#139 Lewis - Tattoo and coming out

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ANGELINA POV.: Ever since our anwersary, I grin like stupid teenage girl when I look at my wrist adorned in my new tattoo. That way, I feel that Lewis is close to me even when we have whole continent between us at times...

Today, we have something along "media day" full of interviews and such. I don't mind, as I like answering questions and share my knowledge about the sport and beyond.
-Ready, Champ?- I looked at Matt, snapping out of my thoughts.
-Ready when you are Angel- he replied and squezzed my shoulder shortly.
-Let's go then- I agreed and we went to "media pen".
Interview after the interview, I answered all the questions calmly, even though I was getting tired, and started to fidget with the loose strings of my bandana, which was wrapped around my right wrist, to hide my tattoo. A cliché as it is, it's the purple one...
-Angelina, one more private question...?
-Could you maybe tell us the meaning of your newest tattoo? The one we can see the part off on your wrist?- Mark, journalist from Switzerland ask me curiously.
-Fuck- I cursed under breath. That definitely wasn't how I wanted to break my relationship with Lewis to the world...
-It's a quote from very important person in my life. Along with the "You're stronger than you think" one, it reminds me of my strenght every single day...
-And what it says? Because that it's in purple and gold I can see already...?
-It's very personal, so I would like to leave it to myself for now..- I disagreed diplomatically, with small smile on my face, thinking of it.
-Sure thing- luckly, he didn't push it -But it really seems to be important, as you touch it quite a lot...
-This person, who said it, is my yellow person... It's presence helped me to be the best version of myself and basicaly saved my life even though they don't know it...- I explained with soft smile. I know that at least Angela is watching this interview, so she'll show it to Lew after the session...
-That's sweet. But let's get back to racing...- hearing that, I exhaled greatfully, finally able to relax again.

-That was close...- Matt chuckled when we're going back to the garage.
-Tell me about it...- I sighed, but smiled nevertheless.
-When will you tell it to the world?
-We don't know yet... It's good as it is for now..- I stated and took my phone out of my pocket. I lighted my lockscreen, and the wallpaper there made me smile. It was the picture of our "anniversary tattoes" side by side, with red heart around them. Lew has almost identical one too, as his is in black and white, and only the heart is bright red.
-Any news?- Matt peeked over my shoulder.
-Angela keeps me updated- I told him and quickly read all the messages. Some of them were from friends and the fam, but I focused on only one of them. It was photo, probably done right before the session by Angela, showing my Lew getting ready to get in the car. He was already in his racing suit and boots, placing loving kiss on his tattoed wrist. Seeing that made my heart flutter, as the caption read:
"Constantly thinking of you. Love you."
-He's alright- I told Matt and then we did quick smiley selfie to sent them.

