#126 Charles - "Fake" Girlfriend

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I wrote it during 2021 season, but completly forgot about it...!
I hope you'll enjoy it nevertheless...

NARRATOR POV: 2021 was crazy enough after all the fuss with Covid 19 starting the year prior. It was "new normal" for all the people who survived the pandemic in the first place. People's lives were slowly getting back to normality and being used to new dinamic. It wasn't easy, but manageable, if they just tried.

The same thing was with FIA and drivers for all Formulas and such. New regulations got in, many things changed, but only what those people wanted, was racing again. They weren't able to live without racing. After all, that's what they do for living, so it's the only way they know.... Everyone was supporting their families and friends, were a little scared about them. Quarantine was useful in the first months of the pandemic, but later on, life had to go on, and it started to be normal again.
Apart from racing, the teams had many sponsorship meetings, discussions and such, many of them being huge parties, mostly done via zoom call or something until now.
One party like that, Ferrari was throwing for their team in weekend during Silverstone race. It wasn't maybe their home country, but they had many sponsors seateled in Great Britain, so it was good opportunity. Many people, not only drivers, were attending this party. All of the guests could bring a "+ one" with them, as in family members or girlfriends / boyfriends.
That's way Charles was a little stressed out. After his quiet break up with Charlotte (Don't get me wrong, she's very sweet and I love her with Charles, but I'm not really comfortable to write in her name. That's why I "created" Brynn - aut. note.), he wasn't romantically involved with any woman, and was sure that his brothers and friends would tease him about it.
Leclerc was thinking very hard about whom he can trust enough, to act like his "fake" girlfriend. And he found the right person. Brynn Warren, his friend since childhood. Before he chickened out of that idea, he took his phone and send her a text:

To B☺️: Brynn, I need your help!

Reply came just seconds later:

From B☺️: With what?

With his heart pummelling in his chest, Charles tiped the reply:

To B☺️: My team's doing a huge party and I'm expected to bring my girlfriend. Will you help me out and act like one? Plz. I'll make it up to you..!

After he clicked "send" he looked at the screen with ancipation. This time, answer wasn't that fast, and it made Leclerc worry a little, how she reacted and if she even considered his plea. Seconds were slow like years, but finally she sent him a reply:

From B☺️: Whatever you need Charlie. How, when and where?

Seeing this, Leclerc was able to breath again. He quickly send her a message with all the details and invited her already in Thursday, to England. That's when Charles knew that everything is going to be OK...

Before media duties Charles drove his Ferrari to near airport, to pick up "his girlfriend"... He's really stressed, but also relieved that it's Brynn. Out of all people, could be here, he's glad that it's her...
Charles decided that, he'll wait in hall where people were coming in, from their flights. He waited in ancipation few long minutes, and then spotted more than familiar girl in the distance. He felt his heart pumeling in his chest again, but didn't think anything about it, as Brynn came to him with smile on her face.
-Charlie!- she said happily with a smile and flung her arms around his neck to hug him, even thought she still had her mask on.
-Nice to see you again B- Leclerc replied in the same mood, hugging her close. They stayed like that for a moment, happy to be reunited again, and then let go of one another -Can we go straight to the track, or you want to check in the hotel first? We still have time...
-Track will be fine. The flight wasn't that long from Monaco- she replied and let Charles take her luggage from her. Then they slowly made their way to his car, already focused only on one another, deeply in passionate and interesting conversation. Both of them thought how nice it felt to have the other close again...
They made quite an impresion, when they entered the paddock, hand in hand, immersed in conversation, and were a nice snack to the photographers. But neither of them minded, focused on the other. As Brynn said, Charles done his media duites and she chilled in his motorhome, took a shower and changed clothes. Warren also had a small talk with Isabella, as she met her in the "dining room" in Ferrari hospitality. The girls are a close friends, so they spent that time rather enjoyable, shareing some stories from the time they weren't talking.
Before they knew it, the media day was over and they all could leave the track. To tell them this, both Charles and Carlos came to the hospitality. They also were talking while so, and stopped only when they approached them.
-Hey B- Charles said affectionaly and gave his "girlfriend" kiss on the cheek.
-Hi Charlie- she flashed him a wide smile in return.
-Hola mi Amor! / Hola Cariño!- Isabella and Carlos said in unision and kissed softly but short.
-Are we going, or what?- Brynn asked them, holding Charles's hand in hers.
-Yeah, we can go now- Carlos agreed and all four of them left the building, saying their "goodbye's" along the way. During so, they decided to have a game night at Carlos's hotel room, to relax before exciting and stresfull weekend. The party was supposed to be tomorrow evening, after the FP1 and sprint race. All of them knew that it'll be interesting...

