not, that night was ours...

I woke up with tromendous headache. I felt as if my scull would explode any second... But apart from that pain, I felt something more... I felt Sergio's chest against my back and his strong arms holding me by my waist. I couldn't also miss his warm breath against my neck. I felt comforted by it, safe and happy even... I didn't wanted to move, even by inch... I even snuggled closer to him, being happy of the comfort his presence was providing me with, and having ilusional hope that my headache will disappear that way...
Only after a moment of lying like this, I looked at the electric watch that was standing on the table next to the bed. It was pointing a few minutes past 8 o'clock. 'Early for having a hangover...' I thought, then frowned, wincing at the pain that pierced my skull. I hissed uncontrollably through my teeth.
-Don't worry, I feel it too..- I heard familiar whisper against my ear, and second later, I felt tender, and gentle like butterfly touch kisses from my ear, on the neck. I don't know what gotten into me, but I crooked my head to the side, to leave him more room for that, sighing softly, but contently. Pérez continued those sweet tortures for a bit longer, and then turned me on my back, for our gazes to meet. I saw many emotions at once in his eyes...
-As for yesterday...- I started and he cut me off, kissing me briefly but softly.
-We will do as you decide, but know that for me it wasn't a one-night stand... We weren't even drunk...- as he was saying that, with his hand on my side all the time, I automatically raised my hand and embraced his cheek. Checo almost automatically clung to my hand. I smiled slightly but sincerely.
-We are lucky because for me neither...- I whispered, not regretting my words any a bit. The second after these words left my mouth, I felt Sergio's lips on mine.
Moments later, after I returned that kiss, Checo towered over me, locking me in a cage of his arms. Our kisses grew more passionate moment by moment, and we were losing our breath. The headache didn't bother us at all... We didn't think clearly... Or rather we didn't want to think... We had enough time not to stop, having the opportunity to repeat what happened between us last night...

We have dressed almost completely, ready to go out. Thankfully, today we need to be in the factory at 2 PM, so we have a lot of time, as it's nearly 12 AM. We spent together whole morning, not really leaving the comfyness of the bed. We also managed to get rid of that headache.. There is only slight pressure left in the temples, but it is survivable... I was just standing in the kitchen in front of the counter, quietly waiting for my tea to be made, when I felt a familiar embrace from behind. I don't know how it is, but whenever Checo touches even a millimeter of my skin, I immediately relax...
-Ready?!- he asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.
-Theoretically- I sighed and pointed to the mug -I still plan to drink this...
-Ok- he replied and gave a short kiss on my shoulder, making me smile.
-There's still one thing we haven't talked about...- I started, turning in his arms to look at him.
-What do you mean?!
-Work, Checo, work...- I sighed heavily -We can't go public, especially at work... Otherwise...- the rest of the sentence did not want to go through my throat.
-We risk our jobs, I know...- he replied and, taking advantage of my distraction, set me down on the counter, which made me squeal in surprise -We will be fine- he added, smiling broadly at my reaction and continued -We just need to be carefull and it will be ok... Nobody will know...!- Sergio assured me and kissed my forehead tenderly. I couldn't help smiling.
-Yo confio a ti, "you know"?!- I replied looking deep into his eyes.
-Yo lo se, mi Amor- he agreed and then we kissed softly.
-Te quiero- we said in unision, when we pulled back. Those words made us widely smiled, and we placed our foreheads together, not looking away. We stayed like that for a few more minutes, letting our breaths, intermingled with the closeness, return to normal.
Less than half an hour later, ready to go, we left Checo's apartment holding hands and went to work. Already there, we tried to act as professional as possible... The only thing we couldn't hide were the looks we sent each other in silence when no one was looking...

NARRATOR POV.: Marisol and Sergio's relationship was based on trust and true feelings, what grew on deep friendship. They managed to hide the fact that they're together for a VERY LONG time. Everyone got to know the truth, when Kelly found an engagement ring on Sol's finger and pushed her until younger woman said whole truth... Everyone were estatic, happy for them, and they didn't risked their jobs by that, mostly because of how professional they acted in public, during race weekends... Shortly said, that duo couldn't be more happy...

At first, innocent evening in the club, with outcome like that...
Way more happy together than apart...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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