#127 Pierre - Back Home

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NARRATOR POV.: It's been long weekend for Pierre... He missed his family quite a lot, as they were racing all the way in US, while Katelynn and Andrea stayed back, at home, in Milan... It was hard for both sides, not able to talk, nor see each other for so long...
But right now, he's coming back home, one day earlier, not able to stay away from his girls any longer... It was planned that Pierre will go back to the factory with the team on Monday, and then come home on Thursday, but he changed those plans, and flew 2 quite long flights, firstly to England, and then to Italy. He just had to be at home already...
Finally, after almost 15h in the air (flying by jet from US to UK helped masively to reduce the time) he landed in his home ground, quickly collected his luggage and left the airport. Luckly for him, he didn't meet a lot of fans, and also caught Taxi quite fast too. Pierre gave the name of the road 2 minutes of walk far from his home and with smile hidden behind his safe mask began last "road" to his home...
When they made it, he paid and jumped out, collected his bags and went away, wishing the man a nice day. At that point, nothing could dampen his mood... Just few more minutes and he'll be back with his girls...

Kat was sitting with Andrea on the carpet in the living room, playing with Lego cubbes and some tv program for kids in TV, when her baby daughter looked at her questioningly.
-When Papa will be back home?- 4 year old Andrea asked, looking at her mother with pout on her lips and a little teary gaze.
-Oh Honey...! Papa will be back tomorrow...- she said and scopped her up, in her arms.
-But.. But I want him to be here..!
-I know mon Ange, but Papa is working... It's long flight between USA and Italy you know?
-I miss him so much...
-I know baby... But don't cry! I'm sure that Papa will come back as fast as he can... He misses you too, you know?- Andrea only nodded, and sniffted, not to cry.
-He'll be back before you know it baby.. I promise..- Kat said next, kissing her little head, not knowing how right she was...
Just then, they heard the key rustle in the lock, making them look at one another.
-Who is that?
-I don't know baby..- Kat was visibly confused, just like little Rea. But that mistery got solved before they could do anything...
-Is anybody home?!- Pierre shouted, making both of them smile.
-It's Papa!
-It is..- Kat agreed and let go of wiggling child -Go! Go and give Papa a bug hug!- she laughed, as Rea took off as fast as she could.
-Mi Princesse! I missed you so much!- Pierre said with huge smile on his face, as he scopped Andrea up in his arms, and held her in tight hug.
-I missed you too! So much Papa!- she said back, wrapping her little arms around his neck, kissing his cheek lovingly and snuggling as close to his chest as she was able.
This little moment was seen by smiling Kat, who walked after her daughter, to also greet her loving and longly missed husband. She openly melted at the sight before her, as she leaned against the door frame to the little hall they have in their apartment. The couple locked gazes seconds later and smiled to one another, before Pierre extended his hand in her direction, indicating for her to join the hug. Kate happily complied, and came closer, hugging her family tight.
-Welcome home P...
-Home, sweet home..- Gasly mumbled in satisfaction, kissing his wife on the lips and then his daughter's head -I missed you SO much...
-We missed you too..- Rea chipped in, making her mother nod in agreement.
-What are you doing here anyway? It's not like we're not happy about it, but you said yesterday that you'll be back in Thurstday?
-I made some arrangments and came back sooner... I couldn't stay away in the factory any second, knowing that you two are waiting for me at home...
-Je t'aime tellement..!
-Je t'aime aussi mon coeur...- he replied and kissed Kate once again, before kissing Andrea's head and whispering - Je t'aime à la folie mi Princesse... (I love you to the moon and back)
-Je t'aime aussi Papa- she said in sweet tone and then Kat took her from his arms.
-Let's go and make some dinner for Papa and he'll get comfy in the house ok?
-Ok!- Rea squealed happily, as she loves to help her beloved Papa, and dragged Kat to the kitchen, earning a giggle from Pierre.
-Home sweet home...- Gasly sighed with huge smile on his face, and shaking his head, he changed into comfy clothes in the bedroom after quick shower and started a washing maschine with his dirty clothes, before joining his girls in the living room. He was finally home...

A little shorter this time, but my finals are just around the corner, so I don't really have any time to write this days...
Nevertheless, I hope you like it..
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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