#40 Lewis - Met Gala

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NARRATOR POV.: Right after Monza GP in Italy, Lewis Hamilton was seen in New York, to attend Met Gala. Very special event, which not so many celebrities could ever experience.
Lewis landed early in the morning in NY and drove to the hotel, to get ready for the evening. Even though his neck was still little sore after the crash during the race the day prior, he would never miss that kind of oportunity...
Other person, who was spotted on the airport exact same morning was Angelina Walker, motocross star, and current World Champion. She wore rather comfy and casual clothes, as she pulled her suitcase behind her, to the exit. After leaving the building, she drove to the hotel, and fans couldn't keep it together, as it was known that they share the same hotel.
Both athletes took a long and warm showers to freshen up after their flights, and to relax before the upcoming event, and after that, started to get ready. They met with the designers in their hotel rooms, and "played" for a bit with prepered outfits, to pick the right one, and finally complete the looks for the night. They had much fun during that process, talking and laughing carelessly, as if they're group of high school friends playing dress up, rather than getting ready for very importnat event.
After long hours of changing and chatter, both Angelina and Lewis were almost ready. They just needed finishing touches to their looks, such as hair and make up. Sitting on the armchair in front of large mirror, Lewis decided to call his partner:
(L- Lewis, A- Angelina)
L: Hey Princess...
A: Hi Lew! How are you doing?- he could see deep concern on her beautifull face. Angie had already glistening, pink-ish make up on, and hairdresser was working on her hair.
L: I'm alright, almost ready to go...
A: That's good. We're finishing the hair, and then I only need to put clothes on. I think 20 more minutes...
L: Ok. I miss you..- he smiled softly, making her giggle.
A: It's been just few hours!
L: A few hours too long!- he argued, making them both laugh.
A: How's your neck baby? Any pains, headaches?- and concerned expression came back to her.
L: I almost don't feel it. It's all fine, don't worry...
A: Ok. That's good Honey. But please, let me know if something changes, ok?
L: Be sure I'll. But don't worry about it- he agreed and added -Love you Ange.
A: I love you too Lew- she smiled at him softly and added -I gotta go, see y'a in a few...
L: Yeah, see you...
A: Bye!- and then the call ended with beep. Lewis stood up, put on the jacket to finish the look and placed his phone in the pocket.
-It's perfect Lewis!
-Yeah. Thanks bro- he agreed, checking himself in the mirror.
-Come. Let's check on our star...- .... chuckled and they left, to go 2 floors up, to get to Angelina's room. Guards were there, to make sure that "motocross queen" will be safe and alright. Lewis chuckled and knocked on the door.
-Come in!- they heard and complied, locking the door afterwards. That was when Lewis and Angelina's gazes met, mesmerised by one another.
-You look... stunning- he said, not able to look away.
-Thanks. You look not bad yourself..- she smiled, and intervined her hands with his outstreached ones. Angelina wore black one-piece with flared bottom and white leather fringed jacket. To complete the look, she had black high heeled boots on, and long necklace with big, rainbowish pendant, showing the peace sign. Her pink hair were done in their usual two space buns, but they were neated with braids this time, with smaller braids in between.
On other hand, Lewis wore black suit, and white shirt made from flowerish lace, which had one "pant leg" over his left leg, and his braids were lifted up in styled bun.
They looked each other deeply in the eye for a moment, not saying anything, and then they chatted with all the people who helped them, designers, hairdressers and make up artists.
After that, they made their way downstairs, to leave the hotel and go to the Met. Before they left however, they shared a warm hug and sweet kiss.
But what was suprising, even thought they're official, they made this public apperance seperately, surounded by their designers and other mutual friends. Journalists and paparazzi caught them in many pictures, wondering why they decided to attend the Gala seperately, instead of doing it together, like Justin and Haley Bieber, or Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes. Both Angelina and Lewis were quite a gem to catch, as they radiated with true beauty and power, with calm expressions and intense gazes. There were many other celebrities on the Gala, but Hamilton and Walker were ones mostly photographed and talked about.

After the red carpet, Met was locked from public eye, and other part of the gala started, Charity events, conversations with bits of alcohol and food. Even though there were gathered people from different countries and of different profesions, everyone talked and laughed with everybody, putting their diferences aside. Both Lewis and Angelina enjoyed the evening, meeting and getting to know diferent people, as well as old friends, but still kept close eye on one another.
-Good evening...- Angelina said, as she joined Lewis, who's been talking with a mutual friend of his.
-Good evening to you too.
-Angelina Walker / .... .....- they introduced themselves and shoke hands with warm smiles.
-Nice to meet you..
-Pleasure on me Miss Walker..
-No need. Please, call me Angelina...
-Of course- he flashed a smile -How are you?
-I'm good. You?
-I'm alright, thank you- he replied, and Angelina felt how Lewis discreatly intervined their hands, not looking away from their interoculor. She looked at him briefly, and they flashed each other smile.
Then they talked about everything and nothing, both Lewis and Angelina trying to shoosh the longing of closure to one another, as they wanted to remain professional. Many topics were spoken, and the pair was glad, that they're not center of attention for once. For most of the time, main focus is on them, as they're the best of their time in their jobs, but this time is diferent, and they're happy about it. It made them finally relax, and just enjoy the evening...
But sadly, they needed to leave earlier than expected, because the neck pain was back, and was almost unbearable...

They got back together to the hotel, and to their shared room.
-Maybe go, and take a warm shower? It should shoosh the pain a little..? I'll order some food, so you can take some painkillers...- Angelina suggested, when they're finally alone, with concern and worry on her face.
-Ok- Lewis agreed, took of his clothes, he's wearing whole evening, and placed them neatly in the wardrobe. Then he kissed his girlfriends' cheek, and lock himself in the bathroom, to do as she said. It didn't take long, before the food came, and they switched, Angelina also taking relaxing shower, before she joined her boyfriend in the room. She found Lewis lying on their king-sized bed, on his stomach, not moving an inch.
-How are you feeling?- she asked him softly, as she sat down beside him.
-Not good...- he replied with shiny eyes, as he gestured to his neck.
-Did you take some painkillers?- Angie asked again, as she placed her hands gently on his neck, and began delicate massage. From the start she felt tight knots in his musles, so she proceed to relax them.
-Not yet..- Lewis replied and added -Feels good... Hurts but in good way...
-And that's the point. Now, lay still, trust me and try to relax Love, ok?- she said and Hamilton only hummed in responce, as she leaned forward a bit, and placed sweet kiss on his head.
Angelina continued the massage for some time, and then they sat up, to eat. It wasn't much, just light and healithy salads, in order to sleep well, and for Lewis's painkillers for his neck. Then they lyed down, under the covers, hugging one another close.
-Goodnight Honey..
-Goodnight Princess... Thank you- Lewis replied and kissed the top of her head, as she snuggled closer to his warm chest, tracing his tattos with her fingertip.
-You're welcome...- Angie mumbled back, and soon after that, both of them driffted off, to much needed slumber, to re-charge their batteries for next adventures... Besides, Lewis needed proper sleep to quickly recover, before next race in Sochi...

The information of Lewis attending the Met gave me this idea...
I hope you like it..!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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