#44 Lewis - Made up

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ANGELINA POV.: It's been almost a month since me and Lewis had a fight. It was about him spending his free time or events I couldn't attend with him with some hot models, and me hanging out with my crew, mostly boys... We yelled at each other, many things got broken to pieces, with our hearts included, many unmeaningfull words were said in heat of the moment and then, suddenly... I couldn't fight with him any more... I just turned away and left... Left his apartment in Monaco, the place I started to call home, not looking back... It was really silly, and I wish I could take all those words back, because I miss him dearly, but I can't do that... He stared it and now he needs to pay a prize.. No matter how hard it is for both of us...
No matter how hard I try, I can't forget about him.. I still love and care for him dearly and can't make myself stop... Everything reminds me of him, every tiniest of details.. Even such a silly thing like pronounciation of my nickname - "Angie".. I still hear him saying it with such a love and adoration in my head...
I'm not able to stop thinking about him, watching how he's doing on his own... To move on, I should cut all laces which are binding me to him, but I can't... I still need to know what's going on in his life. And it's not good... Max is constantly winning over him, and Lewis seems to be too distracted and puzzled to properly focus...
-Ah Lew... What did we do..?- I exhaled loudly, sitting on the couch in my house, just outside of very rainy London, where I escaped after the argument, with our picture in frame in hand. It's one of my favourites... Isabella did it after the race in Bahrain, on the beach. She shoot it from the side, Lew wrapped his arms around my shoulders, keeping me close, and we watched the setting sun above the sea... Very beautifull... Just like many more beautifull moments we shared together, ups and downs, but more of the good ones...
-Dang it! Why I can't just un-love you!- I yelled in frustration and fell backwards, onto the couch, with photo still in hand. I'm trying REALLY hard to forget him and move on, but can't...
I laid like that for couple of minutes, watching the ceilling above me in silence, only sound being constant tap of the rain outside and my regular breathing, when suddenly my peace was interupted... Someone rang the bell on my doorstep loudly and I didn't like it at all.
At first I tried to act like I'm not home, but then I realised that my car is still on drive way!
-I'm coming!- I shouted eventually, as the person behind them wasn't giving up, and lazily stood up from the couch. I left the picture on the coffiee table in the living room and went to the hall, to open them. Without looking through the peephole, I opened the door, and regreted it instantly, when my gaze locked with the person in front of me.
-Angie... / Lewis...- we said at the same time, not daring to look away.
-What are you doing here?- I asked him, as I leaned on the doorframe, my arms crossed in front of my chest -I thought you don't need me in your life anymore...?!
-I had to see you...- his reply made me scoff.
-Be serious Lewis! What are you doing here?- I really wanted to believe him, but big part of my heart wasn't sure enough.
-It's true! I just can't stay away from you. I had to see you again!
-I think I you made yourself pretty clear when we last talked about our wishes...- I know I was cruel to test him like that, but it hurted, and still is... How he thought about me...
-That was the worst mistake I ever did in my entire life!- he solenly said, pretty hurted himself. Heavy rain outside wasn't cheering up the mood and Hamilton was soaking wet too... AND I couldn't deny that he looked like sad and lost puppy, what was very cute and hot...
-I wish I could believe you Lew, I really do...- my heart was slowly giving up in defence.
-Please Angel! Let me prove to you, how much you mean to me!- he basicly begged me for another chance, more broken than I ever saw him. Which made my eyes VERY watery, and I couldn't hide it... Especially not when he took my hand in his...
-I mean to you? Lewis, you basicly told me in the face that you think I'm damn hoker!
-I know, and I'm REALLY sorry! I NEVER meant any of that what I said back then! Please Angel! Believe me...- he said, his voice cracking with every word.
-It really hurted Lew! Very!
-I'm an idiot Angie, I know, but let me make it up to you!
-No... I think we need to move on.. Before we'll hurt each other even more...
-Don't say that Angel! I love you!
-I love you too Lew, and that's why I need to let you go...- I used the rest of my streight to pull my hand out of his and stepped back. Maybe I was stupid, maybe I was hurting us both even more, but I had to try... Try to put uncrossable distance between us...
-I love you Angel. Never forget that...- he said, hunged down his head and turned aroud to walk away. I looked at him, going away, for couple of seconds, with tears streaming down my cheeks. Rain consummed him, watering his already damp clothers even more. At that moment, I felt how my heart breaks in thousend of pieces for a second time...
Before I overthinked that, I shouted after him:
-Lewis!- Hamilton turned around, curious why on earth I'm shouting at him again. Without further thinking, I sprinted that short distance separating us, straight to his arms, ignoring the rain -I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have say all those things...!- I ranted, as I instantly felt how rain is drenching all my clothes and hair.
-Don't be Princess!- he shushed me, and held in tight embrace against his chest, lifting me up from the ground in a way, that my legs were wrapped around his hips.
-I love you!- I told him, and pulled back just a little, to be able to kiss him passionately. He returned the kiss seconds later, holding me steady in his arms. Neither of us bothered about heavy rain, it was just our moment....
-I love you too Sunshine. More that you'll ever know!- Lewis breathed out, when we broke the kiss, our foreheads touching, with smiles on our lips -And I'll never let you go again...!
-I already did!- he said, which made me chuckle, at our little saying. Then, Lew carryed me inside, because he didn't want to put me down. And neither I wanted to seperate from him....
After we closed the door, our lips connected again, as if we wanted to make up to each other the time we lost, because of that silly argument... At that moment, having him only for myself, very close, I felt like I'm whole again... Because the part of me which he took away, was there again....

Sad one, but also full of love...
I know it's a cliché, to have a kiss in the heavy rain, but I felt like it'll add to already autumn-ish mood...
Feel free to share your opinions in the coments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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