#14 Checo - Future King and Queen

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Little Royal AU, where Sergio and Marisol are part of Mexican Royal family. Him by birth, her by marriage. They have two sweet children: 5 years old Antonio Sergio and 2 years old Aurora Constanza Perez.

NARRATOR POV: It's one of the normal days in August. Most of the kids for all around the world have summer break and enjoy two long months of vacation. For adults however, it's not the case, as they have long time to work.
It's similar for the Mexican royal family. King Alejandro and Queen Sophia stayed in Mexico, while their eldest son took his family on the road trip to Spain. It was all business, as Prince and Princess of Mexico will attend several meetings with many high placed people. But they had one thing to care about more that their duties... As it was month long trip, they took their kids with them. Prince Antonio is only 5 years old, but very well mannered, and his little sister, Aurora is only 3, so she doesn't understand everything yet...
Right now they landed in Barcelona, after 3 days in Sevilla. Until now everything seems to be going just as planned, but with so tight schedule and 2 little kids you never know what's gonna happen..?!
From the airport they were picked up by limo and drove straight to the place of the meeting with Mexican ambasady. Aurora was still sleeping in her father's arms, while Antonio was watching everything outside of the window with childish curiousity. It was very funny and cute to watch, how amazed and excited he was...
-I hope that Rora will be asleep whole meeting...
-She'll, don't worry- Checo assured his wife with gentle smile and squeezed her hand lightly.
-Mama! Papa! Mira!
-Si Cariño! Hermoso!- Marisol agreed with her son with smile and ruffled his hair a little, in Antonio's disapproval -He's SO big already! I feel like the day he's born was yesterday!
-I know Amore, I know...- her words made Sergio chuckle lightly.
-Nos fuimos a nuestro destino.
-Gracias Matteo- Sergio said and all three of them left the vehicle. It was time for the meeting...
-You're sure that you'll take your kids with you, your majesty?
-Yes, we're certain Matteo- Marisol replied and her and Sergio shoot each other meaningful glances.
Without further discussion, they entered the ambasady and immerse themselves in deep conversations with various people, while Aurora was sleeping and Antonio was listening to what they're saying carefully, fully interested.
Time went by, and at some point, one of the ambasadors changed the topic:
-Sorry to be so blunt about what I'm doing to say, but who is this cute little lady?- he asked, his gaze fixated on Aurora in Sergios' arms.
-That's our young daughter, Princess Aurora- Sergio replied with smile on his face and kissed the top of her head gently.
-And I'm Prince Antonio- little boy introduced himself with extended hand to shake.
-Very nice to see you, your majesty- they replied and shoke his hand lightly, to not hurt the young boy.
Then, the subject of the conversation maintained for a while about the kids, but then, it changed again to the main area, which was needed to discuss. Both Marisol and Sergio were happy that the kids behaved so well, that the meeting went almost exactly, according to plan. They also were happy about the fact, that they had them close all the time. All the parents wish to be in such a position...
After around 3 hours of the meeting, they bid goodbyes' and left, to fulfil all the assignments for today, with kids by their side...

After nice and healthy breakfast they packed all their suitcases and headed again, to the airport. There, they were greeted by many people, wanting to see them. Princess Marisol didn't disappoint the crowd once again, greeting them with wave and wide smile. Prince Sergio wasn't impolite for the crowd either, as he responded to the shouts just like his wife, with large smile on his face. Even young Prince Antonio waved to the crowd with sheepish smile.
Little Aurora was wearing beautiful baby blue dress and matching shoes with white socks. Her brother on the other hand, was wearing light blue shirt and dark blue shorts, with dark shoes, almost copying his father, as Sergio wore light blue shirt with dark blue suit, with no tie, fitting shoes and first 2 buttons undone. Marisol on the other hand, had beautiful, a little tight fitting, white dress which was ending just above her knees and had Hispanic collar, matched with white high heels. One side of her hair was pinned with large pearl... and she added small but cute pearl earrings and silver necklace. She looked flawless and relaxed as ever, confident in her task.
But the beauty of the moment was interrupted, when little Aurora stumbles on her feet and abruptly fell backwards, onto her butt. Scared little girl started to cry, what alarmed her parents and brother. Both, Marisol and Sergio came to her and kneeled down, to her level. Sergio lifted his daughter up with light smile.
-What happened my Princess?- he asked her warmly, drying her tears with a tissue.
-I..i.. I fell!- she choke the tears.
-I know Honey, but no need to cry! Everything is fine!- Marisol said warmly and added -Come here!- she wrapped Aurora in hug and stroke her back gently.
-Bbbb but it hurts!
-Thssss my dear, everything is fine!- she shushed her littlest with light smile.
-Your mama is right! Everything is alright Princess- Sergio joined in and started rub her back shushingly. Even little Antonio kissed his sister's cheek to cheer her up a bit. It was very sweet of him...!
And the crowd was crazy about it! Seeing the royal family so close and in private was time one on the milion...
That's why they cheered them happily, recorded it from afar on the zoom and took MANY photos, for a memory.
After few more minutes, Aurora stopped the crying, and they could resume the walking to the jet. This time however, Sergio scooped her up and held close to his chest, to provide her safety. Marisol took Antonio's hand in hers and they finally made it to the jet, waving politely to the people who were watching them. It was time to go, and focus on next assignments as royals... Both Sergio and Marisol hoped that Aurora won't have the opportunity to cry again... They wanted their kids to be happy, nothing more...

Here we go with the first AU in this book!
Tell me what you think in the comments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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