#19 Mick - Friendship and rain

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I recently thought about adding some one shots about Mick, so... Here you go, I guess...
But let me introduce you to Madison Carter (Dylan Ratzlaff) first...
She's still in university, in her free time she dances a lot, a childhood friend of Mick:


NARRATOR POV.: Maddie and Mick have known each other for a very long time and are good friends. Both of them can count on the latter in every possible case, as well as the rest of their friends... The whole group is in their second final year of university and will attend the last one from September. For the previous school year, both Maddie and Mick were in relationships with their significant others, being James and Anita.

Unfortunately however, recently these relationships have started to face more challenges than ever before... Anita was irritated by the close relationship that Mick shares with his friend, and in recent weeks James has become very possessive towards his girlfriend...
However, this nervous atmosphere lasted too long, especially as new facts emerged... In fact, Anita cheated on Mick with another guy and tried to hide it with jealousy towards Madison, while Brown began to insinuate that Maddie was cheating on him with Mick! Which was almost impossible, as Mick long ago dropped out of school to persue his racing career, nad was mostly focused on that. This also happened to be big issue for Anita, as she wanted Mick to be home more often.
Neither of them withstood, the atmosphere was too heavy, and finally a few words were said more than it was truthly needed and the two pairs split up in a less than peaceful situation...

