#63 Mick - Panic attack

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MADDIE POV.: It's again a F2 race weekend. Even thought it looked good whole weekend, the pace just wasn't there during the last race, and even gearbox gave out, so they had to retire the car... Now the race ended and Mick, without looking at anybody, went straight to the motorhome.
-Mick, wait up man!- Robert shouted after my boyfriend, as he was next to enter the prema tent, just after him.
-Leave him Rob. I'll see what's going on...- I flashed Shwartzman a small smile and quickly followed Mick. Nobody else tried to stop him, and I just smiled at them thankfully. The minute Mick stormed out, I knew something was up...
I went after him quickly, not bothering to look at, or talk to anybody. I needed to check on Mick first...
I stood still in front of his door for a minute, and then knocked at them breefly. Even if Mick was inside, he didn't acknowledged it. I sighed deeply and tried to press the doorknob. It worked better than expected, as the door gave up and opened. Without any sound I picked in, to see where exactly Mick is. And my face got pale in horror...
-Mick!- I breathed out and stormed into the room, to kneel beside him. Schumacher was holding his fireproof shirt, sitting on the ground and rocking himself back and forth, his face pale as ever, when he strugled to catch a breath -Mick, I'm here!- I placed comforting hand on his arm, but he didn't react -Mick... Look at me Honey!- I pleaded him. Only reaction I got was raged breath. That's when realisation hit me... He's a panic attack!
-Mickey, look at me! Everything is alright! Nothing happened! You need to breath!- unintentionaly, I had tears in my eyes. I hate seeing Mick broken like that... I placed my shaking hand on his cheek, and other flat on his chest, when I lightly made him look at me -Everything is alright Liebe! Just follow me and breath, ok? Deep breath in.... And out....- I tried to calm him down a bit, locking my gaze with his puzzled one. The sight before me was breaking my heart really bad, but I tried to ignore it. Right now my priority was Mick... -Shhhh! Everything is fine! Calm down Mick!- I pleaded him, constantly caressing his cheek lightly with my thumb.
After a few "breath in's and out's" his breath was slowly getting back to normal, and tears stopped falling on his cheeks, which was a big step forward.
-Liebe, everything is fine! You're safe! I'm here, with you, and everything is all good!- I assured him again, and pulled him in tight hug, which Mick instantly returned.
-I failed the team... AGAIN!- were first words which left Mick's tight throat.
-No you didn't! Mickey, it's just a bad luck! It's not your fault at all! I know it, Robert and the boys know it, and all the team members know it as well! Nobody blames you! No one knew that you'll have that gearbox issue! Things like that just happens, mostly without the good reason!- I quickly exclaimed, pulling back just a little, to look him in the eye -Stop that stupid thoughts right there! You're amazing driver and marvellous person! Don't doubt yourself when you face more obstacles, because you're strong and wise enough to beat them, whatever it's in front of you! You have driving talent and skills in your blood, never doubt it! I know very well that you're next world champion material, you just need to be strong a little longer, ok?
-You're right. Danke Maddie- he smiled lightly and pulled me back into tight hug.
-You're welcome Mickey!- I replied lovingly and kissed his cheek -Whatever happens, I'll be just right next to you, supporting you no matter what!- I promised him.
-I don't know what I would do without you here, Mad...- it was Mick's time to whisper to me lovingly, and small kiss onto my temple followed, which made me smile.
-And you would never need to worry about it! I'll always be right by your side!- I promised him warmly, and gently rubbed his back with light smile on my face. Mick didn't reply anything, he just pulled me closer, onto his lap, and hugged me tightly.
-Thanks to you all the problems are going away... Ever since I know you...
-And you do exactly the same to me Mickey! We always help each other out! And it'll always be that way!
-Ich leibe dich...
-Ich liebe dich auch- I replied without blink of the eye, with big smile on my face, which Mick copied. Then, he placed his right hand on my cheek, looking at me lovingly. Gentle and tender kiss followed afterwards, only making the situation better and more calm. And that's exactly when I knew that everything would be just alright... As long, as we have one another, everything will be fine. I highly believe it...

A little misfortune and unpleasant day for Mick, but happily he has Maddie by his side...
Let's hope that he won't have any more panic attacks in the future...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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