#28 Carlos - Ex

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ISABELLA'S POV.: It was normal, almost ordinary Friday. The only difference was, that it's non-race weekend, so I can spend some time with my friend, Carlos. We met during one of Spanish GP's few years ago, and now are close friends... From my side, deep down in my heart, I wished it would be something more, but I'm being realistic. Carlos is Formula 1 driver and can have ANY girl he wants, so why would he possibly want someone as ordinary as me? Normal and not so special journalist from Madrid?! He'll probably settle down in few years with someone like Angelina, Lewis Hamilton's girlfriend, so someone pretty, smart and to top it all, FAMOUS...
Besides, it's been only year and a half since I'm single again... I dumped my boyfriend, Marco, because he was a dick and wasn't loyal in any way possible! Sometimes I even wonder, how it happened that I got together with him in the first place?!
But enough of thinking about that dipshit of a man! I came to this little cafe to enjoy a good quality time with my friend..!
-Carlos!- I spotted the familiar face right away when I entered. Quickly I made myself a way to him and gave him a tight "welcome" hug.
-It's nice to see you again!
-I can say the same... How is Italy and Maranello?
-It's fine... But please, let's not talk about my work! Tell me, how are you?
-I'm good, Gracias...- I flashed him geniue smile, which he returned.
It didn't take us long to immerse into very interesting conversation, after we ordered our wishes, so 2 coffes and 2 pieces of very good apple pie. As Carlos said, we avoided the work related topics, but it didn't stop us from shareing what we're up to when we're seperated. We had a good laugh together, and it was really fun... Hours were passing very quickly, almost like seconds, but neither of us minded the time. After all, we both had a day-off....

Long after our orders came, we still were sitting in the same spot, talking and laughing honestly, when mood changed... It happened because I saw my ex, Marco, walking lazly right to our cafe. It froze me, as I managed to avoid meeting him since I left after our heated argument... But Carlos wouldn't be himself, if he won't see the change in my mood...
-Isa? Que pasa?
-De nada..- at first I wanted to brush it off.
-I see that it's not nothing! Tell me...- I could clearly see that he's concerned.. His eyes betrade him...
-It's Marco...
-Your ex?!
-Yeah, the same one...- I agreed, not moving my gaze from my ex.
-What's with him?
-He's coming here...- I said, frozen in place.
-Do you trust me?
-That's even a question?!
-Do you trust me?- he repeated and I saw in his eyes, that Sainz has an idea.
-Yeah...- before I could react, Carlos held my hand across the table and pushed his chair a bit -He'll enter any second..
-Stand up and trust me...
-Just do it- he insisted with warm smile. I had nothing to loose, so I comply and did just that. Next events happened with speed of a light, Carlos pulled me to himself, so I "landed" on his lap, and he secured my position with his strong arms. For other people in the cafe we looked like very in love couple... And then, Marco entered the room... I unvolountarly tensed.
-Relax Isa... Nothing will happen...- Carlos must've felt it, as he started to gently stroke my lower back.
-Yhm...- I just murmured and leaned into him more. His close presence was calming...
My worst ideas came true, as Marco spotted us and made his way over.
-Isabella! I thought it was you, but needed to check...
-Hi Marco...- I tried to hide pure venom in my voice.
-Relax...- Carlos mumbled and then pressed soft kiss to my neck, in an attept to calm me down a bit, making me shiver slightly.
-It's nice concidence that I meet you here...! Long time, no see...
-Indeed...- I agreed and exhaled loudly.
-What you have been up to since we last talked?
-Nothing really, just work...
-Perdon for interrupting such a interesting conversation, but we're on a date here...!- Carlos said, looking annoyed and offended.
-Who are you?!
-Carlos Sainz Jr, her boyfriend- he replied sternly, looking straight at him.
-You were quick to replace me, I see...!- he replied, looking at me.
-It was year and a half ago Marco! I didn't owe you anything!
-I feel like you do! What he has, which I don't?!
-I didn't left you for him! You cheated on me multiple times and I certainly don't owe you anything!- I spat angrily.
-I'd suggest that you leave...- Carlos said way more angrily than I did.
-You'll regret this!- Marco threatened me, and then left to get coffee. We sat there in silence for a while and then I looked at Carlos.
-See? He left...
-De nada- he replied and kissed my forehead.

A few hours passed, after Marco left us. Fortunately good mood returned and I returned to my chair, facing him. Then, we acted, as if he was never there, and actually had fun. That's probably why I love to spend time with him...
We ate lunch and talked more. The time was passing like crazy...
It was getting late, so we paid the bill and left the restaurant, talking and laughing. As it was close to my place, we decided to go for a walk, and Carlos will come back for his car later. It was really nice, and it didn't bothered me in the slightest, when Sainz wrapped his arm around my shoulders in protective and playfull manner.
-Wanna come in?
-I'd love to, but it's already late and I have work tomorrow...
-Right. Me too...- I agreed and we smiled -Gracias...
-Por que?!
-Marco, today... Everything...
-De nada- he replied with light smile.
-Goodnight Carlos...
-Goodnight Isabella- he agreed and I turned around to get to my apartment, but Carlos stopped me, by holding my wrist.
-Que Carlito?- I looked at him and our gazes locked, being very close. Carlos didn't reply, he caressed my cheek with his free hand and leaned in, to press soft kiss to my lips. At first I was shocked, but then I kissed him back, more tenderly. It was my turn to hold his face in my hands, while Carlos held my waist to pull me close. We kissed hungrily for couple of seconds, but then had to pull back, in order to catch a breath.
-Te quiero...- we breathed out in unison, with our foreheads pressed together and smiles on our faces.
We stood like that for a while, in silence.
-Por que?
-Que que?
-Por que ahora?- I asked, but instead of answering, he kissed me again, very lovingly.
-Buenas noches Hermosa...
-Buenas noches Cariño!- I replied with light chuckle -Call me?
-Tomorrow- he replied and then let go of me. I smiled at him for last time and then got inside the building with huge smile.
In the house, I quickly showered, ate small dinner and exchanged a few texts with Carlos. Smile wasn't fading out of my lips and I felt very happy. Right before I went to sleep, I changed contact name for Carlos to Cariño ♥️. After all the today's events, I don't regret any... It only made me the happiest...

Marco pays a visit...
What do you think, would they confess their hiden feelings if he wasn't around?
Share your ideas in the coments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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