#73 Lewis - Hollydate

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ANGELINA POV.: It's first Christmas day, and today I'm going to my parents house for a Christmas dinner with my family. I hope it'll be fun, because I don't get to see them as often as I use to cuz' of my work and Covid 19. It's been a hard 2 years, but I managed somehow to live through it. And I think I owe big to Lewis, as he's my great friend ever since we met in Abu Dhabi in 2018. We had support each other through thick and thin even when he was racing all around the world and I did almost the same. He's also the only person who knows that I broke up with my boyfriend just a month ago, because he cheated on me with his co-worker. I still remember how angry I was at him, when I found out...
And I did the same for him, as he recently broke things off with his own girlfriend. I think that I'm second person to Angela, to know everything about him, and vice versa... I'm pretty sure that he knows even more about me than my brother!
But coming back to Christmas...
Everyone knows that both our families are very curious about what's going on in our lives, boyfriends / girlfriends topics included... And to avoid uncomfortable questions, we came up with an amazing plan! We're going to pretend to be in a relationship, firstly for my parents today, and then we're going to fly to England to see his family and do the same. We started to call it, a "Hollydate"... I only hope that this plan won't blow up....?!

I'm almost ready for the evening. I put on light and sparkly make up, made a crown out of the braids on my head and dressed up in sparkly, glittery red dress to my ankles with turtleneck- like top and slith up to mid-thigh and golden heels. I paired it with golden jelewery set I got from Lewis on my birthday this year.
My overthinking train of thoughts was interupted by loud doorbell.
-I'm comming!- I shouted and went to the hallway, to open the door. I looked through the peephole and opened them with huge smile on my face.
-Hi Lew- I greeted my guest.
-Hi Angel- he repiled and went in, to greet me properly with a warm hug, which I returned.
-I still need a minute, so make yourself comfortable around here...- I said and locked the door behind him -Want something to drink? Water, tea?
-No, thank you- he declined politely -Besides, I'm sure that we'll have enough things to drink at your parents tonight...
-You're right.
-You look breath taking in that dress Angel...- he complemented me, making me slightly blush.
-Thank you. You look handsome yourself...- I replied and we smiled to one another. Then I excused myself for few minutes and gathered all the presents I had for my family in one huge bag, gift for Lewis included, and then went to my bedroom, to pack my purse and check my apearance for the last time. Happy with what I saw, I re-joined Lewis in the hallway, where he was admiring photos hanged on the wall. I grabbed my coat and scarf, and then looked at Hamilton.
-I'm ready to go...
-Ok. Let's go then..- he agreed and took the bag with all the presents, as we left my apartment. Then we made our way to the entrance of the building and left it, absorbed in light conversation. We went to his car hand in hand, and then placed the bag in the trunk of it, and hooped in. I sat on the passanger seat and Lewis behind the wheel.
-Nervous?- he looked at me briefly, as he drove us to my parents' house.
-A little...- I addmitted with deep sight -I just don't want this to blow up...
-It won't, don't worry- he assured me and impulsivly took my hand in his, to draw calming circles on top of it -It's just two days, and then we can relax...
-You're right- we smiled at each other.
-Ok. Now, tell me, what I need to know about you?- his seriousness made me giggle.
-Well...- I supressed another giggle and then told him everything he might need to know about me, my family and "us". His shooshing gaze and gesture put me at ease, and I stopped worring that much about tonight...

