#131 Carlos - First steps

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ISABELLA POV.: Today we got up not so early. Only around 10 AM...
We ate breakfast while still in our pajamas, and only then did we get dressed and it wasn't something we normally would go out in... I put my little one in a gray tracksuit, navy blue T-shirt and socks. Carlos too, except his shirt was black. And I wore black high-waisted leggings and a navy blue plain T-shirt, by the way, Carlos' and black socks. We didn't feel like wearing shoes at home. And there was no point in doing it anyway...
When we finally got ready for the day, it was time for Rafe's nap and Carlos's morning training, so I put our son in the bedroom while his dad went to train. The little one fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow... I tucked the duvet around him lovingly, kissed him on the forehead, quietly left and joined my husband in our home gym, pulling my hair up in ponytail.
-He's out like lightning...- I smiled at him and started to warm up my wrists.
-Then we have around 2h..
-Exactly- I agreed, and we wordlessly began our training. Rupert made for us our individual training schedules, which we try to fullfill each time. It's nice, because this way, we spend some quality time together, and train, keeping us fit and healthy, also maintaining the diet we both have... I wouldn't traide it for anything else...
When we did crunches, we gave each other sweet peck on the lips with smiles on our faces. Carlos had that smile on, that results in butterflies in my stomach each time I see it, no matter the time passed... But I don't mind at all, as it was, among other things, this smile that made me fall in love with him in the first place...
After almost 1.5h long training, we took rather quick shower and changed into fresh clothes, also running the washing machine.
-I like those days when you're home, you know?- I stated more than asked, cuddling up to him on the couch, when we finally fell on it, to rest.
-Me too, Corazón- he replied honestly and kissed the top of my head. That is why I appreciate moments like these... That I can cuddle with him and have him with me...
After all, he gives me a sense of security like no one else... I love him like crazy! Sometimes I still feel like a lovesick teenager because of him...
We sat like that for a bit, quiet and enjoying our presence, and then began to talk about various things. Somewhere after half an hour more, Rafael woke up. This time Carlos got up and brought him to us, to the living room. As always, the little one had his little elephant with him, tightly holding its ear in his fist.
-Who's up?!- I immediately smiled broadly and sincerely as they entered the room. "My boys" I thought proudly. Carlito left him on the carpet, among the toys, and then sat down next to me on the couch, immediately putting his arm around me.
We absorbed the time with a pleasant conversation, watching our son out of the corner of our eyes, who was playing happily. As he was rubbing his awake eye a moment ago, now he was full of energy! Just like his dad!
-Look at him!- I laughed, pointing to Rafe, who was walking, still a little unsteady, along the chairs.
-Someone is trying to walk here!- Carlos laughed as well, got up from the couch, walked over to him, picked him up and tossed him a few times in the air, which made the little boy laugh. My boys returned to me shortly after, they sat down on the couch and Carlos began to tickle him, making the little boy laugh even louder.
-Who is ticklish?! Who?!- we laughed with him.
-Like mom!- Carlos added, winking at me with a smile.
-You know what?! - I pretended to scoff, but laughing soon after and then we gave him a break to breathe. After all, it is still tiny...
Rafe was laughing so much that he got hiccups! And it made us laugh even more...We were laughing so hard, that we couldn't do anything to stop it, let alone save our son from this "murderous" hiccup! In the end, I laid out on the couch across Carlos's lap, while Carlito streached out on the back of it, with Rafe in his arms. And the little one?! He was laughing too, despite the hiccups... There were no such actions yet, I give you my word!
Fortunately, we managed to calm down after a while.
-Come to Mama! - I our son in my arms and stood up -We'll give you some honey...- I said and went with him to the kitchen, where I took a spoonful of some honey from the jar, and then gave this spoon to him. Rafe licked off all the honey with great pleasure, and the hiccups subsided a moment later.
-Everything alright for now?- Carlito asked smiling when we returned to the living room.
-Si- I also smiled and sat down on the ground. I started to play with my son with toys, and Carlos joined us after a moment. We were sitting a little apart, so the little one crawled between us every now and then.
-Why not to take advantage of Rafe's enthusiasm for walking and try to teach him?- I looked thoughtfully at my husband, looking with pride as my little son stands steadily holding only my index fingers.
-We can try...- he agreed after a moment and then added -But how do you want to do it?!- he looked at me thoughtfully.
-Maybe... Let's sit opposite each other in a fairly close distance and let him walk this distance holding on to our fingers, and then we will try to quality it to let him go until he goes alone?! - I suggested hesitantly, the first thing that came to mind. Simple, but effective?!
-Ok..- agreed and that's what we did. We didn't rush anything. Pawcio set himself the pace of "steps". Until suddenly...
Unexpectedly, he let go of my fingers by himself and walked the distance between me and his Papa completely by HIMSELF!
-Bravo!- I laughed, bursting with pride.
-My big boy!- Carlos joined me, hugging him and tossing him over and over in the air, making Rafael laugh. We were really proud of him...
After a seemingly endless moment of joy, Carlito put him on the ground again, and I moved away a little. For 3, maybe 4 baby steps away.
-Go to Mama! Straight to Mama!- he laughed, releasing him, and Rafe?! Just like before to Carlos, this time he came to me, all ALONE!
-My little Prince!- I grabbed him into my arms and hugged him, and the little one hugged me tightly, hugging my neck.
-Mama!- he squealed happily.
-Si, mi Corazón- I smiled, and Carlos got up and walked over to the coffee table, on which he had set the phone earlier, and now he took it in his hand.
-It's all recorded- he smiled at me as he finished viewing the video.
-There will be a nice memory for later...

A few moments later it was time for lunch, so the fun had to be stopped. We ate tomato soup with noodles and then we sat down with our son on the carpet again and played with him, looking proudly at how he walks by himself. Maybe he was still slightly swaying, but he knows what and how!
Time passed like wild, so before we knew it, we had to bathe Rafe and put him to sleep after much needed dinner, we ate together in the kitchen.
-I will bathe him and put him to sleep, rest...- my husband told me with caring and tender expresion on his face, when I wanted to stand up again, from the couch. Every time Carlito is home he wants to do everything he can, to kind of "repay" me for his abscence because of his job, as he feels guilty to not be able to help me every single day...
-Ok..- I agreed, and let the boys go to the bathroom, while I cleaned up after the dinner, listening to their laugher from the other room, smiling softly. After I cleaned the kitchen and living room a little, I sat down on the couch again, this time with book in hand and nanny on the coffee table near me, content of a minute alone. I don't mind at all taking care of Rafe, but it's still nice to have a moment to myself...
Before I knew it, some time after 3rd chapter of my book, Carlos came back to me in the living room with smile on his face.
-He's out...
-Ok..- I nodded and placed the book aside, to cuddle to his chest -We really missed you, you know?
-I know, and I terribly missed you two too, but I'm back now... And before you know it, he'll be old enough for you to join me..
-I know..- I agreed and smiled, feeling soft and tender kiss on top of my head.
We sat like that some time, and then prepared to bed ourselvs, after warm showers and fullfilling our nighttime routines. It was around 11 PM when we finally went to bed, but this day was too good to end... We talked a bit before drifting contently off to deep slumber, which we needed, to be able to keep up with our son tomorrow... One of the best days in quite long time if you ask me...

Something sweet with family-vibes...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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