The FP1 and sprint race were quite eventfull but also promising for the team. Charles managed to qualify 4th, and Carlos 6th, so it was a good result to have a little advantage tomorrow, for actual qualifying. After that, they had some interviews, and then everyone left the track, to prepare for the party. Isabella and Brynn agreed that they're going to prepare together in Warrens' room, so it's where they headed first. Dresses, heels and such were already prepared, so girls only had to put them on and focus on the make up and hair. This way everything was quicker and easier. At first they done each others hair, not doing them too much over the top, as they wanted them to last whole party, and then took care of the make up. The dresses were the last, as they could put them on without destroying the rest of their appearance.
-I don't want to seem rude, but Brynn, what are you doing here?!- Isabella asked her friend, as she was putting some eyeliner on.
-You and Charles are a thing?
-You can say that- Brynn agreed, as promised to Charles. Deep down she wished that those words could be actually true, and not some mistification in favour...
-You don't sound convincing to me- she replied, looking at her intensely.
-It's still fresh thing..- she lied easily. Brynn felt bad, because Isabella is her friend after all and she didn't like to lie to her, but situation needed it. All in all, she promised Charles to be his girlfriend this weekend, and Brynn wanted to keep that promise...
-How fresh?
-Around a month. It's still a little unbelievable, you know? We're friends for so long, and now this huge step...
-You'll be alright B. I can see how happy you two are together...
-Thanks Isa- brownhaired girl flashed her friend geniue smile -And now tell me, how's you and our Carlota doing?- she triggered the conversation somewhere else.
-We're happy. Very happy- Brynn could clearly see that, that she's happy with him. Isabella was almost glowing with happiness and pride...
Then they never brought back the topic of her and Charlie, and Brynn was really happy about it. She didn't need to lie anymore... For now...
They met with the boys in the lobby, ready to go. Brynn couldn't deny to herself that Charles looked extremely handsome in that suit...
-Ready for party, ladies?- Carlos joked, after he pressed loving kiss to Isabella's forehead.
-We can say that...- Brynn replied with a smile.
-Let's go then- they agreed and exited the hotel. Soon after that they drove of to the party...

Entering the place, they made quite a impression, but Brynn ignored it. She could feel how tensed and stressed Charles was. To ease his mind a bit, she let go of his hand and wrapped his hand around her waist with a smile, as she looped her own hand around his. Both of them ignored the feeling, how good and right it was. It was not a place to think about it. They needed to act and fool all the people that they're together. And it consummed all their thoughts....

The time went on, they talked with many people, Mattia Binotto included, and sipped not so little of water or champaine. For now, the plan was still smoothly done, as nobody even thought about them not being a thing. Sweet glances, short kisses and loving hugs, but also composed faces and understanding in many topics, not just motosport. They fitted like gloves to one another...
-Excuse me for a second..- Brynn looked at her companions with polite smile. They nodded, so she made her way to the balcony. The atmosphere inside was slowly unbearable for her, as she was met with juding glances wherever she looked. And all that because she's here with Ferarri's "golden boy"...
She almost made it to the balcony, when she felt gentle tug on her wrist. Turning around, she saw Charles.
-Hi Charlie..
-You ok, B?- Leclerc studied her face carefully. After all those years as friends, he knew her like opened book.
-Yeah. Just need a bit of air...- she assured him back, not willing to make him more nervous than he already was.
-Let's go then..
-No "but's" Brynn. Please..- he insisted and walked with her out of the building, to freshy air. They leaned over the railing, looking at the city in front of them.
-Definitely...- she breathed out a sigh of relief and small smile tugged her lips.
-For what?- she asked him back, confused.
-For draging you here, I didn't knew...
-What?- It was his time to be confused.
-Don't apologise for inviting me here, to be with you, and help you. I'm really having fun...
-But the party...?!
-What's with it?
-I shouldn't..- he started, not turning away from her caucion gaze, stopped for brief moment, and then shoke his head, before he began speaking again -All I want to say, is that I shouldn't have put so much pressure on your should...
-Charlie...!- she interupted him again, with gentle smile -Even though I needed to lie to some people to help you, I'm more than willing to do so! You didn't put any pressure on my shoulders with your plan! I care for you way too much, to not help you in a heartbeat!- Brynn added, saying all that before she deeply thought about it.
-And I'll be forever grateful for you... You... You're so special and I... After today, I realised how much I need you in my life...- Charles replied, leaving Brynn stunned -I realised that, I need you more than boy can need his best friend... je t'aime Brynn...
-je t'aime aussi Charlie..- she replied quietly and smiled at him. It made Charles smile and lean forward, to kiss her sweetly. "We don't need to lie anymore..."- both of them thought, feeling immersly happy about it.
They kissed for a bit, happy sawouring the moment, and then pulled back.
-As much as I would wish to stay with you here all night, shall we get back to the party? It's soon over anyway?- Brynn said, looking deeply into bright eyes of her lover with smile playing on her lips. In even wildest of dreams she wouldn't suspect that Charles's plea and this party will have that efect...?!
-You sure you wnat to go back? I can sneak us out and explain everything to Mattia tomorrow...?
-Yes. I'm sure. That's for whay you said you need me for, right?- she joked and fixed his slighty uneven collar of the white shirt he was wearing.
-Let's go then...- they smiled to one another, Charles placed small kiss on her lips for one last time, and then they got back to more humid place of the party. They needed to make good impression anyway...
But that didn't bothered them at all, when they very late at night, came back to his hotel room, to go to sleep in each others' arms, to charge their batteries for upcoming weekend, which would be the first of many they'll attend togther in the future... One of many, which resulted in P2 for one certain Ferrari driver... They both were sure, that from then on, things could only be happy for them...

Sponsorship party led to other things...
What do you think about this one?
Let me know in the coments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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