#29 Mick - Trouble in paradise

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NARRATOR POV.: Madison and Mick have been close friends for years. Together they experienced everything, ups and downs, laughed together and cried together as well. Their close friendship enjoyed many, especially their best friends, but it also aroused a lot of envy. One of the people who did not like this relationship were James Brown and Anita Martin, the other halfes of the friends. At some point, however, this jealousy intensified so much that no matter where these couples did not appear, you could feel an enormous pressure in the air, almost touchable. Until one day all four were fed up with it....
-Only Maddie, Mad, it's about Maddie again! I'm fed up with this, you understand Mick!?- Anita shouted at her boyfriend, ignoring the fact that they are standing in the school corridor, among the crowd of students and they attract quite a lot of attention...
-Could you not scream?! We are at school..!- Schumacher sighed heavily, bored and tired of the girl's constant jealousy. He thought that she trusted him, but as you can see, she doesn't... Because of it all, he started to wonder if he even felt anything for her anymore, since they keep arguing so much and she makes so many scenes of jealousy...?! He spends much better time with Madison...
-I don't give a shit!
-And you should! Don't make a scene again!
-How again!? You're the one who brushes it off every time I start the topic!
-Because you have nothing to be angry about! Maddie is just a friend! How many times do I have to tell you this?!- Mick was also slowly losing his patience.
-And I'm supposed to believe it? You constantly spend time with her or talk about her! Because Maddie did this, and recently Maddie and I had so much fun watching action movie, because Maddie...! More and more often I have the feeling that you would rather be with her and not with me!
-She certainly wouldn't make me such sick and exaggerated scenes of jealousy! She would trust me!
-And I'm not?!- Anita angrily fisted her hands and placed them on her hips.
-Recently I'm beginning to think that no...- he replied a little calmer, remembering that they are standing in the middle of the corridor.
-Then go to her, since she is so wonderful! Just don't think that we'll be together afterwards, if you get back!
-And you know what?! I will go! At least she won't make a fuss about every nonsense!- Mick grovled, picked up his backpack and walked across the hall without even looking back.
-Do not think that I will miss you!- he heard her yell behind his back, to which he only rolled his eyes, not commenting on it at all. Maddie's brunette high ponytail was easy to spot. She was standing with Anna-Lena, Andrew and Ryan by the lockers next to the History class and were laughing at something. Already across the corridor, their eyes met, making them both smile. Schumacher approached his friends without hesitation, threw his bag next to Ryan's backpack and stood next to his friends so that he was leaning with his outstretched hand against the lockers against which Maddison was leaning with her shoulder.
-Hi Mick- everyone smiled at him.
-Hey- he replied, gesturing back.
-We heard an argument, I'm sorry...- Madison said, looking up at him.
-It's nothing. We had a harder time anyways... And honestly, as I'm thinking now, this break-up was a matter of time- he replied truthfully, looking deeply into the brunette's eyes. It seemed to him that he saw only her, no one else, and his heart was beating about 4 times faster than normal. He had a soft spot for her and everyone knew it.
-It's still a shame. Have you been together for what... 3 years?
-4- Mick corrected her automatically -From 2nd junior high.
-It's a long time...- commented Ryan, and involuntarily strenghtened the grip on Anna-Lena's waist. He and Rochester have only been together for half a year, because earlier they did not want to admit that they felt something more for each other, in fact, they had other second halves in the first grade, in the persons of David Johnson and Irene Wright. Nevertheless, since they are together they radiate happiness and are inseparable, a bit like lovebirds.
-A bit yeah...- Mick sighed thoughtfully and added -But what happened, happened and we won't cry after that! Let's not talk about it anymore!- he finished the topic, which his friends were relieved to see, and focused on something else, namely the upcoming revision before a rather difficult math test.
-Mick...?- Maddie asked blonde boy one point, looking up at him again.
-Yeah, what's up?
-No matter what would happen, you remember that you have me, right?- she was clearly distressed, which made a slight smile appear on the boy's face.
-I know Maddie, I know. You have me, and I have you- he replied, then placed a kiss on her temple. Apparently it was nothing, but both of their hearts "jumped" at this gesture. For some time now they had the feeling that their friendship had changed, but they weren't quite sure why. Others of their "group" of friends noticed this too, but did not ask nor commented it. They decided to wait for the "final effect" of these events...
After that, the day was running along it's usual track. Friends went to all the classes, where Madison and Mick always sat together on their school desk, or Natalie or Anna-Lena joined Carter, and Andrew or Ryan joined Mick. Mostly, however, Maddie and Mick stayed together all the time and had a great time. They were whispering to each other and laughing all the time. Even Maddie occasionally "hit" Mick lightly on the shoulder, in a separate gesture. You could see for a kilometer that they felt well and at ease in each other's company, and one of such signs was the fact that Madison did not mind at all that Mick either put his arm around her or involuntarily put his hand on her chair. He even got a slight smile for it! What they did not know was that these innocent "games" could cause another fuss a little....

