#65 Checo - Wedding

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MARISOL POV.: I can't believe that it's today... Today, Sergio and I will say to each other the sacramental yes, on the altar! How it went so fast?!

I am already almost 8 months pregnant with our son, and I quit my job somehow in the middle of the sixth month so as not to overwork too much. Since then, I have been "working" at home and Checo got another PR to replace me. I didn't really like this change, but unfortunately I had no choice... All the best for our son...
However, as of today, there were also a few changes... Officially, for 2 weeks we have everything ready for today's wedding, in tip top. I am happy because I was a bit worried about it, if we could manage everything together with Checo's constant trips to the races, but luckily we made it!
Fortunately, everything is buttoned up to the last button, so I have nothing to stress. For obvious reasons, I gave up the typical hen party and ended up with a movie night full of laughs and chats. Despite the fact that I sleep much more than I used to during pregnancy, I was not even a bit tired! As for the hen and bachelor parties themselves, Sergio and I decided that it would be safer and wiser to "set off" them two days before the wedding. In this way, we will avoid the fact that half of the guests will be hungover after the previous day...
Today, Checo and I are separated, because he is preparing at his parents' house, and I am at our place. Anyway, it is common knowledge that a woman needs a lot more things and space to get ready... I know that maybe not for myself, but after the mess we made before Mackenzie and Max's wedding..?! As for Kenzie, she's my bestest of friends ever since me and Sergio joined the Red Bull family. Verstappen as my maid of honour has been the main help for the last month of preparations because Checo and I were so into too many things at once, that we almost forgot the basics. Max also helped so that his wife was not doing all the work!
The girls, Kenzie, Paola and Brynn are coming to us today to help me with the dress and etc, and Checo's "guards" will be Max and his brother, Antonio. Everyone enjoys our wedding and reception very much. I have the impression that some of them were sure of it already during our close friendship?! Kenzie especially, which made me feel like strangling her more than once in the past, but now i just laugh at it.

It's 10am and our wedding is 3pm. Girls should be here any minute and I'm still parading in my pj's!? And probably the first thing they'll do is rush me to the bathroom for a relaxing bath...?!
Literally at the same time that this statement came to mind, someone rang the doorbell.
-I'm coming, I'm coming!- I shouted as the impatient chime repeated. Eventually, however, I got to the door and opened it. On the threshold I found the whole holy trinity in the person of my future husband's sister and two friends.
-Hey Girls! Come on in!- I let them in right away and closed the door tightly behind them.
-What took you so long to open, huh?!- Paola asked me tartly, after I said hello to each of them.
-I'll tell you that, I don't weigh as little as I used to!- I huffed, making the four of us laugh.
-Right, how is the baby boy?!- Brynn asked me anxiously, placing her hand on my stomach.
-He's moving, but it's probably out of excitement...- I replied, and at the same moment the little one kicked perfectly where Warren's hand rested.
-He's strong!- She looked at me with huge eyes.
-Well! He definitely has strength after Dad!?- I nodded, which caused another wave of laughter. A moment later, however, we calmed down.
-It's fun, but it's time to take care of you...- Kenzie asked me with a slight smile -Go to the bathroom, relax and leave the rest to me ...- she added, squeezing my arm a little.
-I trust you, love- I nodded, smiling casually at Verstappen's indicated package containing my gown. She picked it up yesterday after the last seamstress's corrections so that the tummy would not get in the way. And since Checo could not see her through superstition, she had her all the time. In fact, I relied on Mackenzie and locked myself in the bathroom for another 40 minutes, giving the girl a chance to show off with everything...

After I left the bathroom, I went into the bedroom, where lively conversations came from. I found all three of them in a rather messy room, among bags and boxes, muttering something under their breaths every now and then.
-How are you feeling? Ready?- Kenzie asked me, seeing me in the doorway.
-I probably won't be more...- I nodded, so my friend sat me on a chair in front of the dressing table.
-Close your eyes, relax and let us do our magic, and you will not regret it!- the brunette said confidently in her voice, placing her hands on my shoulders and rubbing them lightly.
-Do your thing- I trusted them without hesitation. After all, they are my best friends and Mackenzie is my maid of honour as well! Everything will be alright, I can feel it!
The minutes passed and the girls were "doing their job", and I was sitting in white underwear and a bathrobe, and white high heels. Paola focused on my makeup and Kenzie took over my hairstyle.
-And ready! You can open your eyes- said Paola, clearly smug. I listened to them and was left speechless when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked gorgeous! Light but very feminine makeup, intricate hairstyle...
-And what do you think?- Brynn asked me, grinning.