When we arrived, Lewis took the bag and held my hand in his after he locked the car. We went to the door, and I opened them, to let us inside. When the door slamed shut, we drew Robert's attention. 
-Lina!- he smiled widely at me.
-Robert, Hi!- I greeted him back, and gave him a hug -Brother, I want you to meet my boyfriend...
-Lewis Hamilton- he finished before me and extended his hand for Lew to shake -I'm Robert Walker, Angelina's brother...
-Lewis, nice to meet you- Hamilton replied politely and they shoke their hands.
-Nice to meet you too- Rob said, while I still couldn't comprehand how easy it was for me, to call Lewis my boyfriend, even thought we're just close friends...?!
-Get yourself comfy and come inside. Almost whole fam is already here..- Robert added, when we heard our mum yell "Robert Andrew Walker! Where on earth are you this time!?".
-Yeah, you better go- I laughed and he left.
-Let me help you..- Lewis offered and helped me to take off my coat.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome Angel- he replied and then we went further into the house, meeting different family members along the way, as I was showing Lewis around the ground floor of the house. I introduced Lewis to all of them as my boyfriend and with each time it was even easier. Especially because I felt Lew's left hand around my waist, resting on my hip in assuring gesture.
-Angelina!- I heard behind us, so we turned around to see my mother coming out of the kitchen -My baby girl!
-Hi mum...- I smiled at her and returned the hug, she closed me in.
-You look stunning!
-Thank you..- I thanked her softly.
-And who is that..?- she shifted her attention to Lewis, who was standing next to us, already immeresed in small chat with uncle Andrew.
-Lewis Hamilton Mrs Walker...- Lew smiled at her.
-My boyfriend- I added and smiled at him gently. I felt more than glad that he's here, with me...
 -Pleasure to meet you finally in person...
-Rene Walker, nice to meet you too- she replied, and took him by surprise, by hugging him. But Hamilton quickly recovered from shock, and returned the hug. But not long after my mum left him go, dad came to us, looking Lew up and down suspiciously.
-Who are you?
-My name is Lewis Hamilton Sir- Lewis introduced himself, radiating with kindness but also confidance and that natural charm he has. Dad eyed him suspicously, but took his extended hand and shoke it -Your daughter's boyfriend- Lew added and then took my hand in his again.
-Hi dad- I smiled at him sheepishly. Out of all family members, I was the most scared about Lew meeting dad. It was very high possibility that he'll see through that lie...
-Hi baby girl..- he replied with a smile, and kissed my forehead.
Then Robert came to our rescue and angaged dad in conversation about his last races, as we all went to the dining room, and sat down at the table, to say the grace and eat. As usuall, dad was the one saying it, as we held hands. I lyed my head on Lew's shoulder in content and smiled, as I felt him kissing the top of my head sweetly, making me wonder, how it would be like, if all that afection was true..?! I wish it actually would...
-....Amen!- we said in unision, and then began to eat. 
-Love, will you pass me the salt?- Lewis asked me calmly, with smile on his face, as if we did it everyday.
-Sure. Here you go- I complied with a smile, hiding behind it the confusion and surprise.
-Thanks- he replied, and leaned in, to kiss my cheek -Relax... They won't believe it, if you'd be tense like that- I just smiled and gave him a small nod. He was right... More show, than tell...
-They're SO cute!- Aunt Mary squealed in delight, looking at my mother. All fam talked and laughed, also asking Lew a lot of questions about his work and life. Everyone were amazed when they heared that he's 7 times World Champion in Formula One... Robert, uncle Andrew and my dad asked him a lot of questions, to which he gladly answered. I smiled happily, seeing him in his element, talking about something he's so passionate about...
-No wonder why these two got together!- aunt Mary commented next -They're made from the same clay! Only motosports in their heads!
-It's time for presents!- my mum interrupted that.
-Yay!- kids cheered and everyone stood up, to go to the living room, to open them. Kids were "in charge" of giving the presents away, while adults sat down and continued the interupted conversations.
-For you...- I suddenly got a present, passed me by Kayla, my cousin's daughter.
-Thank you Kay!- I smiled at her and placed it on my knees, to open it. That's when I saw what was inside.. Very beautifull silver set of ring and bracelet, with some diamonds in it... The second I saw them, I knew from who it is...
-Lew...- I looked at him, wide-eyed.
-You like it?- he asked me back, with cheeky smile.
-Yes, I love it, but...- I hesistated -I can't take it... You know why...- I told him quietly, carefull not to draw too much attention to us, as it would raise questions.
