#78 Lewis - Birthday

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ANGELINA POV.: It's begining of January, and it means Lewis's birthday... My boyfriend will be having 37th birthday..
At first, I wanted to arange for him a surprise birthday party with all our families and friends, but then decided otherwise. Lewis wanted to go to Alps in Italy to go skiing and snowboarding, so to not break it to him, I had to change my idea for a present for him. I came up with something else, but still meaningfull and special. I, personally, shared a few tears, when I saw it fully.
In this special day, I was first to wake up. Luckly for my plans, I was able to leave the bed, not waking Lewis up. I put his warm hoodie on, and went to the kitchen, to prepare breakfast. Warm  mugs of hot coffee, healthy and full course meal, were my go-to, and I did it almost effordesly... Roscoe acompanied me to it, and I gave him some little bites of our breakfast, beside his own.
-It's Dadds birthday! Special day, hm?- I ruffled him with a smile. Then I cleaned my hands and took a tray with me, back to the bedroom -Good thing that we decided to book a full suite, instead of simple room with only bathroom and bedroom..- I mumbled to myself, as I placed the tray on bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed, next to him.
-Lew... Morning Baby...- I murmured, caressing his cheek gently -Lewis, it's time to wake up...- I said and leaned in, to kiss his lips softly. That worked, as I felt him kissing me back, with one of his hands on my cheek.
-Morning Love...- he whispered, looking at me sleeply.
-Morning Baby- I replied with a smile -Come on! Sit up. I have breakfast for us..- I told him sweetly.
-You do?- he asked back, sitting up against the headboard of our king-sized bed. Without reply, I took the tray and placed it on his lap.
-Happy birthday Honey- I said, locking our gazes.
-Thank you so much my Love. It means a lot..- he replied and leaned in, to kiss my lips lovingly above the tray with food.
Then we talked a little, while eating empowering breakfast. Roscoe joined us on the bed, lying beside us and barking from time to time, demanding attention. It was really nice like this... With no rush, having time for everything...

After the breakfast, we dressed up in warm clothes, also Roscoe, and took our boards in hands, to go and have fun for a bit in the snow. It was really nice... We picked less attended tracks, to skate for a bit, and play with our buddy. At that point, I mastered snowboarding with Roscoe between my feet, looking in the distance and barking happily, with ease, while we laughed carelessly. There was even one time, when we fell in huge pile of snow, laughing, because Roscoe made me loose balance. We made fun of it for a while, and then got back to skating.

