#34 Mick - Barbecue and conversations

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-Mickey! Can you get that salad I made, from the kitchen?!- I shouted through the apartment, as I checked my look in the mirror next to the door.
-Yes. Give me a second!- he shouted back, and was next to me in no time, also ready to go, with bowl in his hand.
-Ready now? Or you forgot about something else?- he asked me playfully.
-No, I didn't!- I scoffed at him, which made us both laugh.
-That's good. But if you actually forgot it, I'm sure that my mum would get you covered!- he smiled, as we took a short walk to the car.

The drive to Mick's family home wasn't very far away, so we could go out on last minute, and still be on time. And when we pulled over, to the driveway, we already saw Gina's car, parked there.
-She beat us...- I joked, pointing in her direction.
-Once in lifetime- Mick replied and made me giggle.
-Hey, you two!- Michael was the one to open the door and greet us.
-Hi Papa- Mick was first to gave him a brief hug.
-Hey Dad- I smiled at him too, also hugging him. I know Schumachers I think my whole life, so Corinna and Michael used the first given oportunity, when they found out that we're together, to ask me to call them "mum" and "dad", to which I gladly complied.
-Mick, Maddie! So nice to see you finally!- then Corinna came to us with smile on her face and arms already opened for a hug, to hug us both.
-Hey Mama / Hi Mum- we greeted her in unision, with smiles on our faces.
-It's good to be back- I added, when we pulled back -Here. Healthy salad, just like I promised...- I passed her the bowl, I was still holding.
-Thank you my dear- she gave me a kiss on the cheek in return.
-And who will finally greet me, hm?!- we heard annoyed, but playfull tone behind her, which reaveled smiling Gina, standing in the doorway.
-Ginny!- I laughed, and quicky made my way over to her, to close her in tight hug.
-Good to see you again...
-You too Gin- I replied, really happy, and then let her go, for Mick to give his sister a hug.
Then we went outside, to sit down in the garden and eat delicous food prepered by Corinna and Michael, with Gina's little help. For all that time, Mick had his left hand on my leg and stroke it gently, not even thinking about it. And it just made me smile more, as I was immersed in deep conversation with Gina. We also shared a lot of laughs together, as Michael and Corinna told us many stories about their last holiday, and Gina joined in, also with some fun stuff. It was really nice, family-like evening, and I really enjoyed it..

I also had an oportunity to hug Schumacher's grandma, as she stopped by to drop something, that she borrowed from Mick's mum. As so, we decided to sit around a campfire and talk, while Mick and Michael disappeared in the house for something.
-Nanna, have you seen the smile Mick has on his face every time he's looking at Maddie?- Gina asked her Grandma with huge grin on her face.
-Of course I did! O boy, he's SO in love!- she squealed like a little girl in responce, which made both Gina and Corinna laugh, while my cheeks turned crimson.
-Ah, I wish some guy ever looked at me like that!- Gina whined, winking at me playfully.
-Gina!- I whined back, and then we fell in set of giggles.
We still talked about the boys, when I felt familiar set of arms wrapping around my neck, and loving kiss on the side of my head.
-Do you need something? Maybe another drink?- he whispered to my ear, with loving tone.
-Nein, Danke Mickey- I replied, smiling at something what Gina just said, as I placed my hand on his forearm, after I pointed at my half full glass of red wine, to give it a gentle squeeze -Maybe you need something?
-No, I'm good. Tell me if you need something though- he added, kissed my head again and left us, to talk to his dad, near the barbecue. I followed him for a bit, and then turned to the girls again, seeing that Corinna was looking in exact same direction as I did, with warm smile.
-He would give up racing if you asked him to, you know? You mean the world to him...- she confessed, looking directly at me, as she took one of my hands in hers -He would leave everything and everybody he has, just for you...- Corinna said, as she shifted her gaze from me, back to her husband and son. They were watching something on Michael's phone, probaby some race of his, or Mick's.
-He told me that- I agreed and added -And I would never expect him to leave what he loves and dreams about for me...
-He knows that darling..- Elisabeth smiled at me warmly.
-I love him more than anything in this world...- I added, smiling at my boyfriend's direction.
-And we love you, Mad- Gina joined in, and we burst out laughing.
-I know that- I said between giggles and let go of Corinna's hand, in order to bring Gina in warm hug.
-You were always like a sister to me, you know?- I whispered to her, with watery eyes.
-I know. And you're as much important to me- she replied warmly and kissed my cheek.
-Why on earth you made my girl cry?- we heard whine behind us, so we pulled back abruply and turned into that direction.
-I'm not crying!- I retorted, taking Mick's hand in mine.
-But almost- he pointed out and pulled me to my feet, only to sit down on my chair and pull me back down, onto his lap, hugging me close. Even if I wanted to protest, I didn't do that. Instead, I cuddled closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.
-You're so lucky to have one another... Remember that- his grandma told us sternly, but with warm glint in her eyes.
-We know Nanna- Mick replied and pressed loving kiss to my temple, making me smile in the process.
Soon after that Michael joined us too, and brought with himself a whole tray with mugs filled with hot tea, as it was a little chilly already.
-Danke- we said in unision and everybody took their own mug in their hands. Mick of course placed his on my thigh, to not hold it lifted in the air all the time, but I didn't mind. It was almost like additional heat...

We stayed in Mick's family home until late night hours, when we decided to bid our goodbye's and come back home. And we didn't have the problem with who's going to drive, as we stopped drinking few hours prior, making us almost sober now. So we hugged everybody, I promised Gina that we'll go shoping next week, only us two, and then we left. It was very pleasant evening, and I really enjoyed it. It brough nice set of familiarity, between all the rush we're currently in, as Mick's driving in Formula 1, and I'm remotely finishing my uni courses... I hope that we'll be able to do such a thing more often in future...

I have nothing much to say, so...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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