#13 Carlos - 2 AM

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ISABELLAS' POV: I really miss my boyfriend for around 2 years, Carlos... He's out in the whole wide world for first thriple header in F1 season in France and then Austria, and I'm stuck in my work in our shared home in Italy....
Normally, I don't miss him that much, because we call and text a lot, but today in particular I miss his presence... I miss his goofyness, his jokes and laugh, his hugs, kisses, him saying that "I got this!"...
Today I had REALLY tough day at work. My boss told me to write 5 new articles, and do another 5 interviews with people from different backgrouds and counties. Usually I'm happy about it, as I love my job, but today just wasn't my day... I struggled to focus, was mixing facts, or words... For example, in one article, instead of "It was very interesting expierience" I wrote "It was mucho interesante experience"! It was really bad...! Even Kayla, my friend and office-mate was concerned...
-You really look tired Izzy... Maybe you should call in sick and go home, hm?
-I can't! I'm in the middle of huge project and I need to finish those assigments for Mark (our boss)...- I disagreed with her.
-But you're barerly awake! Being workoholic is not nice!
-I'm not workoholic! I just need to keep up with all of this! I'll be fine really!- I stood my ground firmly.
-As you want. But you know my opinion!- she chipped, unconvinced. But I wasn't in the mood to argue with her, so I just resumed my work. The sooner I'll end this, the better....

I finished everything I had to, and came back home around 8 PM, extremly tired and done with everything. I throw my high heels on the floor next to the door with a loud thud, loose my high ponytail to wiggle my head to the sides to let them down and wandered to the kitchen to make myself light dinner. Unable to do anything special, I just took out of the fridge a bowl with homemade salad I did few days ago and ate it, beside kitchen counter. Then, I took quick and warm shower, in order to clean myself and relax my stiff musles. It was really nice feeling, very warm...
After shower I dried a little my wet hair with towel and left them airdry themselves, and then dried my skin with the other one, before I put on my pijama. This time it was pair of panties and one of Carlos' Ferrari shirts, which was large enough to reach a little bellow my bum.
Almost ready to bed I stood in front of the mirror and cleaned my skin from the little of make up I put on my face this morning and followed my nighttime routine. When I was done with it I brushed my hair and took my toothbrush to clean my teeth. Ready to bed I left the bathroom, and with flashlight on in my phone I put all the lights off and checked if all the doors are locked correctly. Anything can happen, and I hate bad suprises, so it's better to check twice, than none...
Afterwards I went to the master bedroom, pluged my phone to the charger and placed it on the bedside table, and then laid beneth the covers in the middle of the kings' sized bed, with my head on Carlos' pillow. It still smelled like him....
Before I knew it, I started to drift away, to deep sleep. I really needed that....

But sudenly I was woken up by familiar ringing. I sat up and rubbed my eyes with my hands, in order to wake up fully. Then, I reached out for my phone, and instantly smiled as I saw calller ID... Carlos was calling me in the middle of the night, for God knows what...
Nevertheless, I accepted the call with loud yawn.
(I- Isabella, C- Carlos)
I: Ola Cariño! Que pasao?
C: Ola Amore! How was your day?- he asked, cheerfully, but with slight tiredness in his voice.
I: Carlito, It's 2 in the morning and you call me to ask me how was my day?- I asked him in suprise, not mad at all. Actually, it's really sweet of him to do that...
C: I know it's late, but I miss you...
I: I really miss you too...!- I said softly and added -And if you really want to know, my day was horrible!- he listened carefully about my day and tried to lift up my spirits.
I: You already do that Cariño!
C: What? How is that?- I really surprised him.
I: Just hearing your voice makes my day better- I replied and heard him chuckle.
C: And vice versa Amore...
I: If you want to call me more often like that, I don't mind!
C: I'm glad Isa...- he said proudly and made me giggle -Was that a giggle, señora Isabella?
I: Si- I agreed, and we both burst into laugher.
C: I really wish you could be here, with me...- I could clearly hear the sadness and hope in his very tired voice.
I: I wish that too Carlito...- I said softly with sad smile. I really miss him...
Then we talked some more, and after that we had to end the call. It was too late in the night for both of us to continue talking, as we need to be fully well-rested for work, so we had to call it a night. I fell asleep again soon afterwards, with light smile on my face. Carlos never failed to bring it to my face, no matter what! I'm really lucky to have him...!

This time, Carlos and cute calls in the middle of the night...
I hope you had / are having great day!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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