#64 Pierre - Team dinner

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KAT POV.: Alpha Tauri hosted a dinner for the whole team tonight, so Pierre wanted me to be there, with him. Of course I agreed, and we're currently sitting in the car, to get to our destination. Shortly after we made it, so Pierre parked the car just outside the restaurant and looked at me, after he switched off the engine, with a smile. He's wearing a black suit, and I have on the most wonderful dress, in my favorite colour.
-Don't be nervous- Pierre tried to calm me down a bit, as he took my hand in his and caressed it with his thumb lovingly. I looked at him too, joining our gazes, and smiled -I love you- he added, looking into my eyes and leaned it, kissing me lightly.
-I love you too- I smiled at him, very in love.
This is going to be my first time, meeting the whole team, as I before met only a handful of people, during the race weekends. As Pierre and I, didn't make much of a fuss about our relationship, so the public eye didn't need to know everything. And that's why only Pierre's team principal knew that he's bringing someone with him.
As we entered the restaurant, I looked around in awe. It was amaizing, beautiful chendeliers hung from the ceiling and the light in whole room was slightly dimmed.
-Pierre! I'm glad you made it!- Frank smiled at Pierre and greeted him.
-Hello. Nice to see you again- Pierre shook his hand firmly. Frank then turned to me and shot a wide smile in my direction.
-It's nice to meet you too...
-Katelynn- I told him with a smile -Nice to meet you too, Mr. Tost.
-Oh, please! Call me Frank- he said, with warm smile.
-Sure- I chuckled slightly and linked arms with Pierre again, who was already offering me his arm.
-Take good care of her. She's a keeper- Frank whispered to Pierre and winked, to what Pierre replied with a smile.
-I will.
After that, I had been introduced to everyone, and the others to me, as I sat down next to Pierre in the middle of long table. The whole team was gathered and talking with one another, laughing. It was not in a bit stressful. Still, I was a little nervous, of course, as I  wanted to make Pierre look as good as possible, and do not do anything wrong.
I stroke the hem of my long dress, as we waited for the second course, while Pierre was talking with Frank and Yuki, his new teammate. He noticed that I'm nervous, but assured me that I had no reason to be, as everyone liked me from the start. Especially Frank, who liked me since the beginning.
Suddenly, Pierre stopped my hand movement, and placed it in his own, as he started to stroke the back of it with his thumb. He's always doing that when, he wants to calm me down. The warmth of this touch soothed my nerves a little, and made me look at him, smiling. Seeing that, he leaned to me, and whispered to my ear:
-I like the way your hand fits in mine...- because of his words and tone he said them, I got goosebumps all over my body.
-Don't forget how well our lips fit together too- but I didn't loose my cool, and teased him with an innocent grin. To which, he replied by pressing a kiss to my cheek.
-Don't you dare..- he whispered against it, with slight grin on his own, which made me chuckle, as I knew perfectly well how much I'm teasing him at that particular moment, but continued to smile innocently.
-Katelynn, how do you like the evening so far?- Frank started a conversation with me, and I switched my gaze from Pierre to him with polite smile, still with Pierre's hand intervined with mine, as if nothing has happened.

The whole evening was very amusing, Frank told stories of past races and the mechanics also had a lot to tell. To add more, all the food was absolutely fantastic, so were drinks.
But all good things have it's ending, and we needed to go back home. As a gentleman he is, Pierre held up my jacket, so I could put it on easly, and slipped my arms through the sleeves.
-It was really nice to meet you- Frank said goodbye to me with warm smile.
-Pleasure is on me- he only nodded, and then turned to Pierre.
In meantime, I said goodbye to the rest, who was still sitting at the table, with small smile. Then Pierre came up to me from behind and intervined his hand with mine. And it didn't go unnoticed, as few people from the team looked at our intervined hands, some of them even exchanged whispers. It was quite amusing, how the team had reacted when they found out that Pierre Gasly has a girlfriend...
We waived once more at them and headed for the exit. Pierre had his arm around my waist the whole time as we walked to his car. When we made it, already deep in conversation, I stroked it as a sigh for him, and he let me go, so I could get in, on my side.

When we finally got back to our shared apartment, Pierre shut the door with loud thud and turned to me.
-That teasing in there, you'll really regret that...
-Oh, really?- I chuckled playfully and he just nodded with a boyish grin. But before I could react in any way possible, he pulled me to himself, by my waist.
-You know how you said that our lips seem to fit together so well?- he grinned -I need to check that again!
Not a second later, his lips were capturing mine, and I sighed into the kiss. His lips were as soft as they always are, melting me in the spot. As his hands grabbed my waist, I placed my hands on his chest, searching for some support. Then Pierre lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his hips, moving my arms around his neck, not pulling away from the kiss any second.
The kiss was more and more passionate each passing second, and we didn't want to seperate. Too focused on it, I didn't realised, that Pierre went through our apartment to the bedroom, opened the door with his foot, and closed it the same way, locking us in it, what made me pull away a little, to look into his bright eyes.
-You're taking this pretty seriously, aren't you?- I giggled, before kissing him again.
-How else could I make sure?- Pierre replied mischieviously with a grin, and then he started to kiss me again. And the kissing didn't end any near quickly...

Something else with Pierre...
Tell me what you think in the comments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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