#124 Mick - First race

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-Now, do we run away from Mama?
-No Papa!
-And do we interrupt people who are working?
-No Papa- Little Liam said and shoke his head sideways in confirmation, as Mick held him in his arms.
-Papa, when you race?- our almost 3 year old asked him in such a cute way, that we looked down at him in fondness.
-In half an hour Buddy- he replied and kissed his head lovingly. I love my boys, watch them interact together every day is highlight of the day like nothing else.
Liam was a surprise for us. We didn't plan to have kids at 20, but we love him endlessly right now. Honestly, I never thought we will make this work, with my studies and Mick's career, it was REALLY tough, but we managed, with our parents being the best grandparents in whole world. I don't know what we would do without them...?! And for most, we had each other, and together, we will do everything...!
-Lio come on! Let Papa get ready for his race- I told my son and Mick turned around to place Liam down.
-Go on, go to Mama!
-viel Glück Papa! (Good luck dad)- Liam said and squeezed Mick's neck one more time, before letting go. Living partly in England and in Geneva our son speaks both German and English. He even picked out a few Italian words from his dad...
Just as Mick disapeared in the garage, we spotted Sebastian walking in our direction through the paddock.
-Uncle Seb!- Liam shouted and before I could stop them, he took off, running straight to Vettel. Seb is close friend to Michael, and to Mick and me too, so he knows Liam ever since our boy was born and Lio adores him completely and utterly.
-Lio!- I shouted after my son and followed him, but wasn't worried. Seb spotted us too, and now was kneeling down on the road, to catch little one in his arms and hug him close.
-Gutten morgen Liam- Seb said with wide smile and then stood up, to throw him couple of times in the air, making Liam shrek in laugher and me giggle.
-Hi Maddie! How are you?- he asked me next, as I stopped next to him and he placed Liam on his hip skillfully. 3 children make a charm... -Everything good?
-Yes Seb, don't worry. We are all happy- I gave Vettel short but strong hug, and got sweet kiss on the temple. Truth to be told, Seb is almost like second dad to me, just like Michael...
-Mama?- Liam looked at me, still tightly cuddled to Seb's chest.
-Ja mein Liebling? (Yes, my Love?)- I asked him in German with gentle smile. It was almost like tiny Mick is staring back at me, with the exact same smile, dimples in cheeks and sparkly blue eyes. Deffinitely his father's son...
-Tut mir leid... (I'm sorry)- he replied in the same language.
-Für was? (For what?)
-Zum weglaufen.... (For running away)
-Es ist ok, Lio, aber mach das nie wieder! (It's fine Lio, but never do that again!)
-Of course- and change to english again.
-Every time I see you, you get better at German!- Seb said happily and ruffled his hair, making Liam giggle.
-We try to teach him both English and German on daily basic, so we speak both languages at home. He even picked up a few Italian words from Mick when Rene visited...
-That's really good... It will be easier for him in future...- Seb praised us and smiled.
-Mama?- Liam got my attention again.
-The race?
-Yes! Sorry Seb, I know you must go to the garage now...!- I looked at Vettel and quickly took my son from him.
-No worries. I'll be there just in time- he assured me and added -See you later Liam!
-Auf Wiedersehen Onkel Seb! (Goodbye uncle Seb!)- we waived at him, and then Seb strolled down to Aston Martin, while we entered the garage to sit at the back and put headphones on our ears, especially Liam's. Soon later, it was time for the race to start...

We were 3/4 into the race, when Liam announced that he needs to go to the bathroom. I quickly checked the time and laps, and we had time. It took a while, because Liam is still too young to go to the bathroom alone, but we made is successfully, coming back just in time to see 3 final laps. I could see Mick on p9, on his way brong first points to the team with Kevin on 11th after a quite long pit stop!
-Come on Mickey! You can do it! I believe in you!- I whispered happily -Look at Papa Lio! So fast!
-Yeah!- he beamed at me. Haas made good progress this year and they managed to qualify and finish the race in higher positions than last year, almost having points every time. They last 2 races, Mick finished 11th and Kevin 7th and 9th, so it's huge improvement from what was the case in 2021. I'm so proud of him...

-7TH! He finished 7th!- whole garage cheered, because the team managed to score double points. Mick finished 7th and Kevin 8th, so awsome result. The race was won by Sergio Perez with Max and Lewis on his heels, then Ferarri duo- Carlos and Charles after some miscommunication about pit stops, Mick and Kevin seperating Lando on 6th and Daniel on 9th, and Seb locked top ten. Unluckly for George, he had puncture and finished 16th and we also had 4 DNF's, being Guanyu, Alex, Lance and Esteban. Such a eventfull race..!!
-Papa points! Papa points!- happy Liam jumped up and down with cheering team, celebrating. I took his small hand in mine and we walked with the team to park feme, to talk to him. We saw how the boys cheered, Seb and Fernando came to them, followed by other few drivers. Tears of pride and joy covered my cheeks, when I saw him this happy..!
Then the team embraced both of them , cheering happily as if they won whole thing. That was such a relief for them, to finally score points again...!
The moment Mick saw us, when the team let him go, he ran to us and pulled us into tight hug, as he lifted Liam onto his hip.
-I love you both so much! so viel!- he said happily and then leaned in, to kiss Liam's blond locks -I did it for you, meine kleine!
-You are something else Mr. Schumacher!- I said and Mick kissed my lips, without saying a word.
-I wouldn't do it without you...- he whispered and added -I've been thinking...- the smirk came back on his face, indicating that he's up to something.
-About what?- he got me curious there.
-Liam is 2 in 4 months, what would you say about another one?- he asked, with puppy dog eyes, making Lio laugh, as he cuddled closer to his beloved Papa.
I was surprised by that question, but saying that I hadn't thought about it myself would be lying. We are the happiest we can be and I can more than surely see him being my forever... And I always wanted my kids to be close in age, like him and Gina for example, so...
-I think so- I gave him desired answer and smiled.
-Really?- shock and joy were evidednt on his face. Like little kid in candy store..
-Really!- I replied and laughed, as Mick lifted me in the air by one his arm, with the other holding Liam, and twirled us around. I could deffinitely say that this weekend was one of the happiest ones I've ever had...!

First race weekend for Liam!
So cute family time!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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