-I have no words...- I said, smiling at them.
-Told you that everything will be alright!- Kenzie replied confidently, and I only nodded.
"What time is it?" I asked the girls.
-20 after eleven. We have everything under control, take it easy- Brynn assured me.
-Now you get ready, and I will help you. I will put on the veil and the dress at the last minute- I made quick decision.
-As you want, Marisol Pérez..!- Kenzie laughed, and I sold her a jay to the side.
When all four of us stopped laughing because of it, we did as I said. The girls got ready pretty quickly, with my little but tangible help. Finally, the balance of the costumes was as follows:



-Since we're ready, now it's time for the veil and the dress!- Paola summed up, after putting the palette with "browns" on the table top.
-Ok- I agreed and added -Come on honey! Now it's our turn!- I laughed as I spoke into my belly, which I put my hands around.
Then the girls helped me with a dress that wore a lot of patches so that the tummy was not too tight. So the top remained unchanged, and the bottom flowed freely, hugging the obvious roundness. Plus, Kenzie put a veil in my hair.
-And the bride is ready!- Brynn commented happily.
-You look wonderful hermana!- Paola said hugging me.
-Gracias- I smiled broadly.
-So what ...? You grab the bouquet and we're going to church?- Kenzie asked me with a slight smile.
-We have nothing else left- I confirmed, reaching for the vase with flowers on the window sill. After that, the girls and I put on outer clothes, mostly coats or jackets. Then, when we were convinced that we had everything we needed with us, we left the house and I locked it. Soon after that I grinned, when I saw the "3 Musketeers" standing a few steps from us. Of course, I meant none other than Checo, Max and Antonio.
-Hi guys!- we greeted them.
-You look beautiful Marisol...- Max commented, wearing a black suit, and came up to me and gave me a hug.
-Thanks Max. You are not too bad yourself... - I gave a compliment, then Antonio hugged me. Sergio, smiling from ear to ear, was the last to come to me.
-You look breathtaking Hermosa...
-Tu tambien, mijo..- I replied and then we shared a kiss. Quick, but loving and tender one.
-Ok, lovebirds, let's go to church!- Max laughed, and we together with him. After a moment of foolishness, each of us got into the car, and we were in the back seat, and our witnesses were behind the wheel, and we left the property...

Fortunately, we left a little earlier because the traffic jams were deadly! However, we still managed to get there half an hour earlier, so everything is fine. There were already a lot of guests, so when we got out, the first thing we did was say hello to everyone and give them a hug.
-How are you feeling Sol?- Elisabeth, Checo's mother, asked me when she let me go.
-Okay, everything is fine...- I reassured her with a smile, putting my hand on my belly.
-You radiate my love!- Angelina commented and hugged me -You look wonderful...!
-Thank you- I smiled sincerely, returning the hug. I'm very happy that Lewis and Angie managed to show up. On the track they may be fierce rivals (especially Hamilton and Max), but outside of it it is completely different story...
-Angie is right Mari. You're stunning in this dress...- Lewis agreed with his fiancee and also gave me a hug.
-Come here, hija!- Antonio Sr laughed, hugging me tightly, when Hamilton let go of me. Laughing, I returned the hug.
-I'm so glad, that you guys made it!- I looked at everyone with a sincere smile.
-We couldn't be anywhere else!- they agreed with me, and Sergio and I smiled at each other. Then we greeted my parents, sister and colleagues from work and beyond, whom we also invited to the wedding. Until now, everything looked wonderful and exactly as we planned...
Suddenly, someone hugged me from behind around my arms.
-Nice to see mi hermosa hermana again!- a familiar voice chirped, and I grinned, turning my back.
-Jesús! You made it, you crazy!- I laughed and hugged Checo's younger brother sincerely.
-How could I not, when you and my dear hermano are getting merried?!- he replied cheekly, and then stepped back to shoulder length and looked at me carefully. As he reached my belly, his eyes bulged out as if they were about to pop out of its orbits, and me and Sergio laughed sincerely.
-Mari is...- he stammered in severe shock. It didn't surprise us, because he didn't know anything while sitting in his Norway...!?
-Si Jes, Marisol es embrezada!- Sergio laughed and patted his brother on the back.
-That's wonderful!- he exclaimed and hugged us fiercely, and we laughed even more -Do you know if it's going to be a boy or a girl?- he asked curiously, after we stopped laughing. Hearing that, Checo and I looked at each other knowingly.
-We know, but we won't tell you! You will find out when the time comes!- my future husband replied, proud as a peacock.
