#74 Charles - Christmas lights

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BRYNN POV.: It's 22th December, so almost Christmas. My whole apartment is already decorated in Christmas-themed things, with the tree topping it all.  
When I woke up, I took a shower, got dressed in comfy clothes, ate breakfast and got under the fluffy blanket on the couch, to read a book, with a cup of tea next to me, on the coffee table.
But my reading seesion didn't last long, before it was interupted by someone, calling me. 
-Who wants something from me?- I mumbled to myself and took the ringing device from the coffee table, to look at the screen. Just as I did it, my face lit up with a wide grin.
(C- Charles, B- Brynn)
B: Hey Charlie! What's up?
C: Hi Princesse.. Not much... What are you doing?
B: Reading a book. How about you?- I could tell that something is up...
C: Hanging Christmas decorations at my mums'... Decorating the tree...
B: Need help?
C: If you don't mind..?!- I saw in my head how he scraches the back of his head nervously.
B: Let me guess... Christmas lights?- I said and giggled, when I heard loud sigh from him -I'm on my way!- I agreed with warm smile.
C: Je t'aime...
B: Je t'aime auss- I replied and hung up. With a laugh, I got up, went to my bedroom and got changed into more presentable clothes, being pair of black leggins and oversized cotton baby-blue sweater with turtle neck, and got some warm ones over it, put my boots on and a beane with grey pompon. Then I took main things, such as my bag and phone, and left, locking the apartment behind me.

After 20 minutes walk, I made it to Leclerc's family home. Percs of Monaco being small city... I stopped in front of the door, and rang the bell, to let them know that I'm here. Before I knew it, the door swung open, reveling Arthur, competly covered in glitter.
-Arthur!- I couldn't suppress the laugh -What the hell happened to you?!
-You don't want to know...- he shrugged his shoulders and some of the glitter fell off of him, to the floor -Come in- he added and stepped back a little, to let me in.
-Merci- I thanked him, and took off my outter clothes, and hung them on the rack by the door.
-Charles! Brynn is here!- Arthur yelled on top of his lungs (as always) and then gave me a hug -Want something to drink? Tea?
-Qui. S'il te plait- I replied with a smile, and made my way to the living room.
In the hallway, I met Charles.
-Hi Charlie- I smiled at him, as he pulled me in, for a sweet kiss, wrapping his arms around me.
-Hi mon Ange- he replied and kissed me again.
-So...? With what you need my help?- I looked at him questioningly.
-Honestly?- he asked back, and I nodded -Everything- his answer and pained expression made me giggle.
-Ok. Let's see what I can do- I agreed and we went back to the main area, where Pascale and Lorenzo were hanging Christmas decorations.
-Bonjour- I announced my pressence, what made them both look at us.
-Brynn! Nice to see you Love!- their mum's face lit up, and she instantly rushed to me, to give me a bone-crushing hug -How are you?
-I'm good. How about you guys?
-We're good. Merci- she replied and then let me go.
-Hey Zozo!
-Hey Brynn- he said and nodded in my direction, still standing on a chair, to reach the celling.
-Don't fall!- I teased him, which made Pascale and Charles laugh, while Lorenzo only chuckled.
-With what you need my help?
-That- Charles said, and pointed at Christmas tree, and lights tangled underneath it.
-Ok. Charlie, I'll need your help- I looked at my boyfriend, and he nodded, so we made our way to the tree and sat down on the floor next to it, while Pacale returned to the decorations.
-What did you do to them?!- I looked at him with raised brow, amusment heardable in my voice. They're completely tangled, that I almost don't know where they start, and where end! -Who did that!?
-We just tried to untangle them... And might make it worse in the process..- he replied with sheepiesh smile.
-I can clearly see that!- I chuckled, and then proceed to try, to untangle the lights. It took some time, and a lot of efford from both mine and Charles sides, but we finally managed to do so, with a little help of hot tea Arthur made for all of us.
-There you go- I smiled at Charles, when we finished the tree.
-Merci beaucoup, mon Amour- he said back and hugged me from behind, and kissed my cheek lovingly. I tensed for a second, but then relaxed under his touch. It was just strange for me, to show that much affection to him in front of his family, because of our long friendship...
-This tree looks beautifull Love! Merci!- Pascale fell in love with it, the second she looked at it.
-It's nothing really...- I blushed lightly.
-It is! Without you, we'd probably never finish this tree!- she argued.
-My Christmas lights fairy..!- Charles joked and kissed my neck lovingly, as I chuckled.
-If you say so..!
After that I stayed at Leclerc's till late afternoon, halping them with the decorations, talking and laughing a lot. The rest of the time however, I spent sitting on the couch, on Charles's lap, as he held me close to himself by my waist, wrapping us both in warm blanket. Luckly his whole family was more than happy with us, so I could fully relax, and enjoy the familiarity they presence brings me. It just feels like home with them... And I don't know, and I don't want to know what I would do, if we ever fall out with each other...
Pascale was estatic to see us this happy, Arthur told Lorenzo that he owes him 20 bucks, and Zozo even said that he predicted it all those years ago, when we're still in school! We laughed about it quite a lot, talking about many other things. It was really homely and fun...
And at the end, Charles got back to my apartment with me, and stayed, as we talked and laughed for most of the night, snuggled together on my bed, with dimmed lights and music playing softly in the background. That's what I call a productive Christmas day...

That's how I'm ending Christmas marathone...

I hope you like it...
See you in new year!

Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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