#69 Mick - Snowman

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MADDIE POV.: Even if it's only middle of December, whole Geneva is covered in snow, giving the city more fairy tale like vibe.
Today, me and Mick are chilling on the couch, watching some Christmas movies on Netflix in his house. This page offers dozens of different ones, and we decided to continue our little tradition. It always started with 1st of December, and every single day following, we would watch a Christmas teamed movie together. Mostly more than one, but when he's racing most of the time, we only were able to do marathons after the season ended.
To have nice scenerio to that, we wrapped each other in blankets, fire was blazing in the fireplace, Christmas decorations were all over the house, and we had sweets, ginger breads in different shapes and colors and hot cocoa in mugs.
This time we're watching "With love", so Christmas vibe with romantic scenerio...
-You know what?
-What Micky?- I looked him in the eye, after I stopped the movie, as we're half way through it.
-I have an idea...
-You do?
-Yep. How about...- he prolonged it, with smug expression on his face -We go out and make a snowman?
-A snowman?- I repeated, to be sure I heard him right.
-Yes. So...? What do you say?- he asked, already grinning like happy child.
-OK. That can be fun- I agreed with small smile.
-Awsome! Let's go!- he squeeled happily like little boy, and pulled us both to our feet. I giggled at his childlish behavour, but got dressed anyway. I love seeing that bright smile on his face...

Soon after that we left his house through the back door, dressed from head to toe in winter gear and stepped out on puffy snow. Everything around us was covered in it, making very magical scenario...
-Well?- I looked at Mick, who was also admiring the view in front of us.
-Yeah, let's get to work- he returned from his little daydream pretty quickly, making me smile. He looked cute in that black woolen beanie with big pompon at the top...
-As you wish Mickey- I smiled at him, and he chuckled with smile on his face nevertheless. Then we actually got to work on our "Mr. Snowman", talking and joking around, just like we always do. It was actually nice, not minding the coldness at all...
Mick was going around the yard, rolling the ball of snow for snowman's stomach in front of him, and I did the same, but with smaller one, for his chest. It was actually fun, to play like that, almost like being careless kids again...

In no time, two balls were ready, and we stacked them together, one on the other.
-Ok. You do the head, and I'll find some stones for the buttons, mouth and eyes, and go for the carrot for the nose- I told him, when we stopped for a moment.
-That sounds like a plan...- Mick agreed with me, and I couldn't not notice how cute and handsome he looked with that rosy cheeks and nose, and his blue eyes sparkling with joy. I felt how my stomach flipped and my heart-rate increased by that sight...
We smiled at each other, and then begin with our tasks, still talking and laughing, reminising our childhood joy's and other funny stories. It was really nice...
-And how's it going with those stones? Because I'm pretty sure I'm almost ready with the head..!- Mick asked me, a little out of breath because of the rolling and talking at the same time, a few minutes later.
-I have all of them, just need a carrot for the nose, give me a sec...- I replied, and quickly disappeared into the house. I hid the stones in my jacket pockets, and took a carrot from the fridge. Then I again stepped out of the warmth of the house, to join Mick and complete the snowman.
-I got...- but I was caught mid sentance, as Mick rolled the snowball right onto my feet, and as a result, we both fell down, onto the snow. Me first, and Schumacher on top of me.
-Entschuldigung- he said, and suported his weight on his hands on both sides of my head, not to crash me with it -Are you ok?- Mick asked then, with worried expression on his face.
-Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing really- I assured him in return, with light smile.
-You sure?
-Yeah Mickey, I'm totally fine!- his worriediness made me chuckle, as my heart swelled with cuteness and melted.
-Ok, if you say so. Let's get up then- Mick snapped out of our short "bubble of silence" and stood up, just as I sat up, on my butt, to also get up. But Mick beat me to it, as he extened his hand in my direction.
-Come on- I couldn't resist his sparkling eyes, so I took his hand in mine, and let him pull me onto my feet. But what I didn't predict, was how close it'll bring us again... My heart-rate quickened, as our noses brushed, and breaths fanned over the other's cheeks. At first, we just looked at each other in complete silence, but then, suprising me completly, Mick leaned in, and pressed his lips to mine softly. I was frozen in place, in total shock. But before I could comprehend what actually happened, and kiss him back, Mick pulled away, with deep shade of crimson red on his cheeks.
-I'm sorry, I didn't...- he started to apologise, but I interupted him, by kissing him again. This time Mick was the one being shocked, but got out of it a way quickler than I did, and kissed me back, making me smile into it. I never thought that kissing him would feel so nice, cozy and familiar even... After all, even with my crush on him for some years, I never thought that he'd ever return my feelings!?
-I love you Maddie...
-I love you too Mickey.. For quite some time now..- I replied, also out of breath, but fought it, by kissing him again. This time his hands found my waist with ease, and I snuggled mine around his neck, just as if we did it countless of times before...
We kissed for some time, and then completed our snowman. Apart from making his face, we also gave him pair of hands, being rake and shovel, and a old scarf, what was Angie's toy and a hat. After that, we took a selfie with him and sent it to Gina and his parents, with playfull message.
Then, suddenly, I shivered uncontrorolably, feeling cold shiver down my spine.
-Feeling cold?- of course, Mick's "eagle's eye" noticed that right away.
-A little..- there was no point in lying, so I told him the truth.
-Ok. Let's go inside then, and make some hot chocolate, hm? We're all done here, and still have some movies to watch...- he suggested, wrapping his arms around me.
-Sounds like a plan, Mr. Schumacher- I smiled at him, and we did just that, happy to be together. He didn't need to ask, we already knew that we're fully commited to each other, and nobody else...

Inside, we changed into warm clothes again, and Mick, just like he promised, made us some hot cocoa. Then we crashed onto the couch again, and resummed our little movie marathon. But this time, Mick had his arm around me, to hug me close, and I didn't argue. Actually, quite the oposite, as I snuggled closer and closer to his warm chest, enveloped in his body-warmt and his fluffy and red Prema hoodie, very happy...

First One Shot in Christmas series!
Next 6 stories will be Christmas related, so I hope you'll like that different vibe...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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