Mick was just leaving school and was heading to his car when he heard more than a familiar and dear to him voice:
-I never cheated on you, you moron! It's you between the two of us who keep looking at everything that is moving!- the brunette screamed, having no strength for her interlocutor.
-Don't turn the cat with it's tail Mad! I saw you today, with that Schumacher of yours!- even more pissed off than Carter, was her boyfriend, James Brown. It was with him that Madison argued so fiercely in the parking lot.
-I am sorry, what?! When?!- The brunette did not believe her ears. That she was supposed to cheat on her boyfriend with her best friend!? 'But he's really just a friend?!'- that annoying little voice in her head said, which she immediately ignored. She did not have time for any big emotional discussions now, because she had a much bigger problem in front of her...
-In the corridor, before history?! And then he practically did not leave your side and you whispered something in each other's ear every now and then! If it's not cheating, tell me what it looks like to you, huh!?
-I must have misheard! Do you think there's something between Mick and me?!
-It's not!? Only Mick this, Mick that, Mickey all and none! You haven't been talking about anyone else than him for a couple of weeks, only that damn Schumacher! And tell me I'm not supposed to be jealous!
-He's my F-R-I-E-N-D dickhead!- Maddie felt like she's boiling inside, and it was only a matter of time before she explodes... None of them had any idea that, no one other than the person they were arguing about was watching them from a distance.
-Maybe it was him, you have been with on Saturday, huh? I called, texted, and nothing from you!
-YES! I was with him! Together with my friends, we had a movie night!
-Tsa! What else!? Maybe you and Anna-Lena were lying under the same blanket and you were eating Lays Oven Baked for half the night!?
-That's whole case!
-Well somehow I don't believe you! Especially since you came on Monday in HIS sweatshirt!- he meant Mick's Prema sweatshirt, in which Maddie could be seen in school at the begining of the week.
-So, I can't put on a warm sweatshirt when I'm cold!?
-Then why didn't you ask me about it!? ME! Your fucking boyfriend!
-That's the point, I didn't even have to ask! Mick just gave it to me because he saw that I was cold! And you of course, as usual, you were blinded by the sight of our classmates in half-ass shorts at 10* Celsius!
-You're a bitch, you know?!
-How did you just called me!?
-You're a bitch Maddie, and that's whole truth! You sleep with him behind my back and you don't even dare to say it to my face!- it was too much for Maddie... She lifted her right hand and slapped him hard across the cheek.
-Youuuu!- it was clearly visible that he was already gathering the strenght to give her back, but his hand was immobilized in the middle of the movement, and instead of Carter, Brown saw angry Mick in front of him.
-Hit her once, and I'll punch you so hard, that you will find yourself on the other side of this country!- Mick hissed, barely keeping his nerves in check. He couldn't even bear the thought that James could do something to Maddie... He was boiling inside because of it. Even though Mick wasn't seen that angry many times, and people mostly labeled his personality as "Angelic", it wasn't impossible for him to stood his ground and get furious like that. Especially when people he cared about could get hurt...
-Just in time! The fucking Prince in shining armour has arrived!- James sneered, clearly amused and irritated at the same time -I wonder how many times you had to sleep with him, that he's protecting you like that!
-Repeat it!- Mick shouted, and wanted to hit him, but this time it was Maddie who stopped him, before he did so.
-Leave it Mick. It's not worth wasting your strength on such rubbish...- she said quietly and emphatically, which was a sign of how angry she is.
-See! Listen to her! After all, you're an errand boy, aren't you?!- James was laughing in his face.
-Leave it Mick. Really- Maddie smiled slightly, catching eye contact with her friend -He's not worth it ...
-Fuck off and stay away from her if you like your face!- he said to James, pushed him away from them, with a blow to the chest and turned to his best friend -Did he do anything to you?- Mick asked her with obvious concern, and his features automatically softened, reveling the "angelic" face of his.
-No. He did not have time...- Maddie reassured him and added -Can we go to yours? I would like to get out of here as soon as possible, and this morning that fucking jackass who used to be my boyfriend came to pick me up...- she looked into his eyes with hope.
-Sure. Come. I think I still have a bottle of Coca Cola in the basement, if Andrew with Ryan and Adam did not drink everything on Saturday... - they both laughed at that remark, then Mick put his arm around Maddie's shoulders and together they went to his car, followed by James's angry gaze.