-You got the job done hermanito! Not wife yet, and already pregnant!- Jesús laughed and hugged his brother again.
-Si, as it turned out - I confirmed, laughing again -Then you guys talk, and I'll be back soon...- I squezeed Checo's hand in a meaningful gesture.
-Are you ok, Sol?- he was immediately worried.
-Yes. I just need a moment ...- I calmed him down and added -Will you watch the guests?
-Of course Amor, go. We have a wedding not sooner than 15 minutes...- he assured me and kissed my forehead in a tender gesture.
-I'll be back in a minute- I confirmed, and imperceptibly slipped out of the crowd of all these guests and disappeared around the corner of the church. I could still hear the noises of talking, but not so loud. I put my hands around my stomach and thought, breathing deeply. I drew handfuls from the last moments of loneliness before the great event to recharge my batteries. The little one also needed a break, because he calmed down immediately and I could only feel his slight movements. But unexpectedly, I heard a voice right behind me...:
-How do you imagine it?!- he boomed, and I immediately turned on my heel to face the man behind me.
-Nice to see you too, hermanito- I replied sourly, rolling my eyes. I knew it would be like this when Emiliano found out...
-Marisol! I'm serious!
-Me too! Emi, I'm in no mood to argue today, and I don't want you to spoil the best day of my life, so let it go! We'll talk about this tomorrow...- I absolutely didn't want to have this conversation with him today. But I guess, I did the right thing to send him this invitation to Switzerland so late... He would have fallen in the middle of planning and it would be a big problem...!?
-Not tomorrow, because we will do it now!- he didn't agree, stopping me by the arm -Do you know what you are doing?!
-Si! Te quiero Sergio and this little one!- I said sternly, pointing to my clearly visible belly -Wedding is the best idea I've had in the last months!- I replied sharply, looking him straight in the eye. The same fire burned in them as in mine. It was one of the reasons why we argued so much when we were kids... Because we had identical characters and we were together like a real time bomb with the counter on...
-Pregnancy?! Mierda, Sol!? What the fuck are you doing?! And where's Jason?! Have you already forgotten about him?!- he was clearly agitated -The secret lover made you pregnant and you will marry him right away, si?!- such insinuations are only Emiliano...
-Don't mention this dipshit today, you hear me?!- I hissed through my teeth, feeling in my stomach how the little one is rebelling -As you can see, I'm pregnant, so please don't piss me off!- it was devilishly difficult for me to keep my cool -It's alright mijo... Everything is ok ...- I let the air out of my lungs loudly and stroked my stomach steadily.
-What dipshit, Mari?! We are talking about your husband?!- he didn't understand. And he had no way to, because he didn't know what was happening in my life, when he was earning his thousands in Switzerland...
-EX HUSBAND!- I interrupted him angrily -My ex husband, tyrant and rapist! I broke free from him over a year ago and it's good that I did it, because if I didn't, instead of my wedding, you'd come here for my grave or funeral!- I screamed, feeling tears welling in my eyes -You know nothing, so stop having an opinion on my life choices, por favor!- maybe I became mentally immune to the harm Jason caused me, but the little one in my belly made it all difficult for me...
-What the fuck are you talking about?!
-About what happened when you were gone! Jason ruined my life, beat me, raped me repeatedly and controlled me as his properity! He even wanted to forbid me to work because that meant I wasn't home most of the year! And when I left him, he raped Stella! Our little sister who should be safe!- words poured out of me like a stream -As for Sergio, he was not, is not, and never has been, my secret lover, as you so neatly put it! I got together with him long after the divorce from Beckett!- I wanted him to understand -Checo...
-Checo! What else!? Maybe Chilli?! Don't be riddiculus hermana...!- he sneered, rising in anger. Clearly nothing was getting to him...?!
-Do not slander my future husband, and your brother-in-law, por favor! - I drawled through my teeth, simultaneously bending in half -Ouch!- the little one did not like at all how his uncle talked about dad and decided that I should be signaled openly. I wasn't surprised because I was also pissed off by my older brother's attitude. He was gone when he should be there for me, and when he is, instead of enjoying my happiness, he only makes fights...
-Que paseo?- he asked, much more softer tone and wanted to grab my arm, but I pushed him away.
-No me tocás!- I hissed and clossed my eyes in pain, as I still tried to breath deeply and regularly.
-Marisol, que pasó?!- he continued to ask, worried. The anger vanished from his face as if by magic. Another feature that connects us...
-Nada! It'll be over in second!- I growled and groaned again in pain -Come on Cariño! Nothing happened! Mama just got upset!- I muttered into my stomach through pursed lips, praying that the contraction would finally be over.