NARRATOR POV.: Whole internet was going wild with rumors as they followed Angelina and Lewis's every move. Ever since Paris Fashon week in 2020, they've been on the lips of everyone, as they've been seen with one another, talking and laughing together like old friends on numerous occasions since then. People couldn't help but wonder, what is going on between them?!
Especially because, suddenly, they acted almost like mirror of the other, more smiley, hiding their right wrist from the public view...
Theories were wild from guesses... But there was one theory among others, seemed to be the most riddiculous one, saying that they're in fact dating and did some sorts of tattooes or something, dedicated to one another. Fans couldn't know that it's the only true one out of them all...
As weeks passed, they seemed to touch their right wrists more and more often, mostly in intense and nervous situations, like interviews, or at their races, after wins most likely. It was VERY suspicious...
L: Hi Angel!- Angelina's whole face lit up, when she heard her boyfriend's voice through the phone, while looking into his shiny eyes.
A: Hey... How are y'a?- she asked him back, concerned.
L: We're good. Tired as hell, but good.. We're slowly getting there.
A: That's good. I'm happy.
L: But how are you feeling? Tough media day?
A: A bit yeah. Had a really close call with the tattoo...
L: I saw that- Lewis agreed and added, with big smile adoring his handsome face -But you saved it quite smoothly, I must say...
A: I tried- the little praise made her smile even more -Luckly it wasn't one of those annoying ones..
L: Luckly girl.
A: Yeah, I'm very lucky..
They talked some more, about everything and nothing at all, just soaking up their mere presence.
A / L: I miss you..- they said at the same time with sad smiles and look of longing in their eyes. The silence that descended upon them after that was the comforting one. Both ploped on their respective beds with deep sigh.
A: Around when you need to be at the track tomorrow?
L: 10-ish... FP3 is at 12 and I have nothing before that..
A: Alright- Angie aknowledged it and added -You have any idea for the outfit?
L: Actually I don't. Wanna help?
A: Always- her responce made Hamilton giggle, while she smiled at him with look of pure love and adoration on her face.
Lewis stood up from the bed and walked to his suitcase with phone in hand.
A: Let the fashon show begin..- Angie quipped, making him laugh.
Together, they went over all the options they had, apart from what Hamilton wore that day already, until they found the best one, to which they both agreed.
L: Maybe you should quit racing and become my stylist?- Lewis joked.
A: In your dreams Lew. I love racing more.
L: I know. Was just teasing..
A: I know- her responce made him giggle softly.
L: I know we haven't talked about it yet, but... What would you say to make us public? For example, at next race weekend you'd join me?- he asked next, making the atmosphere more serious one, looking at her thoughtfully.
A: I don't know Lew... That's a hella big step to make..
L: I know, I just...
A: Talk to me Lewis... What's going on?
L: I just want to share with the whole world how lucky and proud I am to call you mine..
A: And vice versa baby..- Angie agreed -But I think we should really think this through, because once we do it, there is no going back now... Like, do we really want paps' to be on our backs' even more? And fans?
L: Yeah... It'll be tough at first... We're already overlooked because of our careers, achivements and topics we speak up about...
A: So you see the whole picture now..- she sumarised and added -Besides, no one said it'll be easy, and we both knew it when we started to see each other...
L: You're right..- Lewis agreed and sighed deeply, scraching his forehead in exasperation.
A: Lew, I would love nothing more than to be able to yell from the rooftops how much I love you and that you're mine, I really do..- she was quick to assure him, seeing doubt pooling in his eyes -But we're public people and our careers and image are at stake here.
L: You're right again..
A: That's for what you have me..- Angie joked, making him chuckle -But for real, are we really agreeing to risk it all and out ourselves? After almost 2.5 years of keeping it a secret??
L: I don't know Angel... I'd love too..
A: Me too Lew, so much...- they both hated that they're having this conversation over FaceTime, but it was also "them"..
A / L: I love you- they broke the silence in unision, smiling at that.
L: And that's the most important, no matter what we decide- Lewis said, and she nodded in agreement, wishing nothing more, than to be able to hug him close right now, and once again feel safe and loved in his arms.
At that point, he could read her like an open book, and vice versa. They just "know"..
After some more minutes, they decided to drop the subject and talked a bit more about more easy stuff, before they fell asleep, still on the phone, lulled to the land of dreams by steady breathing of the other. Another habit of theirs...

Time has passed, and before they knew it, it was another GP. This time in Canada and they really looked forward to it, as Angie was coming with him.
However, this time was meant to be different...
When they both came back home, to Monaco, they sat down and talked about pros and cons of outting their relationship. At the end, they came up with the conclusion that they should stop hiding their love for one another and just see what happens.

First glimpse of Angelina in the paddock, in Merc garage to be specyfic, was during the FP1, when she was calmly talking to Angela and pointing at something on the screen in front of their eyes. Whole internet broke with rumors and speculations why on earth she was there. Most obvious one was, that she's just the team's special guest, but fans tried to dig deeper, searching and hoping for just minor interaction between the motocross rider and team's Champion. One walid point, they found, was in Angelina's outfit. Girl wore all black outfit, containing combat boots, loose trousers with lots of pockets hanging low on her hips and black crop top, which outline made it look more like just a sports bra. But the conclusion was made, because of the outline of the clothes and shoelaces, as they were purple and bright yellow, just like the two scrunchies, with which Angie tied her famous "space buns". She looked sporty and stylish at the same time, so nothing new, but those colors... For their reasoning, they just screamed Lewis, and suport for him, as she sat in his part of the garage, talking to Angela about something. Those two seemed like they know each other longer than one day, which also flamed the suspicion.
But to fans dismay, first interaction between the pair was seen after all the sessions, as they gave one another a big hug with all smiley faces, right that second engaged in deep conversation. Fans wanted more...

