#54 Checo - Fight

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NARRATOR POV.: As soon as the door closed with loud thud, Checo threw the glass he was holding in his right hand, to the floor, spraying the water all over it. The shattering sound echoead through the whole house, that was now almost empty, after Marisol had left just a minute prior.
-Mierda!- Sergio yelled in frustration and leaned against the kitchen counter, where they had a fight ealier. It had started as a small argument about him making a mess around the house, which Marisol had to clean up every time, even after she was tired after full day of work, never saying anything about it...:
-Why didn't you tell me that it's bothering you that much?!
-If you would see it yourself, I wouldn't have to clean it!- she sharply replied -It's your house too, but I feel like you act like a guest here, and I'm just a maid to clean and cook!
-No, you're not!
-Then why you don't do anything about it!?- she raised her voice, slowly loosing her cool -I get it, you're tired after race weekends and long days in the factory, but guess what?! I'm tired too! My job looks a little bit different, but IT IS tiring!
-I know...
-NO! You actually DON'T know Sergio! That's the problem! And don't try to act like you do, because I know you long enough to know the truth myself!
-Don't "Sol" me now! I need a break! From you... From all of this...!- that were her last words before she unexpectedly turned on her heel and left with a bang, and danm, how Sergio whished to unhear them... How he whished that he saw that sturggle earlier and did something about it, to prevent them from that fight... She left so fast, that he only heard the bang, and then roar of the engine, and then she was gone, before he even moved, or said anything. Checo rubbed his temples in frustration, as pounding headache increased by each second. He didn't know what to do now, as he had no idea where she left, and how long she'd be gone. He was conflicted, as he knew Marisol very well, and that she really needed space when she said that, but he also wanted to chase after her, and take her back home...
They had arguments before, however none of them were as bad as this one. Marisol drove away from their house, disappearing in the streets of Milton Keynes, driving everywhere and no-where at the same time. Marisol was known in the teams she had worked with as very composed and calm person, very rarely getting angry, but even people like that snap sometimes... She desperetly needed to breath, to get away from that argument they had in the kitchen, before she'd say something she might regret in the future, as she loved and cared about Checo dearly...
Eventually, after few hours of driving, she parked the car on the side of the road, as she no longer was seeing clearly, because of tears. She was angry at herself for crying over that stupid argument, but she didn't know how to stop. Even angry swipes over cheeks weren't helping. Not at all actually...
At first she thought about calling Mackenzie or Max to ask, if she could stay with them for the night, but hesistated, as she saw tons of missed calls and messages from Checo popping up on screen of her Huawei. She ignored most of them, but 2 particularly caught her attention. They pleaded her to listen to lefted voicemail.
Marisol took a few deep breaths, and then unlocked her phone, to actually follow the plea, and listen, as she put the phone on a speaker.
-Amore, Perdon... Lo siento mucho...- his voice trembled and cracked with each word, that hard he was crying -Por favor, come home... This doesn't feel right... I don't want to loose you like that. I CAN'T loose you that way! Over some stupid argument...- he went silent for few second, and Marisol listened to his uneven and chuck breath -Come back home, please... I'm worried about you...- she needed to swallow huge lump in her throat, as she felt tears weeling in her eyes again -Te quiero...- she broke into tears again, as she heard that soft and barely auditable confesion at the end, before loud beep filled her ears.
-I can't loose you like that either..- she mumbled to herself, as she dryed her cheeks with angry swipes, and then woke up the engine again, to speed away, to go back home...
For all that time, even with those messages he texted her, Checo wasn't comepletly sure if she'd come back. He thought about calling Max if she drove to theirs to talk to Kenzie, but decided against it. And seconds later, front door clicked open, and she appeared in the hallway. Without second thought, he came to her quickly, and wrapped her tightly in strong hug, as she rested her chin on his shoulder, returning the affection.
-Lo siento... I should have see that you struggle with the mess I do and clean it myself..- he mumbled, and pressed loving kiss to her head.
-Don't be. I should have confront you about it sooner and talk it through with you, instead of starting an argument..- Marisol replied, smiling through the tears, which were streaming down her cheeks.
-Let's say we both are at fault here..- Checo chuckled softly, and pulled back to take her face in his hands, and dry her cheeks with his thumbs, while she nodded in agrement.
-Lo siento..- they said in unision, and then smiled lightly at each other.
-Don't leave like that again, ok? You got me worried...
-I promise...- Marisol replied and pulled him for a sweet and loving kiss, which Checo returned and deepened a little, holding her close to his body, and not really able to let go.
At that moment they both knew that from now on, they just need to comunicate with one another to avoid fights like that.. And they were sure that they will, as neither of them wanted to loose the other..

A stupid fight, but with a happy end...
Every couple fights, don't let all those romantic movies fool you...!
But to solve the problems, or avoid them, is only one medicine... TALK!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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