#129 Max - "Daddy!"

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NARRATOR POV.: It's normal day of 2023 year. It's actually middle of summer and Max, who is by now 2 Times World Champion, has a whole month free from racing, for family and friends. Right now, he's back home in Monaco, with Kelly and Penelope. They've spent last week together, chilling on the beach or his boat or going on day long trips. It was fun...
It's almost 4 years that Kelly and Max are together and they're going strong as ever, as Max proposed to Kelly in New years, and now they're secretly planning their wedding. They are really happy together...
Today however is different, because Penelope is going to stay with her biological father - Danił Kviat and his girlfriend Ana, for few days. Or rather that was the plan, because P refuses to get ready, as she holds to Max for dear life.
-... But P! Don't be fussy! You'll have SO MUCH fun with Dad!- Kelly tried to convince her daughter to give in.
-No! I don't want to go!- she disagreed once again, tightening her grip on Max's neck.
-Why not? The last time was awsome?- Max asked her, but didn't let go of her, holding little girl securately on his hip.
-I don't want to!- she replied stubbornly and then also said that in Brazilian, as if in confirmation.
-Penelope! Don't be riddiculus! Yesterday you were estatic to see Dad!- Kelly was slowly fed up of her daughter's attitude.
-No!- Penelope shoke her head furiously -I don't want to!
-Danił will be here any minute now...- Kelly sighed, looking at her fiancée in disstres.
-Don't worry about it..- Max told her reassuringly and flashed her a smile -Penelope! Listen to me ok?- he then turned his full attention to little girl in his arms -Why don't you tell us, why you don't want to see Dad, hm? Maybe then we will agree to not let you go there?- he tried to trick her, as both him and Kelly thought that she's just stubborn and don't have real reson why she doesn't want to go.
-I don't want to, because...- she began, looking Max straight in the eye, but stopped.
-Come on. You can tell us anything!- Kelly backed him up in this "trap" and rubbed her little back.
-Because I don't want to!
-You know that's not the reason Schatsje..- Max sighed and sat little girl down on the couch, to kneel in front of her -Tell me the truth P... Or you're going with Dad and we will be back together by Thursday (It's Saturday)..
-No, no, NO! I don't want to go!- she was almost on the wedge of tears.
-Then tell me why- Max held her little hands in his in reasuring manner, still looking her in the eye, while Kelly sat next to her and gently rubbed her back.
-It's because...- she began again, and hung down her head.
-Tell me Penelope...- Max sighed and they exchanged meaningfull glaces with Kelly. That little girl, who Max grew to love as his own was acting really strange and it was worring them...
-I don't want to go...- she quietly said, as if she couldn't say anything else.
-We know that, but tell us why? You know that you can tell me everything, right Schats?- she nodded at his question, but didn't say anything else.
And before any of them spoke up, the door bell rang.
-It's Danił..- Kelly sighed and stood up, to go to the hallway and open the door.
-Will you tell me now, P? It can be anything...- he managed to catch her glance and smiled at her. Penelope's behavouir was REALLY strange and it upsets him to no end, why on earth his little girl is acting like that!? It's not like her at all...!
They heard loud and clear when Kelly opened the door and greeted the newcomers. It made Penelope tense even more, which Max caught instantly.
-..They're in the living room...- Kelly said and three people entered the room before Penelope replied.
-Come on P! Say Hi to Dad!- Danił smiled at his girl warmly, as Max stood up to greet them as well. They shoke hands, saying polite "Hey, nice to see you", when suddenly, Penelope shot bolt upright, stood on the couch and jumped right into Max's arms, to hug him tightly.
-That's strange...- Kviat chuckled, looking at his daughter.
-She's like that whole morning, I don't have any idea why...?- Kelly sighed in responce and Max nodded in aproval.
-Why though? We had SO MUCH fun the last time...! Come on Princess!- Ana, Danił's new girlfriend of 2 months came closer to Penelope with sweet smile.
-No, Daddy!- she shrecked in horror and hugged Max even tighter -I don't want to go!- she added, clearly scared because of Ana.
-Penelope!- Kelly whined, tired of little one's act.
-What, "what?!" Danił?- Max looked at his old teammate in confusion.
-Why the hell MY DAUGHTER calls him "Daddy"!?- Danił ignored him, looking straight at Kelly, visibly angry.
-And why are you so angry all the sudden? Max is her step-dad, she can call him however she wants!- Kelly also got angry, putting her hands on her hips.
-He has no right to be called like that!? I AM HER FATHER for fucks sake!
-Daddy, I don't want to go..- Penelope repeated her little mantra, cuddling to Max's chest even more.
-Don't worry about it Princess- he assured her, now himself not liking the idea for his little girl to be alone with that man -Danił, man! Why all that fuss all the sudden?! P is smart girl, she knows that you're her Dad, why you...
-Don't resonate with me you traitor!
-WTF? Why traitor?- Max, just like Kelly, was lost. They didn't have any idea, why Kviat said something like that?!
-You took everything from me!? First GP and seat at Red Bull, then my fiancée and my career in F1, and now you also want to steal my daughter!?
-I didn't..
-He didn't steal anything from you!- Kelly interupted him, standing next to Max with anger visible on her face -For Red Bull, you just weren't good enough for them anymore, and I left you like a year before I started dating Max, so he didn't "stole" me from you either! Stop saying bullshit Danił!
-So you'll leave WOMAN to defend you?!
-I don't need any defending Kviat! And now, get the fuck out of my house!- Max replied sternly.
-You're kicking me out?!- Danił looked at the pair in disbelieve.
-Come on Penelope! Let's go!- Ana said, as if none of that argument happened.
-No- little one refused, with tears in her eyes.
-Just leave Danił...- Kelly sighed, tired of it all.
-Penelope..- the russian looked at his daughter with hope, but to his envy, she cuddled even closer to Max -You know what?! You're pathetic! And I warn you Verstappen! Watch out, because you never know, when that whore will ditch you for some other driver!- Danił snarleed and held hands with his girlfriend.
-Get the fuck out!- Max pointed at the door angrily -I said, GET OUT!- he yelled, with fury all over his face. They didn't say anything else, just left with loud "bang" of the door, leaving "Verstappens" in complete silence.
-Max, I..
-Don't..- Dutchman shoke his head and then pulled his girls for tight hug -He doesn't know what he's saying... Just forget all of that... Both of you..- Max said next, and then softly kissed Kelly on the lips, only to pull away for a minute, to also kiss Penelope's head. If someone told him back in 2019 than he'll fall madly in love with this Brazillian woman, Danił's fiancee back then, to be exact, and love their baby daughter as his own, with 2 F1 titles under his belt, he would definitely headbud that person, but now...?! He felt like he wouldn't traide that for anything else in the world.. His girls were the best part of his life, he was sure of it...

When they all calmed down, they decided upon another "beach trip" to rest and eat ice cream. They definitely needed that, after so stressfull morning...
Especially after what Penelope told them... Ana was very mean and shouted at her quite a lot, making little girl scared for her life... Hearing that, Max and Kelly decided to "ban" Danił's contact with P until he'll brake up with his partner, for sake of P's mental health.. That explained a lot of facts...
The future for them was definitely rocky one, but worth all the struggles.. Because they had one another...

I don't know how or why this idea popped into my mind, but it just happened...!
I'm also not really happy with how it turned out at the end, but here you go I guess...
I hope you like it nevertheless...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

P.S. I'm finally on long awaited vacation, so I should be able to write longer One Shots for you from now on... I'm not promising, but I'll see what I can do ;-)

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