#68 Charles - Help

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BRYNN POV.: It seemed to be another normal, casual day. Since I woke up, outside was pouring heavy rain, which didn't help my already down mood. I felt like I don't want to do anything, even move from the bed. But I knew better than that, so I needed to stand up. Aiden wouldn't like me sleeping in, I'm sure of it... Even small thought of him made me flinch. It's not that he's hitting me or something, he just... He loves to control me, and has anger issues... Yeah, he yelles a lot. And the only person who knows it it's me.. Nobody else...
I stood up from the bed and fixed the sheets. Then, with some clothes in hand I closed myself in the bathroom. I took quick shower, and then put on clothes I picked for today. After that I brushed my hair and put them in hight ponytail. Today I decided against doing any make up, as I wasn't planning on leaving the house. It was no point in doing so, as the rain wasn't going to stop any soon, acording to weather forecasts.
After dressing up I emerged the bathroom and made short walk to the kitchen, to make myself some breakfast. Oats with milk and some fruits was my craving for today, so it was no otehr opinion in doing anything else. Besides, it was quick.
When I done it, I sat down next to kitchen island and took my phone with light smile. I got message from Charles:

Charlie ❤️🏎️: Morning B! How are you?

Me: I'm fine. Merci. And you?

Charlie ❤️🏎️: I'm fine. Any plans for today?

Me: Not much. Probably stay at home and study for a bit...

Charlie ❤️🏎️: Better not over-study yourself- I smiled at that. Charles is always very protective over me, and I think it's cute.

Me: Plan highly impossible. You know that I hate studying- I texted him back, with spoon full of oats in other hand.

Charlie ❤️🏎️: That's what I hope. - after that we exchanged more texts, laughing and smileing. It's always fun with Charles... I'm starting to think that he's only person with whom I don't have to pretend that I'm someone else...
And this fun texting seasion was interupted by loud doorbell. I sighed and switched my phone off. With bowl in hand I made a way to the door and opened them. As suspected, Aidan was on other side of the door.
-Hey Love- he greeted me, kissed me a little forcefully and then went in.
-Hey...- I sighed again and closed the door behind me -Want something to drink, eat?- I asked him politely next, ending my oats and putting the bowl into the dishwasher. I wanted to study, but now it was highly impossible task, as Aidan is here.
-No, thank you- he repiled and fell down on my couch.
-Then want you want to do?- I asked again, joining him in the living room.
-Netfilx and chill? We'll end the show we're watching the last time...?- he suggested and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
-You mean sex education? It's for teenagers!- I decided against, already hateing the idea.
-Come on baby! We should end it! Marco said that it's good!
-Maybe you should sometimes think yourself and not listen to Marco?!- before I knew it, I snapped at him, and pulled away.
-What do you mean!?- his voice started to rise. But this time I wasn't afraid. Not anymore...
-That you should sometimes be you, and stop listening to your dumb friends like they're some fucking religion!- I shouted and stood up from the couch.
-It's Charles again, hm?!
-What you want from him?- now he got me really confused and offended.
-You again talked with that Leclerc boy, even though I told you othervise! And you let him brainwash you!- I could easly see boiling anger in him.
-He never would brainwash me! He's normal guy, not like you! You controlling freak! You're sick!- I shouted at him.
-Say that again...- Aiden hissed coldly.
-You. Are. Sick! And I'm leaving you!- I said first thing I thought, but I didn't regret it. For the first time since like a month I really told him the truth. But instead of reply, I felt my right cheek sting painfully. 'That deffinitely is going to bruise...'- I thought to myself.
-You're not going to do that you slut! You're nobody without me!- he hissed and wanted to grab my shoulder, but I was quicker. I hitted him hard to the head with book and sprinted to the door. I put on my shoes like somebody was chasing me, took my phone and bag with keys and wallet and left the apartment. Without thinking I sprinted down the stairs, not daring to look over my shoulder and holding hand against my cheek, I left the building. It hurted that much, that I felt tears not only wealing in my eyes, but also streaming down my cheeks.