Just then, Paola and Mackenzie ran up to us, apparently looking for me.
-You are here Mari! We're searching... What's going on? - they were right next to me and they supported me, as I felt like falling down.
-I got nervous and... I got a contraction...- I answered shortly, trying to breathe calmly and deeply, despite the painful contraction.
-What did you do!?- Kenzie snapped at Emiliano, standing in front of him and staring at him menacingly.
-Nothing! We just argued...!?- he tried to defend himself.
-Are you out of your mind?! Arguing in her condition!? Do you want a tragedy to happen!?- she asked him rhetorically, and then slapped him across the back of his head with open hand -I will remind you that your sister is pregnant and CANNOT get upset under any circumstances, because it may harm the child's development! Unless you didn't pay attention to biology about pregnancy, huh!?- she tried to reason with him.
-Come on, Mari... You need to sit down....- Paola said soothingly and escorted me back to the guests, leaving Kenzie alone with my brother. For a brief moment I heard the two of them arguing, or rather the brunette making a fuss with my older brother. She has lungs, there is no argue with that...!? On the other hand, the pain from one step to another was subsiding, but I still felt the contraction. As soon as we got close to the guests, Checo and his parents were right there, by my side.
-Dios Mio, Sol! Que pasó mija?!- Elisabeth asked, concerned.
-Nothing mama... It's just a contraction...- I replied between rather shallow breaths. I was able to fully straighten up now, despite the pain in my stomach. Paola was supporting me all the time with a worried expression on her face.
-Are you sure Amor?!- Sergio asked me, looking deep into my eyes. Not since yesterday, our eyes can speak for us...
-Si... I just argued with my brother, but it's ok!- I stood by my own.
-But...- mom still didn't seem convinced.
-Everything is ok mama, I mean it! - I repeated, trying to calm not only her, but also Dad, Sergio, and Paola herself.
-Come on, sit down for a moment...- Checo said agreeably and together with his sister, they led me to the nearest bench. Fortunately, we didn't draw too much attention to the rest of the guests, because I would have broken down...?!
-I'll get you a glass of water...- Paola smiled at me, then disappeared into the crowd, and Checo and I were alone.
-Que pasa?- he asked, holding my left hand in his, as I still held the bouquet in my right.
-Little disagreement between me and Emiliano, no big deal...- I dismissed it and added -Let's not talk about it today, por favor...- I looked at him seriously.
-As my beloved wife wishes- he agreed and kissed my forehead.
-Not a wife yet!- I huffed with laughter, feeling the pain almost completely gone.
-What's up with dozen minutes? You're mine and that's it!- he replied with a smile that made us both snort with laughter.
-Water...- Paola came back with a cup of water. Without saying a word, I exchanged the bouquet for the vessel and emptied it.
-It's finally better...- I sighed and looked at Checo's sister, still worried -Gracias...
-De nada- smiled, took the mug from me and gave me the bouquet -Y qué? Are you going to this altar or not?!- she laughed, pointing to the guests entering the building.
-We go, of course!- we nodded at the same time, got up from the bench, and then we walked arm in arm to the church. My dad was waiting on the doorstep with a worried look.
-Todo es bien Papa!- I smiled at him.
-I'll see you in a minute...- Checo whispered in my ear, then "stole" a kiss from me and then, as if nothing happened, he walked down the main nave to stand next to Antonio, who's waiting for him.
-See you in a minute. Chin up, smile and go. It's your day, remember!- Kenzie smiled at me, then hugged me.
-Thanks Kenz...
-You're welcome!- Verstappen smiled sly, winked at me and disappeared inside the church as if nothing had happened. As soon as she stood in her place, the sounds of a wedding march could be heard across the place.
-Are we going?- Dad asked me, offering me his arm.
-I'm not going to go anywhere else...- I nodded with a smile, taking his arm and slowly we walked up the main aisle. This turned the eyes of all the guests, our witnesses, and Sergio himself, who, despite already seeing me in my dress, was looking at us captivated. But everything stopped getting to me when our eyes met. Nothing else mattered, but this moment....
Eventually, however, my dad and I got to the altar, and there Checo took my hand in his. Then we sat down on beautifully decorated chairs (Kenzie helped me with the veil and gown) and the ceremony began...
To be honest, I don't remember much of it, because I couldn't focus on anything in particullar. I thought about Jason and the hell I went through because of him and Sergio, and happiness, love and security he is giving me from the very beginning. Undoubtedly, these two were different, and the other one was dearest to me in my whole life...!
