#61 Lewis - World Champions

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NARRATOR POV: It was day like all other in December. The difference was, that "the game" comes to an end, as after today's race, 2021 World Champion of Formula One will be announced... Not only the teams, or the drivers are nervous about it, but also the fans...! People are dying to finally know who is the best driver this year...
Contestants are obvious, Lewis Hamilton from Mercedes, and Max Verstappen from Redbull...
Redbull was very strong team this year, their car was fast and drivers line up was on point, in "Redbulls' golden boy" Max, and Sergio "Checo" Perez. Mexican driver delivered his A game, and helped Max in fight with Lewis. Only Lewis, because Valtteri wasn't himself that season and fell from regular since last year third position in Drivers' Championship to 5th, allowing Checo to be 3rd and Lando Norris from McLaren 4th.
People are very excited and eager to see last race of the 2021 season. Spirits are very high, which gives additional "boost" for the teams...
As per usual, this season, Lewis is accompanied not only by Roscoe or Angela, but also his girlfriend, Angelina Walker.
Right now they're walking around the paddock of Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi circuit, all smiley and holding hands.
-This is it, isn't it?- Angie changed current subject, and looked Lewis in the eye. Even with mask, that woman knows current Champion that well, that she can tell what he's thinking or feeling without second thought.
-Yeah... Me or Max, no other way around...- Hamilton agreed, and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
-No matter what happens today, I still love you, and will love you forever!- she assured him with light smile. Lewis also got to know his girl that well, that he doesn't need to see her full face (mask) to know her expression.
-I love you too Princess..- he replied and kissed her hand through mask.
After that, they resumed their walking, and then came back to his garage, to get ready for the upcoming race.
There, Angie stayed back, "in the shadows", not to interrupt usual race day order.
Before they knew it, the race was going to start.
-Hm?- Walker looked lovingly at her boyfriend.
-Good luck kiss?- he asked her, balaclava and helmet in hand.
-My idiot!- she laughed and stood up, pulled her mask down and took his face in her hands to kiss him sweetly and lovingly -Good luck...
-Thank you- he whispered back and then got to his car, for the race.
-This is it...- she told Angela, and Cullen noded, with gaze fixated on the screens. In no time after that, the last race of the year started....

Just one last lap and...
-Lewis Hamilton wins the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix!!! Lewis Hamilton is 8 times Champion of the world!!!- every person in the world heard that. Whole Mercedes garage burst into screams of joy. Everyone who was rooting for Lewis was immersly happy...
That also included Angelina, who was beaming from ear to ear, happy tears in her eyes.
-Yes Love! Yes!- she shouted, jumping up very high, gaze fixated on the screens.
-Come on! We need to go to Parc Femme!- Angela told her, laughing and then the two most important women in Lewis' life went with the whole team to the event.
They saw Lewis' car, but Brit was still sitting there, somehow frozen in place, with number one in front of him.
-He can't believe it...- Angie pointed out, very happy for him.
-He just made history...- Angela agreed with her and the women shared a tight hug.
-Look...- one of the mechanics' words shifted their gaze back to the Hamilton. Champion was still in his car, and was talking with Sebastian Vettel, who ended this race in 6 position. That "unfreezed" Lewis from his state and Hamilton came out of the car. He ran to his crew, very happy, and Angelina saw that.
That was when she went around him and patted his right shoulder gently.
-Hey handsome!- she joked with a smile on her face. Lewis spun around to look at her. Right away she could see the tears in his eyes.
-Angel...- he breathed out and took her in tight and loving embrace.
-I'm SO damn proud of you Lew! SO PROUD!- she whispered and hugged him back, beaming in joy and pride -My Champion!
Then they pulled back and Lewis took of his helmet and balaclava, in order to pull her again to him and kiss her passionately. The crowd cheered happily, very excited for the outcome of the race.
-I would do nothing without you... My lucky charm!- he said, holding her close to himself, looking her in the eye lovingly.
-My Champion!- Angie exclaimed again and kissed him once more, but shorter -Go, get that shiny new trophy for me!
-Love you!- that's the last words they exchanged, before Lewis was rushed off to the interviews and then podium ceremony.
-You're unreplaceable Angie...- pink haired woman heard behind her, so she turned around to face non other than Toto Wolff himself.
-And why is that?
-Behind mens' success is always smart woman...- boss replied and then they focused on the very special podium ceremony right before them. They for sure had something to celebrate....

-I'm really nervous, you know?- Angelina told Lewis, when she was getting ready for the day in their hotel room. Right now she's standing in front of a large, ceiling to floor long mirror and was fixing her hairstyle. As often, it would be two small buns on top of her head and the rest loosely let down.
-You don't have to... I'm sure you will win this one and snatch that Championship with ease...- he replied, hugged her from behind and locked their looks in the mirror -Don't worry! Everything will be just fine! I promise...
-Just like I did in Abu Dhabi?
-Exactly!- Hamilton agreed and kissed the top of her head.
-Thank you for being here, with me...- Angie said and turned around to look her boyfriend in the eye.
-Always when I can Love- Lewis declered and kissed her softly, but full of love and passion -Now, finish what you have to, and come, we need to go...- he smiled at her, cupping her face in his hands -Remember, you're the best, no one can beat you!
-Love you- she repiled and pecked his lips, then finally finished getting ready.
After that, they left their shared hotel room and went down, to the lobby. There, they met a few fans, so they stopped, let go of one another and took a few photos and signed some photos or caps with smiles on their faces. Then, they went out and drove to the arena, with their hands constantly intervined.