During Saturdays difficult day, Angelina was seen again, this time laughing with Bono next to the pit wall, with Merc's head set around her neck. Another proof that they're close, as she keeps civil distance from Russell's part of the team, and still is warm and open to people surrounding 7 time world champion. But fans still wanted more..
The pair was seen later that day, when they left the paddock together, after all the comitments were fullfilled, talking and laughing carefree, in good mood, considering p4 for tomorrows race. Spotted by a few fans, they stopped and gave away a few autographs and selfies, not only one by one, but together. All the people sensed a good energy between them, but still needed proff. And it was about to come sooner than they thought...

ANGELINA POV.: It's a race day in Montreal, Canada, and I'm really nervous. Lewis starts just outside the podium, so if everything goes well, we'll celebrate tonight. I really hope we will, because the team is in constant stress and pressure since the begining of the season, and I want them to be able to relax a little...
-Penny for your thoughts Sunshine?- my favourite person whispered next to my ear, as he hugged me from behind.
-I just hope everything will go well for you today, that's all...- I flashed him a short smile.
-No matter what, if we finish both cars in the good points I'll be happy. It means the team goes in right direction...
-I know. But I'm still nervous... I don't want to see you sad, or in any pain from porpoising anymore...
-Love you Baby.
-I love you too- I turned around in his arms and kissed him sweetly. We stayed like that for a bit, and then went to the garage, hand in hand.
In there, I left him be with Angela, while I checked in with Toto and Bono. I REALLY hope everything will go well....

-He did it!! YES!! P3!!- everyone were estatic with another podium finish, which Lew is going to share with Max, who won and Carlos on P2. It's amazing!
Both Toto and Bono congatulated him, on second podium this season, clearly pleased with the outcome. Of course, we'd rather win again, but baby steps in right direction!
-Talk to him- Bono winked at me.
-Yeah, do it.
-Ok- I agreed and smiled to myself -Hey Baby...
-Angie! My lucky charm!
-I'm SO SO proud of you Champ! You deserve it!
-Thank you Sunshine. I'm really happy. It's good step in right direction...
-Of course! Baby steps. Now podiums, and soon you'll be up there, right where you belong..!
-I hope so Ange. I really do...
-Now enjoy it, and I'll see you later.
-Love you Baby.
-Love you too..
His P3 made me smile like nothing else. I thrive to see him happy, especially after how last year turned out...

After few minutes, Angela dragged me to parc ferme, to congratulate our Champ. At first I hesistated, but then reminded myself that we're done hiding. We both deserve to be happy together, out in the open. So I stood by Angela, and laughed and yelled happily when he exited the car. Right there our eyes met, and I was filled with such a warm and fuzzy feeling, that I thought I might faint right there, on the spot. But then, he came to me, after the took of his helmet and without any words Lew just kissed me. I replied it and smiled into the kiss, placing both my hands on his cheeks.
-I'm so proud of you!
-This one is for you Angie. Soon we'll be back to wins, but for now, let's enjoy this.
-You're right Champ. Go and enjoy that shiny trophy!- I laughed and placed last quick peck on his lips.
After that Lewis cheered with the team, gave short interview and then went to collect that third place trophy. I really couldn't be happier and prouder for him...
Let's just keep the momentum and get back to wins week in and week out soon, to give him that 8th and beyond...
And I know that I'll be right beside him no matter what for all that time..
Our road ahead is not gonna be easy, but not a boring one either...

First thing first, I decided to write more One Shots in Book nr II, which I'll upload in the future.
Until then, enjoy what I've written so far, and feel free to comment any ideas or anything else...
Nevertheless, here is another sweet thing with Angie and Lew!
I hope you like it...!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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