The friends settled down, abandoned their backpacks in Mick's room and sat on the porch with smiles on their faces and glasses of Cola in their hands. Mick's parents weren't around, they haven't come back from their daily assigments yet, just like his sister from school.
-What about your mom? Will she not worry that you didn't come back after school?- Mick asked Maddie, when he realised.
-She won't. She trusts me, and besides, she has a bigger problem with Ava than watching over me- Maddie replied, smiling crookedly.
-It's that bad?
-Yhm- she mumbled and took a sip of the drink -She plays truant more and more often and has dropped out of school. It's good that my grades are good and my mother gave me a break...
-You're too smart for low grades.
-You sweeten Schumacher, you sweeten!- She laughed sincerely, looking into his eyes.
-That's what you've got me for, don't you?- He chimed in, and now they were laughing hard.
A moment later, however, they stopped, as they realized how close they were to each other, feeling the other's breath on their cheeks. They were silent for a moment, just looking into each other's eyes, but they didn't stay that way for a long time. Mick was the one who took the first step, as he leaned down, took his friend's right cheek in his hand and kissed her lightly, but tenderly. But before he could come back to his senses and pull back, Maddie returned the kiss, deepening it a little. It made them both smile and continue kissing without much thought until they were out of breath. Then, they pulled away from each other, put the glasses on the table next to the swing they were sitting on, and returned to the activity they had stopped, not careing whether they would be seen by the neighbors, Mick's parents or his sister. Only this moment mattered...
-I think I felt like our friendship changed...- Mick gasped when they finally moved away from each other and touched their foreheads, looking deeply into each others eyes.
-Me too...- Maddie admitted and added -I knew for a long time now, that no one can make me as happy as you do...- her words made Mick smile lightly.
-What do you say, to keep us that happy, huh?
-You ask me if I will become your girlfriend in less than 2 hours after I dumped my boyfriend?!- Maddie laughed softly, but honestly.
-I don't care about this Idiot, but I care about you and your happiness, so?
-Of course I do!- She agreed without hesitation, which led to another series of passionate and tender kisses. At the end, Maddie stayed at Mick's until the very evening, for diner. Then Schumacher drove his girlfriend home, practically never letting go of her hand. They both had smiles on their faces all the time and were very happy. They said goodbye and kissed tenderly under the entrance to her apartment, after they agreed that at 7:40 tomorrow Mick would pick her up, to go to school. After that Carter disappeared in her apartment and Schumacher returned home. They thought of each other with smiles on their faces until the very last moment, before falling asleep in the fair's peaceful sleep, glad to see each other the next day at school....

Their friends were very happy to see Maddie and Mick together. They did, unlike the green out of jealousy faces of Anita and James, who knew that they had lost their other halves for good. Everything was going well, and Mick and Maddie were happier than ever. Nobody thought that ordinary arguments between couples could lead to such a turn of events...

Something else but I felt like it...
Give me your opinions in the coments below!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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