After they parked the car, Angie went to the office of the whole event and Lewis went to find his girlfriends' family and the team.
-How is she, Lewis?- Renee, Angelinas' mother asked Hamilton with a little worry.
-Angel is stressted a little, because of the possible outcome of this event, but ready and determinated to win it- he assured her with smile.
-Stres is good sometimes- Aaron, Angies' father chiped in.
-That's totally right- Robert, her brother agreed with them. He knows' it very well, as he's motocross freestyle driver. Angelina herself is doing some of that, so she's first woman to do so. And that makes her even more special, as Lewis says...
-What's right?- Angie asked them, automatically hugging Lewis. Hamilton happily thightened his embrance, pulling her to his side by her shoulders.
-The stress- Robert repiled shortly and Angelina noded, agreeing on that.
After that, they talked a little, and before they knew it, it was almost time for the race. Angelina talked with the team and Matt, then warmed up with Charlotte and was almost ready for start. Before so, she came to Lewis.
-That's it...
-Don't worry Princess, you got this!- he assured her with light smile -Just do your best and have fun out there! The rest will play out just fine, I promise!
-Thanks Lew- she repiled and kissed his cheek. But when she wanted to go away, he stopped her, held her close to him by her waist and kissed her softly but short -For good luck...
-My idiot!- Angie breathed out with giggle and then went off, to her motorbike. The race was about to start...

Before they knew it, the race was done... The race ended AND again it ended with proud Angelina Walker at the top step...
First was decoration, when crowd cheered for their champion happily, Lewis being there with her team and cheering for her the most.
Angelina done exactly how her boyfriend and threw the trophy couple of times in the air, with broad smile on her face, visible even with the safe mask. She heard loud whistles and giggled lightly at it, feeling nothing but joy, pride and pure happiness. She locked her gaze with Lewis with ease and sent him a quick, almost unnoticeable wink. Because of it he laughed and shoke his head, making her laugh more.
After the podium and decoration, came the interviews. Many journalist had questions to the "newly crowned" Champion and Angelina was answering them happily.
-Angelina, how are you feeling now, after knowing that you're 6 times world champion?
-It's disbelief, joy, pride... Many emocions at once..! I still can't believe that I did it...!
-Then believe it, because it's real!- both of them shared a laugh -All about racing, but I have other question...
-Shoot!- she agreed.
-Week ago, Lewis Hamilton, your boyfriend, secured 8th consecutive championship for himself, now you have your 6th... He helped you somehow?
-Lew? Of course! He constantly helps, encourages me to take risks, we train together on daily basis, make healthier meals for one another, talk a lot... I think I wouldn't be that strong mentally and at least 50% less phisicaly if he won't be there for me...- she answered with light smile, visible in her eyes.
-So you're helping one another...
-Yeah, we do- she agreed.
-I know we could see Lewis on the stands today, how it feels to have him here...?
-It's awesome! Even if he's not right next to me, I can feel his support, however strange it sounds!? I love to be there for him when he needs it, and I'm sure that he is and will be there for me.
-It's very nice of you two...
-Thank you- she smiled.
Then they talked a little more, and after that they parted ways and Angie went to change and see her team.
-Here is our champion!!- that was first thing she heard, when she came to their "motorhome". Because of it she stopped in her tracks and laughed, seeing her whole team, family and Lewis, all gathered and smiley, whistling, shouting and clapping.
-O my god! You guys...!?
-You're the best Angie!- Matt, her manager and cousin was first to come to her and gave her a tight hug, which she returned.
-Thanks!- she couldn't suppress her giggle.
Then she got embraced by the rest of the team and family. Mum, dad and Robert, hugged her with joy. Lewis was last to come to her, with "flames" of pride in his eyes.
-I'm SO DAMN proud of you Angel! SO PROUD!- he said and hugged her close, wrapping one of his arms over her shoulders. She returned it and laughed, as he repeated her words from a week ago.
-Thanks Lew!- Angie replied and placed kiss on his cheek.
-I love you! You can't even know how much...!- he pulled back a little, to look her straight in the eyes with broad and happy smile.
-I love you too!- she confessed and then he kissed her sweetly, but full of passion. This made the team laugh and whistle more, very happy for the couple. They kissed for some seconds, and then parted, to breath and hug each other more. Lewis even held Angelina by her hips to hoist her up, so she wrapped her legs around his middle.
-You're crazy!- Angie laughed and tuged stand of her pink hair behind her ear, looking straight to Lewis' eyes. Hamilton was looking at his girl with pure love and adoration, with huge smile plastered on his face.
-I love you Ange...
-I love you too Lew- she repiled and the pair kissed once more, very happy. The photographers were shooting a lot of photos of them, but they couldn't care less...
It was indeed, the best end of the "job" year they could imagine... Both of them achived their goals, were madly in love with one another.. Just perfect time!

Something else about Lewis...
I know there is still 2 races to go, but I felt like writing it that way...
Tell me what you think!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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