#132 Lewis - New Tattoos

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ANGELINA POV.: It's been amazing 712 days in hurry, complete chaos smelling fuel, flying from multiple countries to the next one, chasing the biggest dreams and desires, also putting my body to extrieme limit... But I wouldn't change a single thing about it, as I got to spend it with the most unique person I've ever met in my whole life... My boyfriend of 2 years and 7 time Formula One World Champion, Lewis Hamilton...
I won't rant on how perfect, sweet, genue, kind and special he is, because it would sound like complete cliché, and wouldn't do him any justice anyway... He's just too special to even try to describe him... 
We're together exactly 2 years, so 712 days, 17088 hours, 1025280 minues and not a second more, as he popped up the question when we're eating nice french breakfast in Paris after both attending a Paris Fasion Week, with only a month knowing one another... Could be seen as unbelievable and stupid, as we didn't knew each other that well back then, but nor of us didn't bother... It just felt right... Loving him, being with him...
And Lewis proved that every single day to me, calling, texting, buying small but very meaningfull gifts, reminding me at least 2 times a day that he loves me and that I'm perfect and marvellous the way I am... He's just impossible...
-Penny for your thoughts' Sunshine?- said more than loving and familiar voice behind me, pulling me back to reality.
-I was just thinking...
-I noticed...- he chuckled and then wrapped his arms around my middle from behind, making my back meet his muscular torso. I love those hugs... All of them, but mostly those.. When I can feel safe and protected in his arms, but with a choice if I want to return it or not.. We both just know that, no matter how much we love and cannot live without the other anymore, we still need our free space and freedom of choice... We just were too long single to be that clingy couple anymore...
-I was thinking about us... How it happened, that those 2 years passed that quickly... Making you not 5, but 7 times World Champion, and crowning me a 4 time Champion instead of three... 
-It went fast indeed..- he agreed and pressed sweet kiss to my temple, before he placed his chin on my right shoulder, looking me in the eye in the big mirror I stood in front of, to check my apearance for the final time. Nothing special, just black and white T-shirt, black ripped jeans with high waist, black belt with silver lock and my favourite high-heeled boots, also black. That way, with Modern Red 02 lipstick on and a little darker eyeshadow, I could make my pink hair pop, just like I always do... I really like this look, AND those jeans are SUPER comfy!
-You look stunning...
-It's just normal clothes Lew!- I giggled, and laced my fingers through his -Not some Gucci or Prada dress for Met!
-I know. But you always look stunning my Love...- he replied, and placed another kiss on my head.
-Ok Loverboy, I think we gotta go, if we don't want to be late for our apointment, remember!?- I said and wiggled out of his hug, to turn around and look him in the eye again. He also wasn't wearing anything fancy, just some white trousers and purple hoodie, underneath which he probably had some T-shirt on. But even looking so normal and comfy, to me he looked just perfect... Handsome and casual, but still hot...
-You're right- Lewis agreed, not letting go of my hand just yet.
At exact same moment, we heard double howl from the hall.
-Roscoe! / Phoenix!- we shouted in unision in scolding voice. Our bulldogs were getting impatient too, even though they stay at home, by themselves for next ten or so minutes, until Spinz will crash in and keep an eye on them, while we'll be gone.
No wasting more time, still holding hands, we went to the hall, where Lewis put fitting shoes on, while I drapped over myself my all time favourite, black leather jacket.
-Ready?- I asked him, flipping my quite long hair out, from underneth the collar.
-Let's go- Lew agreed, and we looked at our dogs.
-Be nice! Uncle Spinz will be here soon!- we gave each pup a kiss on the head, and "five" and then actually left. We planned this outting almost 2 weeks ago, and nothing could ruin it for us... It's definitely going to be special...

