#128 Mick - You

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NARRATOR POV.: The last weeks were hard for both Maddie and Mick. Due to her Grandmother's illness Maddie got stuck back home, in Geneva, while Mick had to travel around the world to his races, longing for his girlfriend like for nothing else in the world...
Of course they stayed in touch, texting, calling and FaceTime'ing at every given oportunity, but it simply wasn't enough for them... They needed one another with them, in flesh...
-...Only few hours of flight, and I'll be back with you, Liebe...- Mick said with soft smile visible only in his eyes due to safe mask on his face. Young Schumacher was currently at the airport, waiting for his plane to board.
-I know... But it still doesn't help me miss you less than I actually do..- Maddie replied sadly and sighed deeply.
-Believe me Mad, I miss you just as much, or not even more, but we managed those 2 weeks well, we can do that just those few hours more...- his coment made her smile ever so slightly, making him grin to himself like total idiot -I wish to be home already, and hug you close...
-Same Micky, same...- Maddie sighed again and added -You know how much I miss your cuddles...
-You'll get tons of them when I'll be back! I'll cuddle you until you'll grow annoyed with me..!
-Too bad.. I think you won't be able to go to next race then, because I won't let you go..- she joked, making him giggle softly.
-I love you tons Mad...
-I love you too Micky...- they smiled at one another and silenced for a moment, just looking at one another.
-I know I already asked, but how is your Grandma?- Mick asked next, concerned. Both him and Maddie's Granny are really fond of one another and care about each other deeply. So deeply, that Granny Eva is watching every race of his, keeping her fingers crossed for "grandson I never actually had", as she says.. Both families think that it's cute..
-She's fine.. Flu is slowly going away, and she only coughs quite a lot, but no more runny nose..
-That's good...- Mick nodded in relief -Tell her she'll get big hugs when I'll come back...
-You don't worry about getting it too?- Maddie, as perfect and caring girlfriend she is, raised her brow at him in concern.
-No I don't. It's fine..
-Whatever you say Mick..- just as she said that, they both heard voice from the background.
-I wish to talk to you more, but the plane landed, so we're going to board..
-Ich liebe dich Mick..
-Ich liebe dich auch Mad.. See you in few hours..
-Yeah, fly safe..
-Always- Mick assured her, and then the call ended, leaving Maddie in brief silence.
-Och, you're SO whipped sis!- Ava joked, making Maddie jump in place.
-Ava! Don't scare me like that!- she grumbled, but laughed at it soon after -And I'm NOT whipped!
-Yes, you are!
-Sorry dear, but I have to agree with your sister on this one..- older woman said, making one of her granddaughters pout and the other smile widely in victory.
-You have bear hugs from Mick..
-Danke- she smiled and added -I can't wait to see him! I haven't had a chance in ages!
-Granny!?- Maddie whined jokingly -You sound as if he's your grandson!
-And he isn't?- this comment made old lady crock her neck to the side, leaving both of the girls in fit of giggles.
-Ich liebe dich Oma..- Maddie said and gave her grandma a hug -And now, come on, let's get you comfortable on the couch..- in this being said, all three went to the living room to sit down and relax a bit...

Those few hours passed, and before Maddie knew it, the loud doorbell was heard all around the house. (You know these old houses, thin walls and sound reaches every tiny bit..- aut. note)
-I'm gonna go and get it- Madison told her family and stood up from the armchair she was occupying. Rather quickly she made it to the door and opened it.
-How can I... MICK!- she squealed happily, when her gaze met his, and in split seconds, her arms were wrapped around his neck and his around her waist to hold one another close.
After just a few seconds of tight hug, they pulled away a little, young Schumacher placed his girlfriend back on her feet and cupped her face with one of his hands, while the other stayed steadily on her waist. The pair kissed, smiling into it, very happy to FINALLY have one another close enough to kiss and hug...
-Welcome home Micky..- Maddie whispered into the kiss, making him laugh softly.
-I'm really happy to be back..- he agreed, and then, right before her fam started to wonder where did she go, they entered the house and walked into the living room, keeping each other close.
-Guten Morgen- Mick smiled at the women in the room, really feeling like at home.
-Mick! Meine Liebe!- Granny Eva smiled from ear to ear, and stood up to give him a hug.
-It's nice to see you in better shape Oma..
-Don't worry about it, it's just a flu..- she dismissed it with swift gesture, making all her "grandkids" laugh.
Then they just sat down and talked about everything and nothing basicaly, including Mick's recent race weekends. Granny couldn't stop her words of praise, making Mick blush heavily, but seeing that wide smiled and cute giggle coming from Maddie rewarded him like nothing else...

Whole fam, as Maddie's parents also came, spent the rest of the day, talking and laughing quite a lot, keeping the atmosphere light and lifted. After all those hours Maddie was informed that her mum finally was able to take a few days off from the hospital where she works, and can take care of her mum herself, so she can spent those days with Mick. The pair was delighted to hear the news...
They came back to their apartment around 9 pm, and first thing what they did was warm and quite long shower. After that, dressed in comfy pijamas, they got on the bed, and Mick pulled Maddie as close to himself as possible.
-You sure you don't want anything? Diner, a snack? Maybe glass of water or cup of tea?
-No Liebe, Danke- he declined the offer with soft smile.
-Or maybe...
-To be with you... That's all I want...- Mick replied and kissed his girlfriend's forehead lovingly.
-You have me..- Maddie giggled and rested her chin on his chest, lying fully on top of him and looking him straight into the eye -You always have me..
-I know..- he agreed with sigh and played with her hair gently, making her hum contently in responce -It's just...
-Just what Mick?- she asked him back, really concern about his turbulent state.
-Weeks like those which passed.. They're making me regret defying myself by motosport... They make me realise that I would rather work normal job, 8 am till 5 pm, 5 days a week, if I get to come back home to you every day and be able to help you with whatever you'd need me to, than being a racing driver and earn quite good money from each start...
-Mick...- she sighed in awe, but he wasn't done yet.
-Those weeks.. They remind me who I am, but also what I'm missing out on... I would do anything for you, you know that right?
-Yeah, of course I know!
-I'd gave up everything if only you wish that... Your one word and my racing career is over..- he said firmly, but still gently, not looking away, nor stopping his play with her hair.
-Mick, I'd never told you to do that! Racing is a part of you and it always will be! I...
-I know that Mad, I know.. But I also want you to know that, I'll choose you over, and over and over again, without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat if it was necesearly... I love you way too much to not to...
-I love you tons too Micky.. I'll always love you, no matter what or where..- she said back with tears weeling in her shiny eyes, making him kiss her forehead.
-You're the only one important part in my life... Nothing matters if you're not with me...- he whispered and tightened his grip over her.
-Ich liebe dish auch Mick... Sehr viel...
Quite soon after that, they drifted off to peacefull slumber, regaining strength for next day and anticipating what's more to come for them... They only knew one thing.. To be happy, they needed one another...

Something sweet but new with Mick...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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