It is the middle of summer holidays, which means very warm weather most of the time, just like in this particular day in August. It was a break for Mick, so he planned a meet with Maddie. He missed her terribly, especially that after break up they grew even closer to each other, talking and texting every given opportunity. And it wasn't important if they met one by one, or in larger group of friends, they enjoyed it nevertheless. There were even such moments, when Mick had his arm tightly around Maddie's shoulders or waist, or held her from behind, that her back was facing his chest. They felt very comfortable around each other, and it was visible. None of their friends questioned it, just enjoying the moments.
Today, Maddie and Mick decided to go to an outdoor cinema in the park, as there was played nice movie, they longed to see. Carter and Schumacher had much fun together, even though they were alone. Now they know for sure that they feel something more than friendship to each other, but they are afraid to admit it, and that the previous "second halves" were not love at all...
After the screening, heavy rain started to rain, wetting them completely in no time. But they still laugh at it and on the run to hide somewhere decide that Mick's apartment is closer, so they will rest and dry their clothes there. However, after a few long meters of fast run, they were panting heavily, a little tired, so they decided to stop for a moment. Without thinking, they stopped under a fairly large tree, leaning their backs against it's thick trunk growing next to the pavement. However, despite it's rather thick and long branches, it still rains a little...
-What a rain, huh?- Mick snorted, looking at his friend with a laughing look.
-Don't tell me!- Maddie replied, and ostentatiously twisted the soaked T-shirt in her hands, or rather a piece of it -No dry thread on us!- she commented and added -Wait! You have something in your hair...- she said, spotting small part of wood in his hair.
-What?! Where?!- Mick immediately started looking for a "turmoil", with poor results. In return, he got the sincere laugh of the brunette accompanying him.
-I said wait!- She laughed, then stood very close to him and reached for the unruly twig -There it is...- she replied, pleased, when she took it out of Mick's hair, but immediately fell silent, because she realized how close she and Schumacher were standing...
None of them said anything for the first seconds, looking into each other's eyes deeply and panting after the run from a moment ago. Their hearts were pounding wildly in their chests, but they did not know whether it was due to the pace or perhaps the situation...?! -Maddie...?- Mick whispered, not looking away from her eyes.
-Hmm?!- Madison replied in a similar tone, not even moving a millimeter. Schumacher said nothing, but trusted the "magic of the moment" and gently embracing Maddie's cheek with his hand and he kissed her tenderly and lovingly. He almost immediately felt that Carter smiled sweetly and gave in the kiss, embracing his neck with her arms. The couple was kissing breathlessly for a long time, hip to hip, chest to chest. Nothing separates them, except for the wet fabric of their clothes... When their lungs were burning from the lack of air, they pulled away from each other, just for a few centimeters, looking at each other lovingly.
-I love you Maddie...- Mick whispered, gently stroking her cheek.
-I love you too, you crazy!- she replied smiling, joining their foreheads.
-Me crazy?!- With his "free" hand, Mick pointed at himself, amused.
-Yes- Maddie said with a laugh, combing his wet hair with her fingers -And mine!- she added, and a playful smile appeared on her lips.
-How you are so sure?!- Schumacher continued to play along, jumping in spirit with joy.
-Because I'm- she said confidently in response, then kissed him again, sweet, tender, with a bit of passion, but briefly.
-Let's go to mine. It doesn't seem like it's going to stop pouring, and I don't want you to catch a cold...- Mick said softly when they pulled away from each other, then he looked at her whole soaked posture to finally kiss her forehead tenderly. Madison just nodded her head, then pulled away from her boyfriend completely and, grabbing his hand, pulled him away from the tree, into the heavy rain, getting ready to run again. As soon as the cold drops touched their slightly heated skin, they began to laugh like little children. However, this did not prevent them from finding their common pace after a few moments, running at the same speed. Just like in PE running tests in school, back in the days...
Before they knew it, they fell into the entrance in Mick's House. Schumacher quickly found his keys and then opened the door for his girlfriend, letting her in, before him. Drenched so much that they left puddles of water behind them with every step, they finally were in safe and dry place, when they locked the door behind them.
-Mum? Dad? Gina? Are you home?- Mick shouted, looking around him for his family. They were answered by a deaf silence.
-Mum left to see her friend and dad I think is on his rehabilitation course, and...
-Didn't she told you that she's seeing her friends today?- Maddie remembered, with slight frown on her forehead.
-Probably- he agreed and then, having no other priorities, the couple got rid of the outer items of their clothing, such as shoes and jackets leaving them on long radiator in the corridor on special tray so as not to wet the panels with which the floor is covered practically all over the house, excluding the bathrooms and the kitchen.
-Go to the shower, get warm, and I will bring you something that you jump into before your clothes dry, ok?- However, despite the coldness, Carter did not lose her sass, because she looked at him with a slight hint of suspicion, but also with an amused twinkle in her eyes and said:
-We've been together for less than half an hour, and you already want to undress me?!- She huffed with laughter and then she sneezed loudly in the engle of her elbow.
-You just answered yourself!- Mick replied with a laugh and slight blush covering his cheeks at her remark and added -Go to the bathroom!- Mick with his outstretched hand pointed to the appropriate corridor. Maddie just smiled and kissed him on the cheek, then went to the indicated place. On the other hand, Mick shaking his head with amusement, went to his room for some clean and, above all, DRY clothes for both himself and Maddie. He took black tracksuits and such a sweatshirt, and for the brunette he chose quite loose, gray tracksuits, a regular T-shirt and a dark gray zipped sweatshirt with a hood. He left his clothes on the bed, then went to the bathroom, clothes in hand, and knocked on the door. He didn't want to abuse her trust in him with such a interruption... He couldn't lose her, he was sure.
-Maddie, may I come in?!- he shouted through the wooden door.
-Sure, come in!- He heard instant reply, so he pressed the handle and opened the door. Mick was surprised that she did not shut him out, but it also pleased him. It meant that she trusted him...
-I picked for you some of my...- Mick broke off in mid-sentence when his eyes fell on Maddie, standing in the middle of the bathroom only in soaked jeans and a bra.
-What are you looking at?! Am I too fat or what?!- The brunette snorted in response, clearly not worried that her boyfriend saw her practically half-naked. Another proof of trust, and a lot of courage, confidence and self-acceptance on her part.
-No, why would you be?!- he denied instantly and added -You're gorgeous- Mick asurred her and put his clean clothes on the washing machine. After that he looped his hands around her waist and pulled her in, for loving kiss, which Maddie returned with a smile, hugging him by the neck. However, this caress did not last long as Madison broke away from him and, turning to the right, sneezed again.
-Cheers!- Mick laughed and, letting her go, added -Jump in the shower and put your clothes in the washing machine- he said, sending her his last smile, kissed her forehead, and then left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. While he was doing this, he heard "I love you!" behind him, which glued a sincere smile to his face. Satisfied, he went to the kitchen to prepare something warm for them, while Maddie was "warming up" in the shower. After some thoughts, he decided to prepare casseroles and hot chocolate for them. It didn't took him long, so he was happily waiting for his girlfriend... He was just pouring boiling water over the hot chocolate and taking the casseroles out of the oven when he heard almost noiseless footsteps. He knew perfectly well who it was...
-How is it going?! Warm enough?!- he asked with concern, turning to face her.
-Yhm- she nodded, with a lazy smile, clearly relaxed after a warm shower. With a smile, Mick couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looks in his clothes and wet hair.
-That's good. I don't want you to get sick...- he replied with concern painted on his face.
-Oh, then don't worry- Maddie replied, coming up to him and added -What did you cook for us there?!- She asked, putting her hands on his sides and looking into his eyes. Mick practically instinctively wrapped his arms around her, holding her with him.
-Casseroles and hot chocolate...- he replied and then added -Wait for a minute and I'll take a shower soon and come back to you!- he said, kissed her forehead lovingly and let go of her. Maddie smiled lazily in return and as she turned her back, resting her hips on the edge of the counter top, she watched him for a long moment, as he disappeared in the bathroom. She shook her head at herself, at the feeling of omnipresent "butterflies" in her belly and her heart pummeling in her chest with joy and love.