In the end, however, the priest asked us to get up and main part of the event came... Vows and wedding rings... Internally, I was jumping with joy and excitement, and outside, only a sincere smile was visible on my face. We stood facing each other and the priest gave his monologue:
-Take your right hands...- the priest instructed us -To God and the church...- he said, wrapping the cloth around our joined hands -Repeat the words of the marriage vow after me...- priest continues and pointed to Sergio -Please repeat after me... I, Sergio...
-I, Sergio...- Checo repeated with a broad smile, looking into my eyes as deeply as I was staring at his.
-I take you, Marisol, for my wife...
-I take you, Marisol, for my wife- he repeated with certainty in his voice and with that tender smile that always makes my knees go weak. My Checo...
-And I vow to you love, fidelity and marital honesty...
-And I vow to you love, fidelity and marital honesty...
-And that I will not leave you until I die...
-And that I will not leave you until I die...
-So help me Lord God almighty...
-So help me Lord God almighty...-
-In the trinity, the only one and all the saints ...
-In the trinity, the only one and all the saints- when he finished, I knew that this moment, was the best decision I had made in my whole life. I felt that Sergio was, is and will be the only one in my life ... Well, maybe apart from the little one in my belly, but that's another matter!? I love Checo like no one else and I can't imagine my life without him... Not anymore...
-Señora Marisol...- the priest snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head yes, so he started again -I, Marisol...
-I, Marisol...- I repeated, staring at the shiny brown eyes of Sergio as if there was nothing else but them. It was them that made me who I am today, despite my dark past...
-I take you Sergio, for my husband...
-I take you, Sergio, for my husband- I repeated, and with every word I spoke I made it more confident. I knew perfectly well that no one or anything, not even that argument with Emiliano, would change my mind. This is my tomorrow... By the side of the nicest, best and most tender guy I know...
-And I vow to you love, fidelity and marital honesty...
-And I vow to you love, fidelity and marital honesty...
-And that I will not leave you until I die...
-And that I will not leave you until I die...
-So help me Lord God almighty...
-So help me Lord God almighty...-
-In the trinity, the only one and all the saints...
-The trinity of the only and all the saints- when I finished, with all the willpower I had, I controlled myself not to jump into the air. I was bursting with such joy...!?
-What God has joined together, let no man separate. The marriage you entered into, I confirm with the dignity of the Catholic Church and bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit- said the happy priest, unwinding the fabric from our hands, and Antonio approached us with rings. We both smiled honestly at him, and he answered us the same, and winked. And this time the priest started with Sergio:
-Marisol, accept this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit- he repeated after the priest, his voice a little shaking with joy. I suspect mine won't be any better... Of course, he slipped the cool metal of the ring onto the ring finger of my right hand, saying that.
-Señora Marisol...- the priest looked at me. I nodded and took the other wedding ring from Antonio.
-Sergio, accept this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit...- I repeated, and my voice was literally not shaking. The only visible sign of my nervousness was the fact that my hands were trembling incredibly. Nevertheless, I managed.
Then there were a few more wedding ceremonies that were very non-clear for me. The only thing I thought about was this moment and the fact that we, me and Checo, are married. I was very happy about it, and the closeness of Sergio only reassured me that it was not a dream at all. We were both very happy and it showed...
Before we knew it, the priest said these meaningful words:
-You can kiss the bride!- he finished, looking at my husband with a smile. Checo and I looked at each other with broad smiles. Before we did anything, we heard Max, Antonio and Jesus shouting from the side of the nave:
-Kiss her finally!- the boys shouted and everyone started laughing, including us and the priest.
-Te quiero- Checo said to it and kissed me tenderly. It was obvious that I returned that kiss by hugging his neck. For which the whole church was filled with applause and cheers full of joy.
-Nosotros también, Querido...!- I replied slightly breathlessly as we pulled away from each other. Sergio kissed my forehead without saying a word, then we turned to face our guests. The wedding march began again, and the guests left first, and we at the very end. When we stood on the doorstep, everyone started clapping our hands and throwing rice and money at us (another superstition). Then they all started shouting, or rather chanting "Kiss! Kiss!". Sergio and I looked at each other and laughed.
-We don't have a choice, do we?- I asked my husband with a smile.
-Well, we don't- he agreed, then wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me tenderly. I returned that kiss and hugged his neck. The guests sounded pleased, raising a very loud applause.
After a long while we moved away from each other and went down these steps. Then the guests came up to us and the wishes began, and then we went to the hall to start the reception.... But even now I knew, that from now on, we'll be only more and more happy, as a family...

I hope you like this one...
It's a little longer than usual, but I got an idea and couldn't let it go...!
Nevertheless, have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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