#75 Mick - Family time

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MADDIE POV.: 2021 was even more crazy than 2020 for me, and I'm not only talking about Covid Pandemic... Mick got to F1, and I got an amaizing oportunity to travel almost whole world with him, as I finished my studies in prevoius year... I love Mick, and I really can get used to SO crazy life, but I also cherrish those rare moments, when it's only just us.. No rush, no plane to catch, no racing... As it's off season, Micky will have to get back to the factory at least in February, so right now, we try to relax as much as possible. And I really love that! Finally and oportunity to sleep in, without single care in the world what is happening outside our apartment in Geneva, having no urgent plans to fullfill... Sounds like a dream to me...

Today, like we did already past few weeks, we slept, almost to 12 AM, then chilled in bed until lunch time, finally got up and got dressed, ate nice meal, which nevertheless suited Mick's diet, and then jumped into warm clothes, to go for a walk, and then pick up Angie from his parents house. It's really sweet how close Mick is with his family... And Corinna and Michael are very lovly ever since I met them when we were like 6... And my favourite person in the whole world..... GINA-MARIE! I love Mick's older sister with my whole heart...!
Actually... I think she was that one last push for us, to confess our feelings to one another! I'll be forever gratefull for that...

Mick opened the door for us himself, we dryed our shoes from the snow and locked inside.
-Mum!? Dad?! GINA!?- he yelled, as we took our coat's off -Is anybody home!?
-Chill Mick! No need to yell!- Gina emerged from the kitchen with chuckle and mug with hot tea in both hands. Older Schumacher had grey sweats and baggy black hoodie on her, with her hair tied up in messy bun on top of her head. I asumme she just got back from the stable...
-Nice to see you in town sis- she smiled and gave me a hug.
-For me too Love- I returned the hug and then looked at Mick, who pouted.
-No hugs for me?- he made us both giggle.
-Come here, big baby!- Gina laughed and hugged him as well. Luckly, she placed the mug on cupboard beside us beforehand, because Mick wrapped his arms around her and bend back, as he lifted her off the ground for brief moment, making her squeal.
-Mick!!?- they're just adorble...!
After the greetings, we entered the living room, and made ourselves comfy there. Fire was lit up in the fireplace, christmas decorations were already hanged, giving the place very warm and cozy vibe... I placed fluffy blanket over my lap, and angaged myself in "gossiping" with Gina, what's been going on around the city, when we were away. Aperently not much, but I can't decide if it's good or bad...?!
-Where are Mum and Dad G?- Mick asked his sister, concerned. By this time, they should be at home...
-Dad is with uncle Ralf and Mum..- unfortunately, Gina couldn't finish, as the door opened once again and we heard more than familiar barking..
-Angie! Hey!- Mick stood up from his spot beside me, to kneel down to the dog's level, to greet her properly and play a little.
-I see..- Corinna chuckled and added, coming in -Hey Maddie...- she greeted me, and I hugged her back.
-Hey..- I smiled at her warmly. Then she sat down with me and Gina, while Mick still played with his dog. If you ask me, I think I've never saw more adorble thing... I even managed to shoot a few photos of them together...:

They are cute, but my all time favourite is this one:

Even though the plan was to stop by for a bit to pick Angie up and go home afterwards, we stayed long after dinner, happily catching up. The evening was pretty pleasant, as I sat comfortably, rested against Mick's strong and muscular chest, with fluffy white blanket over my lap and Angie by our feet. I couldn't not smile at the feeling of Mick playing with my hair gently, as he kissed my temple from time to time... It felt like home like nothing else...
I could happy smiles on Gina and Corinna's faces, and I think I know why... It was a month after Mick and I got together, that I overheard their quiet conversation in the kitchen... Nothing much, but I caught them say..:
-He's SO lucky to have Maddie by his side...- Gina said, and I heard gentle tremble in her voice.
-Yes... She's one on a milion, that's for sure...- Corinna agreed with chuckle.
-I just hope that there won't be any heartbreak involved... That would devastate both of them...
-I feel that they're stronger than that...
-Let's hope you're right Mum...

I've never confronted them about it, but I didn't think that it's even nesesary... I love Mick to the moon and back, and I'm more than sure that he feels exact same way, so there's no way that we'd hurt one another...
-I love you...- he mumbled into my hair, once again placing gentle kiss on my temple, as his arm around me kept me close to him.
-I know...- I nodded and looked at him -And I love you too...- we kissed briefly, and then fully focused on what Gina was saying. That evening, was almost exactly how I picture the best christmas break in the whole world.... I just hope that there is more evenings like that ahead of us... Together...

I know I said that "Christmas lights" was the last OS in christmas theme, but those photos Mick shared on his Instagram... I just HAD TO write something that involved them...!
I hope that you don't mind it, and like this One Shot nevertheless...
Stay safe, be kind, and you'll hear from me next in New Year...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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