Around 30 minutes later, we entered the salon, holding hands and with safe masks on our faces. Even though the Covid pandemic is dying down little by little, we prefer to be cautious. After all, we can't risk being infected again, with our jobs at line...
-Good morning, how...- the recepcionist began, and then looked at us, squealing happily.
-Lew! Angie! How nice to see you!- Aria said, shot up to her feet and gave us both a hug.
-Nice to see you too Ari- we giggled at her hiper behaviour and pulled back.
-We're apointed at Ricky's..- Lewis told her, still with the mask on.
-That's what means those letters!- she exclaimed in realisation and added -And this sheaky little shit didn't tell me about it!- we couldn't not laugh at that..
-Who is sneaky little shit again, Aria?- the man in question entered the hall with smile on his face -Lewis! Angie! You're on time!- he smiled, seeing us, and came to give us bear hug.
-Nice to see you too, Ricky- we greated our friend happily too. I'm really excited what he prepared for us...
We had little chat with both of them, catching up in each others lives and laughing some more too. It was nice...
-And who is at your place with the dogs?
-Spinz should be there in next few minutes..
-You left them ALONE?!
-Don't act so concerned Ari, that's not the first time! Besides, they're fine!- I sighed and showed her on my phone, the cameras we have at home, showing that both dogs crashed down on the couch and fell asleep, with music softly plaing from the radio.
-That's so sweet!
-Yeah..- Lew agreed, and we shot each other knowing look. 
-Anyway, ready to have new art on you?
-Absolutely!- we said and all three of us went behind Ricky to his "office", while Aria stayed behind the desk, in case some other people will come by.
-So, wanna see the projects first, and decide who first later, or other way?- Ricky asked us, sitting down on his chair.
-We want to see final result of each other's, but who first?
-Show me mine, then Angel will see hers, and then we'll decide- Lewis got an idea, and we agreed to it, not having better one. We know Rick for very long time, even met at his salon for the first time, and admire his art. The last time we've been there, was when Lew wanted to pay tribute to his litttle Princess, Coco, who sadly passed away when we were together for half a year in 2020. She was really special, and Ricky did amazing job there, to serve her just right she deserved. Coco in very beautiful handwriting and print of her little paw with the angel wings with dates of her birthday and passing on them, next to it. He's master in his job, that's for sure...
Lewis came to his desk, and they looked at something on the sheet in front of Ricky, talking super quiet, concidering I was still in the room. But even from my point, I could see that Lew saw something, what he really liked, and I felt even more happy. We know pretty well that we're each other's forever, and want to have special celebration to it, but in our own way...
They whispered for few more minutes, while I shot a pic for later for my Ig story, and then we "swapped". 
-Here... I wrote down everything you've told me, and thought about it this way...- Ricky said and showed me digital version of my tattoo with colours and such. It was shiny purple, black and gold, infinity sign with "Still we rise" quote above, in beautiful caligraphy. I fell in love with it instantly...
-I love it.
-I can make a few changes if you want...
-No, I love it. It's perfect in way I wanted it..
-Where you want it?
-My right wrist I think...- I replied with sweet smile. I just can't wait to see the result!
-Ok. Lewis? Where you want yours?- Ricky swithed his gaze between me and my dear boyfriend, with questioningly raised eyebrow.
-I was thinking here- he pointed on his inner side of left forearm -Or above the right rip- he added, lifting the shirt up a bit. On right arm he already has a tattoo dedicated to his mother, which is really sweet, almost as sweet as this woman is in person, and above the left hipbone he has that beautifull tattoo in memory of Coco. That's one of the things I love about him. The fact that he's them all so thoughtfully, not to just "get something" on his skin... For him is a piece of art, and I treat it this way too...
-Hm...- Rick stopped for a moment, to think.
-How about you do it on your forearm, and leave the mirrored place for Roscoe when his time will come? That would be cute, and looking good- I told him after moment of silence.
-That's marvellous idea!- Lewis agreed and smiled. As it seams, it won't be something huge, just like mine...
-Good. While it's decided, who is going first?
-And which one will take longer?- I replied to the question, with another question, making Lew chuckle.
-I think Lew's...- Ricky replied after a moment of thinking, looking at us -But you decide...
-I can go first then. Quicker done...- I said, after we crossed looks and decided in silence.
-Ok. Hop on then- he agreed, and made me lay down on the bed, which looked a bit like massage bed, with my inner forearm facing the ceiling. Then Rick set up some kind of coverage, to "forbid" Lewis from seeing the process, but also the ring lamp to have enough light and record it at the same time. I thought of making a vlog out of it for later, when we'll decide to tell to the world about us, and post it on my YouTube chanel. Lew's part too, he already agreed.
Without single word, Rick let Lewis plug his phone to the stereo our friend has in his "office" and let him pick the music. My favourite to be exact... Then, he sat down on the stool next to me, and held my other hand in his, taking it from my stomach, where I placed it flat on.
-You tell me that, as if it's my first one!- I giggled, having already 3 tattooes on my body, making this one 4th. I have "You're stronger than you think" under my left collarbone, red rose on my right ankle and my bike with which I won my first championship, with the day date under it above my left elbow. Lew's tattooes I won't count, cuz he has lots of them, like this majestatic cross with angel wings and "Still I rise" on his back, or compas on his chest... It's just art, how it all comes together, also showing who he is as a person...
-I know- he giggled and added, looking me deeply in the eye -I just want it to be as less painfull as possible...- he said and caressed my cheek with his other hand.
-I know...- we smiled to one another, and then relaxed into nice conversation, letting Ricky do his magic... I can't wait to see, how this tattoo will look on me when it's finished...!