Maddie and Mick were lying on his bed under the warm blankets, supported on pillows and eating popcorn, they watched a movie. Schumacher embraced his girlfriend with his right arm so that his shoulder served her as a pillow. From time to time, both of them sent each other loving glances and tender smiles, feeling only happiness... It made them believe that with Anita and James they had never been and would not be happy like they are now... TOGETHER...
They were watching Oceans' eleven because it was on TV, but they weren't really focused on the movie. That's when Mrs. Corina came home, but they didn't hear it... Mick's mum heard that there was TV switched on in her son's room, which was nothing new, but he was more interested in the sight of an extra pair of shoes in the corridor and the fact that the dryer was running... But first she washed her hands, made herself a coffee in the kitchen, put it on the coffee table in the living room, and then went to her son's room. The closer she got, the more clearly she heard that Mick was talking to someone... After a while, she stood in front of the door and knocked.
-Yes?!- she heard a welcome in unison in response, so she opened the door with a crack and peeked inside.
-I just wanted to tell you that I came back...- she looked at his son and the girl accompanying him -Good morning Maddie!- then, she greeted the girl with a smile at her. After all, they have known each other for a long time, since these two have been friends all the way back in elementary school...
-Good morning, Corina- Madison said, smiling and not moving a bit. For a long time now, Mrs Schumacher wanted her to address to her by her name, and Maddie happily obliged.
-Don't tell me that you got caught by that terrible rain that rained a few hours ago?!- she understood, seeing that they were both sitting in warm sweatshirts under the covers and a pile of blankets.
-Unfortunately...- Mick nodded -But it probably won't end with a cold...- he calmed his mother, and at the same moment Maddie sneezed powerfully on the sleeve.
-Cheers!- son and mother said at the same time, while the boy kissed her on the crown of her head. Corina smiled at the sight.
-I won't bother you two anymore. Shout if you need something...- she told them politely and then left the room to leave the young couple alone. Then she went downstairs into the living room, where she sat down on the couch to drink her coffee and call Maddie's mum, so she would not worry about her daughter. As these two are now adults, there was no problem with Maddie staying with them for the night. Especially that her clothes are not completely dry yet... Amalia, Maddie's mum, instantly agreed, so they had whole evening to themselves, which both of them were very pleased with. And the call wasn't short either, as Amalia and Corinna are close friends, just their kids.
The rest of the day was very nice for Mick and Maddie and it didn't end with just one movie... For one they were even joined by Gina-Maria Mick's sister. And the rain was almost constantly pouring, so nobody had better ideas...
Who would have thought that a long friendship and two break-ups could change so much...?!Their friends were very happy when they met up again, and saw their tender gestures and glances full of love. In addition, these two were like lovebirds, where one, there was also the other... There were also bitter remarks from Anita and her friends, or James's killing glances, when they had the "pleasure" to meet them, but Maddie and Mick couldn't care less... What truly mattered was that they were together, and happy...

Heavy rain being the beginning of something new...
Do you think that they'll be happy?
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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