#47 Mick - Cute Couple

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NARRATOR POV.: It's been almost a half of the year, since Mick joined f1. Everyone close to him are very happy about it, and are supporting him through everything. Even with rather complicated sport-relationship with his teammate, Nikita Mazepin. This guy outside of the track can actually be quite nice and funny, but when he has helmet on... That's a way different story!
But not about Nikita we'll be talking about... More likely about Madison Carter, Mick's long term childhood friend, and for some time now, also his girlfriend. Everyone in the paddock loves her, not only the Haas team, but all the people from the area, photographers and journalists included. Maddie is kind, genuine, friendly and sweet, and she always has a huge smile on her face, which is visible even with her mask on. She has that kind of energy and effect on people, that almost nobody around her can be sad and grumpy. And that's also why fans think that she's a "good fit" for young Schumacher. She's been with him basically every step of the way, since carting, all the way to F1, never complaining, always supportive and caring...
Previous years Maddie wasn't really able to attend all the races Mick competed, as she needed to study, but since his step up to F1, she's a perminant guest to all of them, to cheer him on, and closly follow his career.
And the main thing is... When Maddie is happy, Mick is also happy, what everyone loves, his team for most.
Right now, everyone are in Holland , for the race in Zandvoort. It's second race after the summer break, so everyone are on the edges of their seats to see, how each team is going to perform for the second half of the season....
It's the middle of the third free practise, so the cars are going out on the track and back to their respective garages. Nerves are high, because it's the last time to check the set up and strategy for the upcoming qualifying season, as it'll happen in next 3 hours.
Right now both Haas's and Williams cars are inside the pit lane. Cameraman could easily spot George Russell, Brit highly focused on the screen before him, with headphones on. But the cameras also spotted Mick, standing in his garage, next to his engeenier and going over some of the data, collected so far during the weekend. It's not unusual, but something else got intensive attention from the viewers, comentators and fans... I was the fact that Mick was hugging his girlfriend from behind, keeping her close even during that important and busy part of the day. Everyone saw that loving gazes, little kisses placed on her shoulder, on which Mick popped up his chin, on the cheek, or on the crown of her head. Nobody could get over the fact how much cute these two were together...
As it was shown, Maddie kept quiet all that time, just standing there, with her long and very beautiful summer dress, snuggled into Mick's warm embrace and let the boys do their job, as she carefully listened what they were talking about. For people's happiness, cameraman decided to stay with Mick for a little while longer, so everybody could easily see the next following events. Mick ended the conversation with Anthony and turned his full attention to young girl in his arms. Maddie turned around in his embrace, to face her boyfriend with gentle smile on her face, and her safe mask under her chin, ready to be pulled up any second. With all that hustle and buzz around the paddock, nobody could make out what they were saying to one another, only people being close to them, but no one minded. The couple gave each other looks full of love and adoration, with light smiles. Maddie placed her hands on both sides of Mick's face and leaned in, to kiss him shortly, but tenderly. Then, they hugged, and Mick had to let go of her, to get back to his car. Some people who were good in reading from lips, made out that Maddie told her boyfriend "Be carefull out there" when he got in the car. But never got a reply, as Mick already had his helmet on. Then vision changed, as almost all the drivers got back on track for the last few minutes of free practise...

After free practise, it was time for the interviews. All the drivers needed to do them, as they were "pre-quali" interviews. Of course, they were mainly asked about the cars, their hopes for the weekend and etc. But Mick got one different question...
-So Mick, I know we need to talk about racing, but fans are dying to ask you this question..- Natalie Pinkham smiled at him.
-It's fine- Mick agreed to it with a light smile on his face.
-How come you, and your very sweet and beautiful girlfriend, Maddie, are SO DAMN CUTE?- she asked him, and it was visible that she forced herself, not to squeal in delight. And the question made Mick blush heavily.
-I don't know...- he said and added -I just love her to death, and she's the most special girl in the whole world so...
-It's sweet that you think about her that way...- everyone could see that Natalie was basically melting in place.
-Maddie's just special to me, that's all- Mick summed up te question, and then Nat asked him few more questions, before he went away, to do other interviews.

-I'm really that special?- asked more than familiar voice, when Mick again entered the garage.
-My god, Maddie! You scared me!- Mick shouted, placing his hand over heart.
-I asked you a question Mickey...?!- Maddie demanded, with smirk on her face. She was very well aware of what media and the fans are thinking about their relacionship and it only gave her additional boost of confidence. After all, she wasn't anybody special, just Madison Elaina Carter, young woman from Switzerland...
-Yes. You're the most special person to me...- he replied whole truth and came to her, to wrap his arms around her waist -I really love you...
-And I love you too, Mickey- she added with sweet smile, and then they kissed lovingly, very happy to have one another by their side. Soon after that, sadly, they needed to pull away, as they runned out of air in their lungs. But instead of letting go, they embraced each other in tight and loving hug, which Mick "topped" with small, but full of love kiss, placed on Maddie's forehead.
Both of them asked themselves many times, what they were going to do, without each other, but never came up with any good solution. It just meant that they needed to be together to be happy... And whole wide world adressed them as "Cute Couple", supporting that relationship with smile...

And here is another one with Mick!
This time I decided to write a pure fluff.
I really hope you like it...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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