After long hours outside, we came back to the hotel, to rest a bit and eat something. First thing we did, was changing our wet from snow clothes to something dry and warm. And I again stole one of Lew's hoodies, but he didn't mind, wearing other one himself. Then we cooked a hot and heathy meal together to eat, talking about everything and nothing in particular. We cooked together, but I did most of work, as Lewis stood behind me, and hugged me close, resting his chin on one of my shoulders or was on the phone, reciving birthday wishes. It made me really happy, to see how his eyes glistned in joy, as he talked with our family members and close friends. Those sweet words of love and best wishes made him relise again, how special and important he is for all of them.
Around an hour or so later, we sat down and ate lunch on the couch in the living room, talking about what our family and friends told him during calls. It felt homely, even though we're away from either London or Monaco...
When we finished eating, I placed the dishes in the dishwasher, and disapeared in the bedroom for a moment.
-Angel?! What you want to do now?- he yelled after me, as he was seated on the couch with Roscoe beside him.
-I want to watch something...- I replied and sat down next to him, to place laptop on the coffee table in front of us.
-Ok. But what? Netflix?- he agreed, and put his arm around my shoulders, to keep me close.
-You will see...- I replied and clicked the play button, to enlight dark screen of the device. First person to pop up on it, was our dear friend, and his teammate until last year, Valtteri Bottas.
-Hey Lewis! How are you feelin' old man?! I hope you're good, and that 37 will treat you well... Take care, don't change, never let jelous people take you down, keep that hunger for more in you! Happy birthday man and see you on track soon!- Finn said and disapeared, to let Spinz pop into the screen. Our cheeky friend told my birthday boy how much he means to him and wished him all the best. I smiled warmly, when I saw how captivated Lewis was, watching those short videos..
After Spinz, Serena, Rita, Nikki and all our "Famous" friends popped in, telling him many heart-warming messages of love, pride and best wishes. Then my family joined, in one, but a little longer video. They told him, how much he means to all of them, how they're proud of him, they praised him for his uniqueness and truthfullness, and expressed their love, also mentioning the fact, how they're happy for us and our true and healthy love. I could clearly see the tears in his eyes, and also on his cheeks.
-Lewis. my dear brother! You're true inspiration to all the people around you, me included. Your endless support helped me to be who I am, and where I am today. You're the best of all, the most concious about things around you, and true to yourself. You're the strongest person I've ever known, and I hope that even age won't destroy that fighting spirit in you. I love you brother, and hope that today will be the best day of your life, and you'll cherish it with Angelina and Roscoe... She's true gem Lew, keep her close, because she's one on a milion!- Nick said and winked, making me blush.
-He's right... You're one on a milion...- Lewis whisphered and kissed my head.
-Don't cry...- I chuckled and tried to dry his tears.
-My son... You're always a fighter, wanted to change the world for the better no matter what, never giving up... I love you Lewis with whole my heart, and you'll never know how much, until you have kids on your own.. You're really special and the fact that you have Angelina by your side is true miracle... You two will achive the impossible, I'm sure of it! You're so strong and careing, that it never fails to amaze me every time... It's your 37th birthday, and I still think about that time, very long ago, when you slept in my van, from one karting race to another, always joyfull and eager to race, no matter what people where saying about you, chasing your dreams with smile on your face... Don't let anybody take that smile away from you! I love you son! I wish you happiest of birthday's on your special day!- Anthony said, with tears in his eyes.
After him were videos with messages from his mother and step sisters, all warm and very caring. They were followed by kind and heartwarming messages and birthday wishes from his "gridmates" such as Sebastian, Lando, Fernando, Charles, Pierre and Carlos, and also his new teammate, George. It was really sweet..
-Hi Champ! The best of wishes on your special day! I feel like I know you forever my friend, and I'm honored to be by your side through thick and thin, and experience all the joy with you! You inspire me every day, with your dedication and passion for the sport after all those years... You're true inspiration to everyone around you Lew, so never give up! Still we rise my friend! Be happy, take care and re-charge those batteries for next exciting season! Love you Lewis!- Angela was next, bringing teary smile to his face.
-Happiest of birthday's Lewis! We hope that you're well and happy! It's your special day, so live it the fullest!- Susie Wolff was first to speak, with wide smile on her face and Jack on her hip, and Toto beside her.
-We're glad to be so close to you, and learn from you on daily basics, as you inspire us every single day and push us to do better. You're person one on a milion Lewis. I'm honored that you trusted Niki and me back then, and decided to join Mercedes, to have your journey with us. I couldn't be more proud to be able to help you, to chase your wildest of dreams, as you're the greatest of all time- Toto said, grinning like an idiot, which made us both giggle.
-You're the best Lewis!- Jack yelled happily, grin like his mothers evident on his face.
-Little wish from me. Be happy, take care and never let anybody pull you down!- Susie summed it up -Still we rise!- they said in unision, with big smiles. Then, short mash up was played, with all of them saying "Love you Lewis" or "Happy birthday Lewis!", to end it all.
After that, everything went black, leaving us in silence for few seconds.
-At first I wanted to throw you a surprise birthday party, but then came up with this... All of them love you and admire you, because you're very special... And they love you, because you're you, not because of your carrier... And I love you too Lew... So much...- I told him, turning to his direction.
-Thank you very much Angel! It's perfect present...!- he choke on his tears and hugged me close.
-We just wanted to remind you, how special you really are, and how much we all love you, no matter if you have that 8th title now, or will have it in future... My champion..!- I said and kissed his wet cheek.
-Thank you so much...- he replied, and pulled me onto his lap, to hold me close.
-Don't cry! Even if those are happy tears!- I told him and cupped his face in my hands, to kiss him lovingly and dry his cheeks with my thumbs.
-I love you Angel...
-Love you too Lew... Very much...- I said back and kissed him again.
After some minutes, I snuggled to his chest, while Lewis called every single person from the video, and thanked them for their messages and whishes. And every single one of them gave all the credit to me, what made me blush heavily.
-My Princess... I'd be dammmed without you...- he said and kissed my forehead.
-And I'd be dammed without you- I replied in loving tone, and then kissed him again.

We spent the rest of the day, talking and watching movies on the couch, snuggled together with sleeping Roscoe right next to us.
-I'm sorry that your birthday is so homely and boring...
-Don't be! That's the best of birthday's I ever had! And all thanks to you Angie!- Lewis once again proved me wrong, and then pulled me in, for a kiss. A kiss which lead to other, more heated things...

And our champ is 37 years old!
To honor his special day, I came up with this One Shot...
I hope you like it...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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