At first I wasn't going anywhere in particular, as I let my thoughts go wild and not having a slight care about the rain, but then... But then I found myself in front of the Charles's door. He's apartment is one of the safest places for me...
After some seconds I raised fist and knocked loudly at the wood. When it didn't help, I decided to ring the bell, praying for him to be at home.
This time it worked, as I heard some movement in other side of the door, and minutes later I came face to face with my best friend.
-Brynn... What are you doing here?- he asked, very much confused, and then added -Come on in!- Leclerc stood back and let me in.
-Hey Charlie...- I said quietly, and locked the door behind myself. Then I took my shoes off, even though with my shakeing hands was it rather difficult.
When I stood up, Charles ignored my wet clothes and gave me a warm hug. That was when I wildly shivered in his arms.
-My God Brynn! Come here, you're shaking!- he said and pulled me more into his apartment, straight to the bathroom -Go and take warm shower, I'll find some fresh and dry clothes for you...
-You don't need to do that Charlie...
-I insist. s'il te plaît...
-Ok- I gave up and entered the bathroom. I don't know how long I was out there, in the rain, but felt rather long... I striped myself from my wet clothes and tossed them into washing machine and then hoped under warm water of the shower. Again I let my thoughts wander, to that point that I didn't hear Charles coming in and out of the bathroom.
After around half an hour or longer, I stepped out of it and found set of dry clothes and a towel on the sink. My lips formed small smile at that. Firstly I dryed my whole body, hair included, and then dressed up in clothes Charles gave me. Was it a set of my ungatherments I must've left at his house some time, pair of sweats, shirt and his Ferrari sweatshirt. Then I sorted out my hair, doing messy bun on top of my head, and then left the bathroom.
-Feeling better?- his calm voice called me from the living room, where he's seated on the couch.
-Yes. Merci...- I replied and sat down beside him.
-Here you go. Hot tea...- Charlie gave me steaming cup with hot liquid inside.
-Merci- I thanked him again and took small sip from the cup.
-I don't want to sound rude, but I thought you're gonna study at your house...?
-It's complicated..- I sighed, not looking at him.
-What do you mean? Aidan did something again?- I easly heard concern and worry in his voice. With another sip I just nodded.
-He yelled at you again?- he calmly asked, which made me look at him. There, I saw shock and anger in his eyes. And it hit me... My cheek was most likely awfully bruised.
-He did this to you!?- Charles asked, keeping his anger low and lifted his hand to brush his fingers over it.
-Yeah... When I told him that...- my voice cracked -That he's a freak and I'm leaving him...
Charles didn't reply anything. Instead, he took the cup out of my hands and placed it on the table in front of us. Then, he gently pulled me into warm and strong hug, which I instantly returned.
-It's good that you left him... Nobody should be able to treat you like that.. Like he did...- Charles said and stroke my back gently. I relaxed onto his gentle touch and only hummed in response -From now on, you'll be safe... I'll make sure of it...- he promised me and kissed my head. It made my heart swell and woke up the butterflies I felt a very long time ago...
-I may sound foolish, as you just got out from toxic relationship, but I care about you way too much to let it slide... I won't let anyone hurt you ever again... Him in particular!
-What you mean, you care about me?- I lifted my head from his chest to look at him. Charles got crimson all over his cheeks.
-I love you...- he replied after some hesitation.
-I love you too Charlie. And it's bad that I realised it just now...- I whispered, not looking away from his eyes. My words made Charles smile widely, and before I knew it, he leaned in and kissed me lovingly. I smiled into the kiss, returning it without hesitation. It made me very happy, and without thinking about it, I knew that Charles is also happy...
-je t'aime...
-je t'aime auss- I replied and hugged him again. That was when I knew that from now on, everything will be alright... After some rain there was also sun and a rainbow...

Rather difficult begining with happy ending...
Let's hope that Aidan will leave Brynn for good...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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