As my tattoo has a lot of blending and changing colors, it took around hour and a half to complete it. Then Rick placed a see through sheet over it, to secure it and let it heel properly. Of course, it hurted from time to time, but I'm used to it by now...
-It's done..- Rick smiled and it was "a clue" for Lew to turn around, and let me put my jacket on, to hide it for now.
-Your turn, Champion!- Ricky joked, making us laugh. We just gave each other loving peck on the lips and then switched, making Lew lie down on the "bed" and I sat down on the stool, curious with what they come up with... I can't wait to finally see it!
-What do you think, how long it will take? I have to text Spinz something...
-Around 2h, 2.5 hours tops- they smiled, and I could already see the excitement on Lewis's face. 
-Ok- I agreed, and texted Spinz with one hand, as with the other one I was holding Lew's free one, for little suport. Then we also chatted, to "kill time", and listen to music for a bit, as I took Lew's phone and got in charge of music, placing it on my thigh and playing this time, Lewis's favourite. It's very exciting day, but also sweet one. I already know that he's my forever....

After, as Rick said, 2 hours and 15 minutes, so right in the middle, the tattoo was done.
-Ready for big reveal?- Lew looked at me, still sitting on the bed, but hiding the tattoo with white sheet, which Rick uses to lie on the bed.
-I cannot wait!- I beamed at him, getting the same responce in return. Rick laughed at us with Aria, but we didn't mind. It was our moment...
-On three...
-Two...- I counted after him, my gaze not leaving his eyes.
-Three!- we said in unision, and took away the fabric, to reveal the art. I only could gasp in astonishment.. It's beautiful...
-Lew...- I looked at him, with tears shining in my eyes.
-Angel..- he was in the same state, seeing his own personal quote ingraved in my body forever, with colors I can only asossiate with him... He was moved as much as I was...
-I wanted to have something subtle, but still meaning you, and you only, so...- I explained with teary smile, lifting my hand a little, for him to see it better.
-I love it...- he smiled and added -And I love you...- Lew said and placed his hand on my cheek, to lightly pull me to himself, and kiss my lips lovingly.
-I love you too..- I replied when we pulled back, and then took closer look on his tattoo. Lew never uses colors to his tattoes, as it can look bad on his darker skin, but today decided othervise, as I could see with my own eyes, my bike with crown on one of the handles', very ditailed may I add, and dream possible quote in MY HANDWRITTING in silver and pink ink under it. I could easy understand now, why it needed more time than mine, and as hell I won't complain!
-Thank you very much Rick!
-Yeah, we owe you big one, man!- Lewis agreed with me, holding me close by my waist.
-It's nothing. It was my pleasure to make your wishes true- he smiled, and he and Aria high-fived.
-I wish to be able keep you here longer, but your dogs and Spinz are waitng for you... 
-And you're probably starving!- Aria agreed, so we gave them hugs, took all our belongings and left the salon, hand in hand, happy as ever.

When we came back home, I saw romantic dinner with our favourite, vegan food, red wine and lit candles. Also I spotted huge bouquet of red, white and pink roses on my side of the table.
-Lew, how?- I looked at my boyfriend in shock.
-I have my ways..- he beamed, making me giggle.
-If you say so..- I agreed with small laugh, and then we made ourselves at home, also playing a bit with dogs. I almost tripped to the ground, that much weight Roscoe placed on me when I kneeled to his level, but I managed.
-To us..- we made toast, clinking our glasses, when we finaly sat down at the table, enjoying our day.
-Love you..- we said on unision, and laughed about it. 
-I could never imagine better 2nd anversary..
-Me either Princess..- Lew agreed, and then lifted my hand, to place fether like kiss to my tattoo. I love him so much...
We spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching old his and mine races, focused on the ones we won championships with. I could easly say that it was, by far, the best anversary I ever had...! And I look forward to many more, with Lew by my side...

I have good news!
I'm finally after all the exams, so I hope that my One Shots will be longer, as I have vacations now...
And as to the chapter...
Nothing to say really, I just hope you enjoy it, just like the new season...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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