-Of course you can, Angel! I bought it, because when I saw it, I only could think about you...
-But that ring..!- I yellped, conflicted.
-Give me your hand...
-Just trust me and do it.- he convinced me, so I did just like he said. Lewis took the ring out of the box and placed it on my ring finger -You see? It fits perfectly...- I could easly see the pure adoration in his gaze, and something else, which scared me.
-I need a minute- I replied and escaped to the kitchen, walked by my family's confused and suprised gazes.
-Angel!- he went after me, with gift box still in his hands -Angie, listen..!
-Why you do all of this Lewis?! Those loving gazes, gentle gestures here and there, the present with ring in it... WHY?!- I needed to steady myself against the kitchen counter.
-Because of you...- he replied softly, and came closer, putting the box not far away from us, on the counter -Because I care about you a lot, because I love to see you happy, smiling from ear to ear.. I've fallen for you and I want to make you happy...- he said and cupped my cheek with his right hand. I didn't reply anything, but didn't shove him back either, confused on what am I actually feeling...
-Let me show you what true love looks like...- he added and leaned in, to kiss me sweetly. I instantly returned the kiss and placed my hand on his cheek. I think that his stubborness helped me to convince myself that what I'm feeling is actually true...
-I love you too...- I replied quietly, melting under his intense but still loving gaze.
-So.... Will you make me happy and accept the gift I bought you?- he looked at me with raised brow and playfull smirk on his face.
-I'd love to- I agreed and pecked his lips. 
-Be my girl Angel...- he added, placing his hands on my hips, keeping me trapped in place.
-I already am- my responce made him chuckle, as I smirked at him.
-Well, then...- Lewis said and kissed me again, more passionately this time. I returned it with a smile on my face.
-So, it's not a "Hollydate" anymore?- I chuckled when we pulled back and pressed our foreheads together, lot leaving each other's gazes.
-No, it's not- he replied and kissed me again -We probably should get back to your family, before they'll start to wonder what happened with us...- his words made me chuckle again.
-Yeah, you're right... But first, will you help me with this?- I gestured to the box.
-Of course- he agreed and carefully placed the bracelet on my right wrist, after which he kissed the top of it. Then I intervined our finders together and we came back to the living room, with smiles on our faces, hand in hand.
-What was that about?- Savannah, my cousin, asked me in hushked voice.
-A little disagreement, that's all- I replied and let Lew pull me on his lap, as he sat down on one of the armchairs. I just smiled and snuggled closer to him, finally able to relax. After all, we didn't need to lie anymore...!
-Angie, you want some tea?! Lewis, how about you?
-Yes, please- we said in unision and Hamilton kissed my temple. Aunt Mary and my mum left, to go to the kitchen to prepare the tea, and I remembered that because of the fuss with the bracelet, I didn't give Lewis his present! But my niece, Kayla beat me to it, as she came to us with that exact box in her hands and cute smile on her face.
-Uncle Lewis! It's your present!- she said and gave it to him with cute giggle.
-Kayla!- Sav scolded her.
-Thank you very much Princess- Lew thanked her like it was nothing with wide grin on his face and winked at her, making her giggle again.
-It's fine- I assured Sav and looked back at my boyfriend, who procceded to open the box.
-Graffiti kit?- he looked at me.
-For your scooter... I thought that you might want to make it unique, just like you're...
-Thank you very much Angel! I love it, and the idea behind it!- he replied and leaned it, to kiss my lips softly -I even know how I'm gonna use it..
-You do?
-Yeah, I do- he clearyfied and kissed me again.
-I'm glad you like it...- I smiled at him.
-I love it- he corrected me and we kissed again, hearing "ewwww!", voiced by little Kayla and the rest of the kids, which made us laugh.
-I love you...
-I love you too Ange- Lewis replied and placed loving kiss on my forehead.

The rest of the evening with fam was fun and relaxing. I spent most of it cuddled with Lewis. I felt safe and content in his arms, almost like at home... I was also glad that we don't have to lie anymore... Tomorrow's visit to his parents will be a lot more relaxed because of it, even though I know I'll be stressed like hell, because I'll meet them for the first time... But I'm sure that as long as we have each other, everything will be alright...

And here we have a Christmas OS with Lewis!
What do you think about their plan?
Was it possible to pull it off without catching feelings for one another...?!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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