#55 Carlos - Forehead kisses

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-Gracias Carlito! You're saving my life!- I said, as I tried to pull my suitcase up the stairs to Carlos's apartment near Maranello.
-You don't need to thank me, Hermosa- he replied, which made me blush a little -It's all fine. You can stay as long as you need to- Carlos assured me and added -Let me get that for you- Sainz said and ushered me to the side, to get my suitcase himself, and take it upstairs. The flat I normally live in is renovated after a fire accident caused by my neighbors. Of course they weren't home at that moment, and luckly I wasn't either, as I was at my office. But many parts of the bulding obviously need a renovation, so I need a place to stay during that time. And luckly for me, Carlos offered me to stay at his, as we're close friends. We met a long time ago, in primary school, and then parted ways for some years. Now, I think since 2018 we're in contact again, and are close friends.
As a journalist, I can work from my office, or remotely, all around the world if I'm assinged to, or even from home, the third scenerio very usefull since Covid pandemic. That way, I can easly work from Carlos's apartment, with my laptop, two phones, and Ipad, during that month of renovation, as it's highly impossible for me to fly every single day to London and back to Maranello.
-I'll place your stuff in other bedroom- he informed me, and I followed him anyways. I have never been here, since Carlos moved from London only around 11 months ago, so I curiously looked around the place, as he guided me to extra bedroom.
-This looks nice..- I commented, looking at him. The room was mostly in bright colors, like white, light gray and beige, with large window showing beautiful streets of Maranello.
-I'm sorry that I can't spent much time with you today, but I'm needed at the factory...- he smiled sadly, as he scrached his head nervously.
-It's ok Carlito. Go and do your work and I'll make myself comfortable in here...- I assured him with gentle smile -After all, I still need to finish some paperwork for my boss...
-Ok. See you later- he replied, visibly relieved and then leaned in, to kiss my forehead gently. It's been a habit of his, since we rekindled our friendship. Whenever we're parting ways, Carlos presses light kiss to my forehead. And since then, he never forgot to do so.
-See y'a!- I shouted at him with a smile, as I heard him dribbing down the stairs and leaving home. I stood like that for couple of minutes, and then decided to unpack and get to work in the living room.

And the setting like that went on pretty automatically for next passing days. Carlos and I ate breakfast together in the morning, he kissed my forehead when we he went to train, Carlos coming back from it, and then kissing my forehead again as he was going out to his daily work in the factory, coming back again, me dropping him off at the airport when he was flying to another race weekend, him kissing my forehead for goodbye and welcome back hug after he came back from Turkey. It was really comforting, and so natural, that it didn't even felt strange..! As if it was meant to be that way...
I really got used to it, that I felt anxious at the thought of me getting back to London in just a few days, as my flat will be finally renovated fully. This time however, Carlos was home, as he was enjoying playing some Fifa with other drivers online, to relax before the next race, as I chilled on the couch next to him and finished 2 new articles and one interview for my work. It's been almost dinner time, so it was enough work for today. Satysfied, I closed the files, sent them by email to my boss and then closed the laptop. After that I streached my tired musles upwards, just when Carlos was passing me from his walk to the bathroom, so it made him give me a high five.
-I'm going for some groceries, because fridge is almost empty...- he remarked, as he got dressed in warm clothes and took his car keys.
-Fine with me- I agreed, as he aproached me. I expected him to gave me regular kiss on forehead, but he took me by suprise and kissed my lips softly. And then, as if it was nothing, he went to the door and actually went shoping.
-Carlos!?- I yelled at him, but he was already out of the house -What the actuall hell was that?!- I mumbled, still shocked. As my friend, he shouldn't do that! I mean, I don't recall any friends kissing each other on the lips...?!

An hour had passed, and Carlos came back with two bags full with groceries and big smile on his face, as he saw me.
-I know we know each other for a long time, but every day you place a kiss on my forehead before you leave. What changed today, so you kissed my lips?- I asked him, feeling a little nervous, as I leaned against the doorframe and he was putting the groceries away.
-Just felt like a change won't hurt...- he replied with shrug of his shoulders -You look beautiful in that sweatshirt...- he pointed out his own Ferrari hoodie, which I pulled on when I felt cold few hours ago.
-Don't change the topic Carlito!- I scoffed at him -Why?
-Why, que?
-Why..- I wanted to continue, but he interupted me, by coming closer and kissing my lips lovingly and trapping me between his body and a doorframe. His action made my heart skip a beat and I lifted my arms to place them on his shoulders, as I gave in the kiss. Carlos cupped my cheeks gently, and swiped repetedly his thumbs over them, as he deepened the kiss more.
-Much better...- he breathed out, when we pulled back, out of air, and pressed our foreheads together. And then, I knew proper ending of my sentence:
-Why now...? When within a week I'll be back in London...- I whispered, as I got lost in his beautiful chocolate eyes.
-Don't leave.
-But I have to! I can't leave my apartment!- I disagreed, not moving an inch, as he held me close to his body.
-And what would you say, if I told you that I don't want you to leave? That I need you by my side every day, to kiss your lips and hug you close?!- because of pure honestly of his words, and unconditional love I saw in his eyes, I felt that decision was already made. And surely not by me...
-And what would YOU say, if I told you that I need more kisses to convince me properly?- I replied to him, question for question, with raised brow. That only made Carlos laugh, and then he started to kiss me repetedly, following one more heated and passionate than the previous. I just gave in those kisses, knowing perfectly well that I'm not going anywhere in near future...

I think that the one shot speaks for itself...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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